/* --- description: Class for creating floating balloon tips that nicely appears when hovering an element. license: MIT-style authors: - Lorenzo Stanco requires: - core/1.3: '*' provides: [FloatingTips] ... */ var FloatingTips = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { position: 'top', fixed: false, center: true, content: 'title', html: false, balloon: true, arrowSize: 6, arrowOffset: 6, distance: 3, motion: 6, motionOnShow: true, motionOnHide: true, showOn: 'mouseenter', hideOn: 'mouseleave', hideOnTipOutsideClick: false, discrete: false, showDelay: 0, hideDelay: 0, className: 'floating-tip', offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, fx: { 'duration': 'short' } }, /** * Array containing the elements which have a Tip applied by this instance */ networkMembers: [], initialize: function(elements, options) { this.setOptions(options); var s = this; this.boundShow = (function() { var element = this; s.show(element); if (s.options.discrete) s.networkMembers.filter(function(item) { return item !== element; }).invoke('floatingTipsHide'); }); this.boundHide = (function() { s.hide(this); }); if (!['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'inside'].contains(this.options.position)) this.options.position = 'top'; if (elements) this.attach(elements); return this; }, attach: function(elements) { var s = this; $$(elements).each(function(e) { s.networkMembers.include(e); if (e.retrieve('floatingtip_hasevents')) { return; } var evs = { }; s.options.showOn && (evs[s.options.showOn] = s.boundShow); s.options.hideOn && (evs[s.options.hideOn] = s.boundHide); e.addEvents(evs); e.store('floatingtip_hasevents', true); e.store('floatingtip_object', s); }); return this; }, detach: function(elements) { var s = this; var evs = { }; evs[this.options.showOn] = this.boundShow; evs[this.options.hideOn] = this.boundHide; $$(elements).each(function(e) { s.networkMembers.erase(e); s.hide(e); e.removeEvents(evs); e.eliminate('floatingtip_hasevents'); e.eliminate('floatingtip_object'); }); return this; }, show: function(element) { var old = element.retrieve('floatingtip'); if (old) if (old.getStyle('opacity') != 0) { clearTimeout(old.retrieve('timeout')); return this; } var tip = this._create(element); if (tip == null) return this; element.store('floatingtip', tip); this._animate(tip, 'in'); element.store('floatingtip_visible', true); this.fireEvent('show', [tip, element]); return this; }, hide: function(element) { var tip = element.retrieve('floatingtip'); if (!tip) return this; this._animate(tip, 'out'); element.store('floatingtip_visible', false); this.fireEvent('hide', [tip, element]); return this; }, toggle: function(element) { if (element.retrieve('floatingtip_visible')) return this.hide(element); else return this.show(element); }, _create: function(elem) { var o = this.options; var oc = o.content; var opos = o.position; if (oc == 'title') { oc = 'floatingtitle'; if (!elem.get('floatingtitle')) elem.setProperty('floatingtitle', elem.get('title')); elem.set('title', ''); } var cnt = (typeof(oc) == 'string' ? elem.get(oc) : oc(elem)); var cwr = new Element('div').addClass(o.className).setStyle('margin', 0); var tip = new Element('div') .addClass(o.className + '-wrapper') .addClass('position-' + this.options.position) .setStyles({ 'margin': 0, 'padding': 0, 'z-index': cwr.getStyle('z-index') }) .adopt(cwr); if (cnt) { if (o.html) { if (o.html_adopt) cwr.adopt(cnt); else cwr.set('html', typeof(cnt) == 'string' ? cnt : cnt.get('html')); } else { cwr.set('text', cnt); } } else { return null; } var body = document.id(document.body); tip.setStyles({ 'position': (o.