20130125 ======== Number fields in grids ---------------------- There are still problems with number fields (quantities, percentages, prices,...) in a grid. E.g. an ExtJS numbercolumn renders null values as "0,00" . Quantity columns should be right aligned, but also accept values like "2:30" or "2/3". Testing Django 1.5. RC2 ----------------------- Russell Keith-Magee `wrote `_: "If you want to help ensure the quality of the final release, grab the code from the 1.5 release branch, and test it against your own projects and test suites." First I had to learn `how to do branching with Git `_ All `Lino demo sites `_ are now running the stable/1.5.x branch. You can see this in the :menuselection:`Site --> About` menu entry. And here is the proof that :mod:`lino.utils.mti` still works in 1.5 but will have a problem in 1.6: .. code-block:: bash ~/snapshots/django$ git checkout stable/1.5.x Branch stable/1.5.x set up to track remote branch stable/1.5.x from origin. Switched to a new branch 'stable/1.5.x' ~/snapshots/django$ git status # On branch stable/1.5.x nothing to commit (working directory clean) ~/hgwork/django$ python django-admin.py test --settings=lino.test_apps.mti.settings --traceback Creating test database for alias 'default'... INFO Analyzing models... INFO Starting Lino... INFO Lino Site None started. Languages: en. 6 models, 12 actors. INFO Using Lino 1.5.7, Django 1.5c1, ... . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.892s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... ~/hgwork/django$ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' ~/hgwork/django$ git status # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) ~/hgwork/django$ python django-admin.py test --settings=lino.test_apps.mti.settings --traceback Creating test database for alias 'default'... INFO Analyzing models... INFO Starting Lino... INFO Lino Site None started. Languages: en. 6 models, 12 actors. INFO Using Lino 1.5.7, Django 1.6.dev20130120065345, ... ... AttributeError: 'ChildCollector' object has no attribute 'add_batch' ... FAILED (failures=1) Destroying test database for alias 'default'...