20110909 ======== (a) Labels in :xfile:`.dtl` files didn't get translated ------------------------------------------------------- The following subtile i18n problem was due to a nice little bug: #. Reitertitel "Contracts" ("Verträge") im Detail Person ist noch nicht übersetzt. To have the labels in :xfile:`.dtl` files translated, we must write dummy message files for them. This is done by running ``make makedocs`` before running `´make mm`` in the root of Lino source repository. But :meth:`lino.utils.config.Configured.make_dummy_messages_file` somehow decided to not write the :xfile:`.dtl.py` file, thinking it were in a local directory. That behaviour is basically correct since making dummy messages in a local directory makes no sense (``make makedocs`` is to be used only by application developers). The bug was that in this special case, :attr:`lino.Lino.project_dir` and :attr:`lino.Lino.source_dir` are the same. The :file:`lino/apps/xxx/config` dirs were loaded twice during :mod:`lino.utils.config` import, one "local" version and one "source" version. (b) Showing the MTI child ------------------------- Cool: the label of a :class:`lino.utils.mti.EnableChild` field contains a "show" link, which wasn't implemented so far. Now it is: clicking on it will open the Detail window of that child. The implementation uses a global JS variable ´Lino.current_window`. Not sure how this behaves in special circumstances...