20120419 ======== Uff! After about 23 hours of experimenting I have now for the first time a solution for the problem of rendering a formatted table to odt (or pdf or rtf) using :term:`appy.pod`. :term:`ODFPy` has only a marginal role for generating the chunks of XML, the main work is done by the `finalizeFunction` of the :term:`appy.pod` renderer which inserts the additional "dynamic" styles *afterwards* (when the document has been processed). Concretely this is done in :mod:`lino.utils.appy_pod` and demonstrated in :srcref:`/tests/appy/20120419/test.py`, :srcref:`/tests/appy/20120419/test_template.odt` and :srcref:`/tests/appy/20120419/test_result.odt`. Added a new minimal application :mod:`lino.apps.pim`.