20121030 ======== The "releasing mode" -------------------- Lino-Welfare 1.0 and Lino 1.5.0 are almost released: they have started their service on a production site. Before doing the official release we remain in "releasing mode": the production site is running on the development version so that we can add quick bugfixes without having to release each of them. Since there is currently only one production user, the "releasing mode" can remain active until we need a database migration. A first such bugfix is the following:: Traceback (most recent call last): File "t:\hgwork\welfare\lino_welfare\modlib\pcsw\management\commands\watch_tim.py", line 828, in watch process_line(i,ln) File "t:\hgwork\welfare\lino_welfare\modlib\pcsw\management\commands\watch_tim.py", line 801, in process_line m(**kw) File "t:\hgwork\welfare\lino_welfare\modlib\pcsw\management\commands\watch_tim.py", line 419, in PUT self.applydata(obj,kw['data']) File "t:\hgwork\welfare\lino_welfare\modlib\pcsw\management\commands\watch_tim.py", line 689, in applydata pxs2client(data,obj) File "t:\hgwork\welfare\lino_welfare\modlib\pcsw\management\commands\watch_tim.py", line 183, in pxs2client person.card_type = pcsw.BeIdCardType.blank_item AttributeError: type object 'BeIdCardType' has no attribute 'blank_item' Another bug, also in watch_tim, was: Cannot resolve keyword 'type_id' into field. Choices are: client, company, contact_person, contact_role, id, remark, type Fixed a bug in :mod:`lino.management.commands.run` ---------------------------------------------------- And a third bug, in :mod:`lino.management.commands.run`, was If I tried to run the following file:: def f1(): return "f1" def f2(): return f1() print f2() then I got:: Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 12, in execute_manager(settings) File "l:\snapshots\django\django\core\management\__init__.py", line 458, in execute_manager utility.execute() File "l:\snapshots\django\django\core\management\__init__.py", line 381, in execute self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv) File "l:\snapshots\django\django\core\management\base.py", line 195, in run_from_argv self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__) File "l:\snapshots\django\django\core\management\base.py", line 231, in execute output = self.handle(*args, **options) File "t:\hgwork\lino\lino\management\commands\run.py", line 61, in handle execfile(fn) File "tt.py", line 8, in print f2() File "tt.py", line 5, in f2 return f1() NameError: global name 'f1' is not defined It has to do with Python `execfile `_ function. I din't understand in-deep, but the solution was to change:: execfile(fn) into:: execfile(fn,{}) Miscellaneous bugfixes ---------------------- - JS failure when :attr:`lino.Lino.use_quicktips` was False. - Startup failure when :attr:`lino.Lino.build_js_cache_on_startup`