20120730 ======== - 1.4.9. had still a bug: when the disable_delete method of households.Household, courses.CourseProvider and jobs.JobProvider didn't yet correctly skip the :meth:`lino.Lino.is_imported_partner` test. Very subtle, but it caused watch_tim to fail when trying to re-convert the two Companies that had become Households. Don't want to cancel release 1.4.9 because it has been downloaded over 40 times (probably just some robots, but anyway). So a quick bugfix release About version numbering. Should I add a new global variable :attr:`lino.__release__` and call it instead? --> No. The version number doesn't reflect whether a database migration is required or not. Applications just add an empty migration step if there's no migration needed. - "Ich möchte eine Nachricht in Historik bei einer Person. Lino will nicht und gibt an "Internal Server Error" --> Stimmt. Man kann seit der 1.4.8 *überhaupt nichts* löschen. Auf dem Server kommt dann folgender Traceback:: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'subst_user' Request Method: DELETE Ist doch immer wieder erstaunlich, was für tolle Fehler es schaffen, unbemerkt durchzuschlüpfen. :lino:`/releases/1.4.10`. Worked on :mod:`lino.apps.presto`: - blogs.Entry : renamed field `subject` to `title`, added a field `summary` - presto.fixtures.tim2lino