================================== 20130425 (Thursday, 25 April 2013) ================================== Choosing the company of a ClientContact --------------------------------------- It was not possible to choose a company in :class:`welfare.pcsw.ClientContact`. (Already in the last release?). The reason was a double bug: - `company_choices` still used the old interface where any additional keywords were interpreted as `known_values`. - Finding the default contact person for a company failed when the modlib Person model was overridden, raising an AttributeError "type object 'Person' has no attribute 'objects'":: File "/home/luc/pythonenvs/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 115, in get_response (...) File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/modlib/contacts/models.py", line 792, in full_clean qs = self.contact_person_choices_queryset(self.company) File "/home/luc/hgwork/lino/lino/modlib/contacts/models.py", line 787, in contact_person_choices_queryset return Person.objects.filter(rolesbyperson__company=company).distinct() :mod:`lino.utils.ajax` now also logs a warning on the development server. Much easier to read than opening firebug and look at the response. Added new testcase to :mod:`lino_welfare.tests.pcsw_demo_tests` for the above bug. One of these cases discovered another bug and is still failing because /choices ignores the "query=mutu" string. `master_instance` of a VirtualTable ----------------------------------- Another bug was reported by Uwe: Tabelle "Resultat" einer Tx25 ist leer. This was because of a syntactical mousetrap: `TableRequest.parse_req(...,**kw)` does:: if not kw.has_key('master_instance'): ... but `AbstractTable.request` did:: @classmethod def request(self,master_instance=None,**kw): kw.update(actor=self) # WRONG: # kw.update(master_instance=master_instance) # CORRECT: if master_instance is not None: kw.update(master_instance=master_instance) ar = TableRequest(**kw) References to the userdocs -------------------------- References to the userdocs of https://welfare-user.lino-framework.org were broken because in :mod:`rstgen.sphinxconf` the `intersphinx_mapping` was wrong. (TODO: These values of course should be configurable...) Last-minute changes ------------------- - Im Kontext Sprachkurse wurde "Register" versehentlich durch "Registrieren" statt "Eintragen" übersetzt. - CandidatesByCourse und ParticipantsByCourse: - Kolonne "Zustand" ist sinnlos weil es jetzt workflow_buttons gibt - :attr:`auto_fit_column_widths ` eingeschaltet :class:`welfare.jobs.NewJobsOverview` : Kolonnen "Probezeit" und "Kandidate" ausgetauscht TODO ---- - Added another new testcase to :mod:`lino_welfare.tests.pcsw_demo_tests` for the `master_instance` of a VirtualTable bug. Now "fab test" fails with "There's no RetrieveTIGroupsRequest with primary key u'16'". But "python manage.py test lino_welfare.DemoTest" runs it successfully. I guess some setUp/tearDown problem.