20121027 ======== Who is Mark James? ------------------ I tried to say thanks to Mark James, the author of the Silk Icons... but the email address mjames@gmail.com no longer exists. And oops, according to `192.com `_ there are about 43 people named Mark James in Birmingham: .. image:: 1027.jpg :scale: 50 Jan Olsen obviously had similar problems, already back in 2009, before starting the `Silk Icons Evolved `_ project. When updating my :lino:`/about/thanks` page I noticed that Lino included a file :srcref:`pyuca_allkeys.txt `, an unmodified copy of `the original file `_. And although I understand their `Terms of Use `_ as giving me the right to do this, I have become more careful after my collision with Klaus Lüchtefeld from Köln. This file presents an unnecessary risk of me having misinterpreted their copyright notice. So I removed the file and added a warning in :mod:`lino.modlib.vocbook.base`. Homework Schools ---------------- Continued on :mod:`lino.apps.homeworkschool`. One change in :mod:`lino_xl.lib.cal`: RecurrenceSet no longer is a ProjectRelated. Because homeworkschool will maybe have school.Course as project_model. There is now a default text in :meth:`lino.Lino.get_main_html`.