20111026 ======== Release & upgrade in Eupen -------------------------- Released :lino:`/releases/2011/1026` and upgrade in Eupen from 2056:b7dcbc73707e to 2057:3d185f19e083:: pulling from https://lino.googlecode.com/hg/ searching for changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 24 changesets with 360 changes to 183 files 178 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved The data migration :func:`lino.apps.dsbe.migrate.migrate_from_1_2_3` is less complex this time. the following generated code in the dpy dump caused a traceback when `owner_type_id` was None: def create_cal_task(id, user_id, created, modified, owner_type_id, owner_id, ...): owner_type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(owner_type_id).pk return cal_Task(id=id,user_id=user_id,...) After release 1.2.4 ------------------- It is almost working. But the end users get the following error message in their JavaScript console:: Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'open' `ryanhowdy `_ had a similar problem in April 2010. But that thread doesn't seem to help us. Maybe the problem is related to the two "notes" that appear when compiling? :: javac davlink/DavLink.java Note: davlink\DavLink.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. Indeed, compiling with `-Xlint` tells us more:: javac -Xlint:unchecked davlink/DavLink.java davlink\DavLink.java:161: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.Hashtable docTypes.put(ext,t); ^ davlink\DavLink.java:172: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.Hashtable launchers.put(fileName,l); ^ 2 warnings `Richard's Ramblings `_ gives the explanation. So I added type checking to :term:`DavLink` by replacing :: Hashtable docTypes = new Hashtable(); Hashtable launchers = new Hashtable(); by :: Hashtable docTypes = new Hashtable(); Hashtable launchers = new Hashtable(); But that's not the problem. It probably has to do with the security profily of end users. Nicolas will work on it. Check-in 20111026b Tasks, Events and reminders --------------------------- - removed fields alarm_value, alarm_unit and dt_alarm from :class:`lino_xl.lib.cal.Component` (i.e. tables cal.Task and cal.Event) Lino does not actually do what caldav calls an "alarm". Tasks are to be displayed as long as they are not done. - :class:`lino.utils.choicelists.ChoiceList` has a new feature: the list items (`BabelChoice` instances) have a `__get__ยด method that looks for a class method of that name and return it (after having it curried with self). Usage example is :meth:`lino_xl.lib.cal.utils.DurationUnit.add_duration`. Miscellaneous ------------- - :class:`lino.modlib.jobs.models.Functions` : added `column_names` to have mandatory field `sector` at the beginning. - AttributeError "'Candidature' object has no attribute 'contract'" at `/api/jobs/ContractsSituationReport`. Fixed. - The test suite has been tidied up. Check-in 20111026c New model CourseOffer --------------------- Check-in 20111026d Released :lino:`/releases/2011/1026b`