20110309 ======== - Finished :lino:`yesterday's <0308>` blog entry. New ticket :srcref:`docs/tickets/30`. Commit 20110309a. - I'd now consider :mod:`lino.modlib.users` as a valid alternative to :mod:`django.contrib.auth`. Wrote new ticket :srcref:`docs/tickets/31` to request for comments. Commit 20110309b. So weit ich sehen kann, wird Lino immer ein RESTful Server sein. Da sind Sessions eigentlich gar nicht nötig. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2502842/way-to-maintain-a-session-in-a-rest-application - New ticket :srcref:`docs/tickets/32`. Commit `20110309c `_. - Continued with :mod:`lino.ui.qx`. Now using `index.html.tmpl` with `on_ready` function. This avoids the second AJAX call to load the menu. Commit `20110309d `_. todo next: react correctly to a GET