20121022 ======== watch_tim fängt an zu klappen. Der hat ja einige neue subtile Regeln, die ich übrigens unter :welfare:`de/user/tim2lino.html` dokumentiere. `Action.icon_name` and grid context menu ---------------------------------------- For actions with an :attr:`icon_name `, `extjs3.ext_ui.a2btn` now adds the label as `menu_item_text` (and `linolib.js` puts this to the context menu item's `text` property), to solve the following issue: - Im Kontextmenü hatten Bilderbuttons kein Label Manually setting an `AutoField` ------------------------------- Lino didn't yet handle the case of including the `id` field to an :attr:`insert_layout `. This disturbed in Lino-Welfare which synchronizes with legacy data: - Kann Partner.id nicht selbst bestimmen That was because :class:`lino.ui.extjs3.ext_store.AutoStoreField` simply did:: def form2obj(self,ar,obj,post_data,is_new): pass More icons ---------- Discovered `Greenfish Icon Editor` and spent another hour with the button icons.