20130112 ======== Miscellaneous ------------- - Updated :mod:`lino.test_apps.20121124` because :djangoticket:`19360` (annotate the sum of related TimeField) has been closed. - The :mod:`lino.modlib.countries.fixtures.be` fixture no longer loads the Belgian cities defined in :mod:`few_cities `. This is because now that City is BabelNamed it is more complex to detect whether a City aready has been created or not. Blogging with Sphinx -------------------- Today I discovered `Tinkerer `__, a system to write static blogs using Sphinx. Tinkerer is really great, but has a fundamental problem for me: it requires me to think of the title of a blog post before starting it. And to not change that title later. In fact **I am not a blogger**: I document my work on Lino using something which looks like blogging at first glance, but it is not blogging, it is change logging. The changelog is a part of Lino. It's not important to me to have my changelog entries published and spread quickly, they rather are a trace of what I have been doing on Lino and why. They sometimes help me to understand changes I have done years ago. A changelog has at most one entry per day, so it is useles to create a directory per day. Then I discovered that my biggest problem with documenting code changes and releases for Lino and Lino-Welfare was the fact that Lino-Welfare had a multilingual `/docs` tree. Changed that back to be a "technical" (English-only) website for administrators and developers. The user manual for Lino-Welfare OTOH must be in NL, FR and DE (and **not** in English). The sources for the user manual are in `/userman` and are currently not published. Wrote a new directives `blogger_year` and `blogger_index` in :mod:`djangosite.utils.sphinxconf` used to generate the overview calendars in :srcref:`/docs/blog/2012/index` and :lino:`/blog/2013/index`. See source code of these pages.