20111004 ======== Updated release 1.2.3 --------------------- Another set of small changes that enter into the 1.2.3 release: - :attr:`lino.modlib.jobs.models.Candidature.job` was nullable, which caused an `AttributeError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'` in :meth:`lino.modlib.jobs.models.Candidature.__unicode__` when a user tried to save a Candidatur without a Job specified. - There was no column `date_submitted` in the `CandidatursByPerson` grid. This was because :attr:`lino.apps.jobs.models.CandidatursByPerson.date_submitted` was declared with `auto_now_add=True` which makes it readonly, and because a ``*`` in :attr:`lino.reports.Report.column_names` does not expand to readonly fields. Writing Extensions for Google Chrome ------------------------------------ Interesting lecture before going to bed: | http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/getstarted.html | http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/devguide.html | http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/npapi.html | https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Plugins | http://www.firebreath.org/display/documentation/FireBreath+Home