20110813 ======== Still exploring the ideas that came when writing the tutorial. :mod:`lino.tutorials.t2` now works with either `urls` (Lino on top; this is equivalent to not setting :setting:`ROOT_URLCONF` at all) or `urls2` (Lino under `/lino`). :mod:`lino.tutorials.t2.urls3` shows how it is theoretically possible to install both Django's admin *and* Lino in parallel. But the details are left for those who are interested; Basically you just need to uncomment the related lines below. But this tutorial still gets an ImproperlyConfigured error "Put 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth' in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting in order to use the admin application." .. todo:: Tutorial 1 needs better explanations on how to install the media tree. We need to write the text for tutorial 2...