20130118 ======== Added :attr:`auto_fit_column_widths ` and :attr:`hidden_columns ` attributes for slave tables of :class:`Budget ` detail (:class:`Entries `, :class:`Summary `, :class:`Actors `) and :class:`Client ` detail (:class:`AvailableCoaches `, :class:`CoachingsByClient `, :class:`CourseRequestsByPerson `, :class:`PropsByPerson `, :class:`CandidaturesByPerson `, ...) Some optimizations: - :func:`lino.core.fields.fields_list` now raises a `models.FieldDoesNotExist` with a message indicating the invalid name. - New Lino setting :attr:`show_internal_field_names `. Releases -------- Released :lino:`/releases/1.5.6` and :welfare:`Welfare 1.0.9 `. Miscellaneous ------------- - Combobox for jobs.Contracts.duration still didn't yet work - verbose_name for :class:`ContractEnding ` is "Reason of termination" (de: Beendigungsgrund, fr: Cause d'abandon). - behaviour when admin substitutes to a user who has no permission to see where admin was - worked on formatting of plain html inside extjs. amounts now aligned right.