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'), 'opacity': 0, 'top': 0, 'left': 0 }).inject(body); if (o.balloon && !Browser.ie6) { var trg = new Element('div').addClass(o.className + '-triangle').setStyles({ 'margin': 0, 'padding': 0 }); var trgSt = { 'border-color': cwr.getStyle('background-color'), 'border-width': o.arrowSize, 'border-style': 'solid','width': 0, 'height': 0 }; switch (opos) { case 'inside': case 'top' : trgSt['border-bottom-width'] = 0; break; case 'right' : trgSt['border-left-width' ] = 0; trgSt['float'] = 'left'; cwr.setStyle('margin-left', o.arrowSize); break; case 'bottom': trgSt['border-top-width' ] = 0; break; case 'left' : trgSt['border-right-width' ] = 0; if (Browser.ie7) { trgSt['position'] = 'absolute'; trgSt['right'] = 0; } else { trgSt['float'] = 'right'; } cwr.setStyle('margin-right', o.arrowSize); break; } switch (opos) { case 'inside': case 'top': case 'bottom': trgSt['border-left-color'] = trgSt['border-right-color'] = 'transparent'; trgSt['margin-left'] = o.center ? tip.getSize().x / 2 - o.arrowSize : o.arrowOffset; break; case 'left': case 'right': trgSt['border-top-color'] = trgSt['border-bottom-color'] = 'transparent'; trgSt['margin-top'] = o.center ? tip.getSize().y / 2 - o.arrowSize : o.arrowOffset; break; } trg.setStyles(trgSt).inject(tip, (opos == 'top' || opos == 'inside') ? 'bottom' : 'top'); } var tipSz = tip.getSize(), trgC = elem.getCoordinates(); var offsetOption = ('function' === typeof(o.offset) ? Object.merge({ x: 0, y: 0 }, o.offset(elem)) : o.offset); var pos = { x: trgC.left + offsetOption.x, y: trgC.top + offsetOption.y }; if (opos == 'inside') { tip.setStyles({ 'width': tip.getStyle('width'), 'height': tip.getStyle('height') }); elem.setStyle('position', 'relative').adopt(tip); pos = { x: o.offset.x, y: o.offset.y }; } else { switch (opos) { case 'top' : pos.y -= tipSz.y + o.distance; break; case 'right' : pos.x += trgC.width + o.distance; break; case 'bottom': pos.y += trgC.height + o.distance; break; case 'left' : pos.x -= tipSz.x + o.distance; break; } } if (o.center) { switch (opos) { case 'top' : case 'bottom': pos.x += (trgC.width / 2 - tipSz.x / 2); break; case 'left': case 'right' : pos.y += (trgC.height / 2 - tipSz.y / 2); break; case 'inside': pos.x += (trgC.width / 2 - tipSz.x / 2); pos.y += (trgC.height / 2 - tipSz.y / 2); break; } } tip.set('morph', o.fx).store('position', pos); tip.setStyles({ 'top': pos.y, 'left': pos.x }); if (o.hideOnTipOutsideClick) { var documentClickHandler = function(event) { var eventTarget = document.id(event.target); if (elem && elem !== eventTarget && !elem.contains(eventTarget)) { this.hide(elem); } else if (!elem) { document.removeEvent('click', documentClickHandler); } }.bind(this); document.addEvent('click', documentClickHandler); tip.addEvent('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); } return tip; }, _animate: function(tip, d) { clearTimeout(tip.retrieve('timeout')); tip.store('timeout', (function(t) { var o = this.options, din = (d == 'in'); var m = { 'opacity': din ? 1 : 0 }; if ((o.motionOnShow && din) || (o.motionOnHide && !din)) { var pos = t.retrieve('position'); if (!pos) return; switch (o.position) { case 'inside': case 'top' : m['top'] = din ? [pos.y - o.motion, pos.y] : pos.y - o.motion; break; case 'right' : m['left'] = din ? [pos.x + o.motion, pos.x] : pos.x + o.motion; break; case 'bottom': m['top'] = din ? [pos.y + o.motion, pos.y] : pos.y + o.motion; break; case 'left' : m['left'] = din ? [pos.x - o.motion, pos.x] : pos.x - o.motion; break; } } t.morph(m); if (!din) t.get('morph').chain(function() { this.dispose(); }.bind(t)); }).delay((d == 'in') ? this.options.showDelay : this.options.hideDelay, this, tip)); return this; } }); Elements.implement({ floatingTips: function(options) { new FloatingTips(this, options); return this; } }); Element.implement({ floatingTips: function(options) { new FloatingTips($$(this), options); return this; }, floatingTipsShow: function() { var tip = this.retrieve('floatingtip_object'); if (tip) tip.show(this); return this; }, floatingTipsHide: function() { var tip = this.retrieve('floatingtip_object'); if (tip) tip.hide(this); return this; }, floatingTipsToggle: function() { var tip = this.retrieve('floatingtip_object'); if (tip) tip.toggle(this); return this; } }); Element.Properties.floatingTips = { get: function(){ return this.retrieve('floatingtip_object'); } };