================================= 20130312 (Tuesday, 12 March 2013) ================================= - The new module :mod:`djangosite.utils.fablib` contains the library file for fabric on which I have been working during the last weeks. - Oops, the installation instruction in :lino:`/tutorials/quickstart` didn't work because my source distributions at http://lino-framework.org/dl weren't correctly organized. (In fact I didn't test them at all) And the `--no-index` option was nonsense there: it needs to consult PyPI because of all the other needed packages (Django,Sphinx,unipath,...) - Added a new fabric command `fab blog`. How to write a correct full date in English? http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/time-date.htm Sequenced Stages ================ Jacky noticed an apparently innocent "typo" in the event calendar of the East Belgian Cyclists Federation (`www.vor-cycling.be `__): 20.7 TRW : ETAPPE VON ANS NACH EUPEN und nicht anders rum. As their webmaster I manage this calendar using a Lino application :mod:`lino.projects.events`. That wasn't a typo, here is how this event is being defined in the :mod:`lino.modlib.events.fixtures.vor` fixture:: yield event(strasse,20130720, "Etappenankunft Tour de la Région Wallonne (TRW)", "Aankomst etappe Tour de la Région Wallonne (TRW)", "Arrivée d'étape du Tour de la Région Wallonne (TRW)", cities=["Ans","Eupen"]) The explanation was that when querying a *simple* ManyToManyField (i.e. one without a `through `__) clause) you cannot guarantee to have the rows rendered in the same order as they have been created. I had to define an intermediary Model :class:`Stage ` to solve this. Regenerating the html for this site also revealed some problems due to the recent changes. Used this to write a test case: :mod:`lino.modlib.events.tests`. Continued with the test suite ----------------------------- It turned out that my `djangodoctest` directive isn't usable. But I found a new promising system: run_django_doctests. The first examples which pass are :lino:`/tutorials/human/index` and :lino:`/tutorials/auto_create/index`.