================================== 20130420 (Saturday, 20 April 2013) ================================== I am converting the production server "dsbe" from the obsolete system "without pip and virtualenv" to the new system which uses these tools. Miscellaneous notes ------------------- - I learned that you cannot (easily) rename nor copy virtual environments. - The following Python packages (pip install ) are optional and therefore not automatically installed: - mysql-python - python-daemon (there are many PyPI modules for "daemon", but we need this one) - "appy" was missing in `install_requires` of :mod:`lino`. Including data files with a Python egg -------------------------------------- Yesterday I wasn't yet sure whether the `testing` environment should use a local source repository (pip install -e) or rather a temporary packages index. The following log message showed me that I do need the latter method:: [Sat Apr 20 03:38:54 2013] [error] [client] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '.../env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/lino_welfare/modlib/cbss/WSDL/RetrieveTIGroupsV3.wsdl' The sdist of lino_welfare was missing all the "data" files. Not only `*.wsdl` and `*.xsd` were missing, also `*.mo* and `*.odt`. IOW: The testing environment must use the unofficial sdists from lino-framework.org. A new "dev" environment uses the development code. Solving the problem itself took me even more time. It seems that there are still many white areas on the map of this land! The most correct documentation seems to be `Including Data Files `_ These files are being listed in `global-include` of the `MANIFEST.in`. This causes them to be included into the `sdist` archive file. And because until now I unpacked these files manually they were available. But they are *not* available when installing a package using pip. For this I have to also declare them in the `package_data` keyword of the setup function. Or some other combination of `include_package_data`. Okay, there is `setuptools_hg `_ but I'm afraid that this might cause even more complications due to dependencies. something like the following to setup_info.py:: package_data={'lino_welfare.modlib.cbss': [ 'WSDL/*.wsdl', 'XSD/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/Common/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/OCMW_CPAS/IdentifyPerson/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/OCMW_CPAS/ManageAccess/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/OCMW_CPAS/PerformInvestigation/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/OCMW_CPAS/Loi65Wet65/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/Person/*.xsd', 'XSD/SSDN/Service/*.xsd', ] :: find lino -name '*.odt' The `testing` environment ------------------------- This environment is used for final tests before the official release. These final tests include the packaging process. How to do a release cycle in `testing` (here as example for `welfare`): **On the development machine** Create a "source distribution" archive file:: $ go welfare $ fab sdist The `fab sdist` command stores the archive file in the download section of the Lino website. To make it available for the production server you must build and publish the website:: $ go lino $ fab docs pub **On the testing server** - Activate the "testing" environment - Uninstall and the re-install the package:: $ pip uninstall lino-welfare $ pip install --extra-index-url http://lino-framework.org/dl lino-welfare - Restart the web server:: $ sudo apache2ctl restart Translations ------------ The German menu entry "Termine" wasn't translated. It took me some time to find out that this had a double cause. First it uses pgettext, and on hoppel I was using the released version of Babel. See :blogref:`20130323`". Solution was `Setting up Babel from a Subversion Checkout `_. Another thing was that Babel doesn't recognize Django's `pgettext_lazy`. So instead of writing:: from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy ... verbose_name_plural = pgettext_lazy(u"cal",u"Events") I must write:: from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy as pgettext ... verbose_name_plural = pgettext(u"cal",u"Events") Which `daemon` package? Which `lockfile` package? -------------------------------------------------- :mod:`lino.utils.daemoncommand` now works with versions of `daemon` who use "pidfile" instead of "pidlockfile":: try: import daemon # pip install python-daemon # in older versions it's called pidlockfile, later just pidfile try: from daemon import pidlockfile except ImportError: from daemon import pidfile as pidlockfile