/* * bootstrap-FileUpload.js * @version: v0.7.0 * @author: Luke LeBlanc * * This plugin is very lightweight, highly customizable, easy to use, * extremely easy to integrate into any website with minimal dependancies * and of course cross compatible. It includes support for mobile devices * with fallback options to a regular customized form input field. It has * the ability to upload multiple files at once and provide thumbnail * previews. All it needs is Twitter Bootstrap V3 and the latest version * of jQuery! * * Copyright (c) 2016 Luke LeBlanc * * GNU General Public License v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ ;(function ($, document, window, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Array of instances of the plugin * @type Array */ var instance = {}; /** * Array of available file types that gets built later on * @type Array */ var availableFileTypes = {}; /** * Array of public functions * @type Array */ var methods = { /** * Initializes the plugin * @param {Array} opts The array of user modified variables/options * @return {Object} Runs a loop that starts up the plugin */ init: function (opts) { instance[$(this).attr('id')] = { options: $.extend({}, $.fn.bootstrapFileUpload.defaults, opts || {}), wrapper: null, form: null, btnBar: null, btnWrapper: null, btnAdd: null, btnStart: null, btnCancel: null, btnReset: null, overallProgressBar: null, overallStatus: null, filePreviewTable: null, formData: null, arrayFiles: {}, arrayLength: 0 }; return this.each(function () { startup($(this).attr('id')); }); }, /** * Adds file to queue and performs various checks to ensure a proper file was uploaded to spec * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {Object} event Event object from change event */ addFile: function (el, event) { var curfiles = event.target.files; var length = curfiles.length; if (instance[el].options.multiFile === true && instance[el].options.maxFiles && length > instance[el].options.maxFiles) { window.alert('You\'re trying to upload ' + length + ' files and only ' + instance[el].options.maxFiles + ' files is currently supported! The system will only upload what is supported and you will have to upload again.'); length = instance[el].options.maxFiles; } instance[el].filePreviewTable.detach(); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var fileName, fileExt, fileType, file, size, sizeDisplay, row; fileName = "file-" + i; file = curfiles[i]; size = (file.size / 1024) / 1024; sizeDisplay = calcFileSize(file.size); fileExt = file.name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(); if (isValidFileType(el, fileExt) === false) { window.alert('The file "' + file.name + '" is not a supported filetype!'); continue; } fileType = getFileType(el, fileExt); if (size.toFixed(2) > instance[el].options.maxSize) { window.alert('The file size for "' + file.name + '" is too large! Maximum supported file size is ' + instance[el].options.maxSize + 'MB and the size of the file is ' + sizeDisplay); continue; } if (instance[el].arrayFiles && checkFile(el, file) >= 0) { window.alert('The file "' + file.name + '" is already in queue!'); continue; } instance[el].arrayFiles[fileName] = file; instance[el].arrayLength = ++instance[el].arrayLength; instance[el].btnStart.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnCancel.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); var progressBar = '
Uploaded Successfully!
'; if (instance[el].options.showThumb === true) { var thumb = genThumb(el, file, fileType, fileExt); if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { row = '' + thumb + '' + file.name + '' + sizeDisplay + '' + progressBar + ''; } else { row = '' + thumb + '' + file.name + '' + sizeDisplay + ''; } } else { if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { row = '' + file.name + '' + sizeDisplay + '' + progressBar + ''; } else { row = '' + file.name + '' + sizeDisplay + ''; } } instance[el].filePreviewTable.append(row); } instance[el].wrapper.append(instance[el].filePreviewTable); instance[el].filePreviewTable.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); if (typeof instance[el].options.onFileAdded === 'function') { instance[el].options.onFileAdded.call(this); } }, /** * Begins upload process * @param {Object} el Current element in loop */ uploadStart: function (el) { $(".fileupload-add, .fileupload-start, .fileupload-cancel, .fileupload-remove").attr("disabled", "disabled"); if (instance[el].options.hiddenInput) { $.each(instance[el].options.hiddenInput, function (key, value) { instance[el].formData.append(key, value); }); } if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { $.each(instance[el].arrayFiles, function (key, value) { instance[el].formData.append(instance[el].options.inputName, value); $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-striped").fadeIn("slow", "linear"); procAjax(el, key); if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadProgress === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadProgress.call(this); } }); } else { instance[el].overallProgressBar.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); $.each(instance[el].arrayFiles, function (key, value) { instance[el].formData.append(instance[el].options.inputName + "[]", value); }); procAjax(el, ""); } instance[el].btnAdd.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnStart.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnCancel.