20110610 ======== Lino 1.1.14 ----------- Released :lino:`/releases/2011/0610`. Installed in Eupen. .. currentmodule:: lino.modlib.countries.models Fixed several bugs in :class:`CountryCity` ------------------------------------------ A request `GET /choices/dsbe/StudiesByPerson/city?start=0&limit=30&country=&query=` caused a traceback `'unicode' object has no attribute 'city_set'`. The bug was actually in :class:`lino.utils.instantiator.ForeignKeyConverter`. Added test case :func:`test09 `. A `'NoneType' object has no attribute '_meta'` error happened either as a simple warning or as a traceback when Lino tried (on a :class:`CountryCity`), to auto-create a `city` and no `country` was given. :meth:`CountryCity.create_choice` now raises a `ValidationError` "Cannot auto-create city %r if country is empty" instead of logging a warning. And :class:`City` has now a `unique_together` constraint to work around the following problem: Selbstlernende Felder: die Stadt Eupen war 5x automatisch angelegt worden. Also irgendwie schaffen es die Benutzer, Lino durcheinander zu bringen. Aber wie machen die das? Zu beobachten. Hat vielleicht ein schnellfingriger Benutzer den Namen in die ComboBox getippt, bevor diese ihren Store gefüllt hatte? Comboboxen müssten in der Tat gegen diesen Fall absichern. Added some German translations. Checked in 20110610b.