20101124 ======== The action framework gets adult ------------------------------- This was a challenging one: - After printing or saving, the calling grid or detail should get refreshed, because printing usually will set the must_build flag, and every change in general may modify `disabled_fields`. The "clear cache" button now also works. ExtUI now calls `RowAction.run()` for these Actions. Currently only for RowAction, but this might be generalized (later). That's finally the missing piece in Lino's actions framework. "Edit Template" button for Printables ------------------------------------- - Make doctemplates editable using webdav. New button "edit template" on PrintableType or Printable. Instructions in :lino:`/admin/install`. The doctemplates directory (which until now was in ``settings.PROJET_DIR + "/doctemplates"``) is now expected to be in ``settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "/webdav/doctemplates"``. Removed bottom toolbar from grid -------------------------------- In a Detail with slave grids there were too many buttons. As a first suggestion for fixing this, I removed the bottom toolbar completely. The row actions of a grid are now only in context menu of each row. The "Save GC" button has become a tool of the window and can be used only when the record is in its own window. TODO: doubleclick should open the detail, and F2 should start editing the cell. `Check-in `_. (Most basic things seem to work. Most urgent issue is now the drag&drop functionality.)