20111227 ======== - Neue Kolonnen "Aktive Akten" und "Komplette Akten" in der Übersichtstabelle :func:`Klienten pro Benutzer `. - The parameters :attr:`lino.core.table.Table.filter` and :attr:`lino.core.table.Table.exclude` are no longer expected to be `dict` objects, but `models.Q` objects. - New field `PersonGroup.active` used in :func:`lino.apps.dsbe.models.persons_by_user`. - Decimal fields were not handled correctly. It was not possible to enter decimal (non-integer) values even if `decimal_places` was set to 2. New Lino configuration attribute :attr:`lino.Lino.decimal_separator`. Check-in wegen Feierabend.