/** * @author: Leandro Leite Pinto de Oliveira */ (function($){ $.fn.maxLengthBox = function( options ){ // Confs var conf = { 'fontColor' : '#ccc', 'fontColorFinal' : '#DD0000', 'definedColor' : '#ccc', 'fontSize' : '0.8em', style : function () { return 'font-size:' + this.fontSize + ';' + 'color:' + this.definedColor + ';' + 'position:' + 'absolute' + ';' ; } } // methods of plugin var methods = { // initialize plugin init : function(el){ el.live('focus',function(){ methods.exec($(this)); }); el.live('keyup',function(){ methods.exec($(this)); }); if( options ) $.extend( conf, options ); }, // execute function of plugin exec : function (el){ $('#maxLengthBox').remove(); var val = el.attr('maxlength') - el.val().length; this.showBox(el,val); }, setFontColor : function (val){ conf.definedColor = (val == 0)? conf.fontColorFinal : conf.fontColor; }, // create MaxLengthBox showBox : function (el, val){ var offset = el.offset(); this.setFontColor(val); $('body').append('
'); offset.left += el.width() - $('#maxLengthBox').width(); offset.top += el.height() - $('#maxLengthBox').height() + 5; $('#maxLengthBox').css('left',(offset.left+'px')); $('#maxLengthBox').css('top',(offset.top+'px')); } } // start plugin methods.init($(this)); } })(jQuery);