20120507 ======== Worked on :srcref:`docs/tickets/63` ----------------------------------- When configuring :class:`debts.Items`, it was too simplistic to just specify whether an Item is "optional" or not. That's why we now have two fields `required_for_person` and `required_for_household`. For example an Item "Salary" is required for Persons, but not for Households, while an Item "Müllsteuer" is required for Households and not for Persons. The default value for :meth:`_lino_preferred_width` has always been 10, but that's usually too small. Increased it to 20. Two more todo's done: - Kolonne "Total" ist noch nicht rechtsbündig, weil es ein VirtualField ist. Eventuell einfach ein neues Attribut `StoreField.summable` und den cell_style daran aufhängen. - dynamic column headers: zumindest beim Ausdruck sollte nicht "Betrag 1" da stehen, sondern der `header` des Actors. Remains to do: - Hide the "Debts Mediation" tab (BudgetsByPartner) for Users without `is_debts`. - SummaryTable für Schulden. Diese werden nicht gruppiert, aber wohl in die Kolonne ihres Akteurs eingetragen und insgesamt nach Datum o.ä. sortiert. - Vorlage für Ausdruck muss noch fertig angepasst werden - Eingabe in der Grid ist umständlich: - handleKeyDown optimieren - nicht nach jeder Zelle ein refresh machen - Jährliche Beträge - Debt.status : "Kredit", "Schuld", "Gerichtsvollzieher" - Debt.rate (Monatsrate) - Entries are printed by Group, but displayed on screen by type... CBSS connection --------------- In :mod:`lino.utils.xmlgen.cbss`, even SSDN requests are currently broken because ElementTree seems somewhat unwilling to treat with CDATA and ANY. But since :term:`Suds` was so great when implementing the communication with "new style services", I'll try to do also SSDN services using suds. Here is a first success:: from suds.client import Client url = 'https://bcssksz-services-test.smals.be/connectors/webservice/KSZBCSSWebServiceConnectorPort?WSDL' client = Client(url) print client Output:: Service ( KSZBCSSWebService ) tns="http://ksz-bcss.fgov.be/connectors/WebServiceConnector" Prefixes (1) ns0 = "http://ksz-bcss.fgov.be/connectors/WebServiceConnector" Ports (1): (KSZBCSSWebServiceConnectorPort) Methods (1): sendXML(xs:string xmlString, ) Types (1): NewComplexType That's as expected. Now I must integrate that into the existing code...