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnReset.delay(600).fadeIn("slow", "linear"); if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadComplete === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadComplete.call(this); } }, /** * Removes file from upload list * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {String} id Id of container */ removeFile: function (el, id) { if (instance[el].arrayLength <= 1) { methods.resetUpload(el); } else { $("#" + id).fadeOut("slow", "linear"); $("#" + id + " .alert").fadeOut("slow", "linear"); $("#" + id).remove(); delete instance[el].arrayFiles[id]; instance[el].arrayLength = --instance[el].arrayLength; } if (typeof instance[el].options.onFileRemoved === 'function') { instance[el].options.onFileRemoved.call(this); } }, /** * Resets upload list * @param {Object} el Current element in loop */ resetUpload: function (el) { instance[el].filePreviewTable.find("tbody").empty(); instance[el].form[0].reset(); instance[el].arrayFiles = {}; instance[el].arrayLength = 0; instance[el].filePreviewTable.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnStart.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnCancel.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); $(".fileupload-previewrow .alert").fadeOut("slow", "linear"); $(".fileupload-add, .fileupload-start, .fileupload-cancel").removeAttr("disabled"); $(".fileupload-add").delay(800).fadeIn("slow", "linear"); instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-success").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); instance[el].overallProgressBar.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); instance[el].btnReset.fadeOut("slow", "linear"); if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadReset === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadReset.call(this); } } }; /** * Builds the form structure, file types and runs through prerequisite checks * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @return {Void} */ function startup (el) { instance[el].wrapper = $('#' + el); availableFileTypes["archives"] = ["zip", "7z", "gz", "gzip", "rar", "tar"]; availableFileTypes["audio"] = ["mp3", "wav", "wma", "wpl", "aac", "flac", "m4a", "m4b", "m4p", "midi", "ogg"]; availableFileTypes["files"] = ["doc", "docx", "dotx", "docm", "ods", "odt", "ott", "ods", "pdf", "ppt", "pptm", "pptx", "pub", "rtf", "csv", "log", "txt", "xls", "xlsm", "xlsx"]; availableFileTypes["images"] = ["bmp", "tif", "tiff", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "svg", "ico", "raw"]; availableFileTypes["video"] = ["avi", "flv", "swf", "m4v", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "ogv", "wmv"]; buildFileTypes(el); if (instance[el].options.debug !== true && instance[el].options.debug !== false) { instance[el].options.debug = false; } if (typeof $().emulateTransitionEnd !== 'function') { debug(el, "bootstrap"); return; } if (instance[el].options.showThumb === true && instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true) { if (!$("link[href*='fontawesome']").length && !$("link[href*='font-awesome']").length) { debug(el, "fontAwesome"); return; } else { if (checkFontAwesomeVer(el) === false) { debug(el, "fontAwesomeVersion"); return; } } } if (instance[el].options.url === null || !isUrlValid(instance[el].options.url)) { debug(el, "url"); return; } if (instance[el].options.formMethod !== 'post' && instance[el].options.formMethod !== 'get') { debug(el, "formMethod"); return; } if (instance[el].options.fallbackUrl !== null && !isUrlValid(instance[el].options.fallbackUrl)) { debug(el, "fallbackUrl"); return; } if (testBrowser && instance[el].options.forceFallback === false) { formStructure(el); } else { fallbackFormStructure(el); } if (typeof instance[el].options.onInit === 'function') { instance[el].options.onInit.call(this); } } /** * Builds the file type array used to validate file types being uploaded * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @return {Void} */ function buildFileTypes (el) { $.each(instance[el].options.fileTypes, function (key, value) { if ($.isNumeric(key)) { instance[el].options.fileTypes[value] = availableFileTypes[value]; } else if (!$.isNumeric(key) && $.isEmptyObject(value)) { instance[el].options.fileTypes[key] = availableFileTypes[key]; } }); return; } /** * Creates an invisible test span with the fa class and verifies what the version is based on the font family * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @return {Boolean} */ function checkFontAwesomeVer (el) { var faSpan, faFontFamily; faSpan = $('').appendTo('body'); faFontFamily = faSpan.css('fontFamily'); faSpan.remove(); if (faFontFamily === 'FontAwesome' ) { instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer = 4; } else if (faFontFamily.indexOf('Font Awesome 5') !== -1) { instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer = 5; } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Assigns an error message based on the type passed and either sends error to console or to screen * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {String} type Error type */ function debug (el, type) { var alertMsg, alertWrapper = $(''); switch (type) { case 'method': alertMsg = "The passed method " + name + " is not a valid method. Please check the configuration."; break; case 'fontAwesome': alertMsg = "The Font Awesome CSS is not available within the head of the website and is a required unless the option showThumb is set to false."; break; case 'fontAwesomeVersion': alertMsg = "The Font Awesome version could not be detected. Please set manually with the fontAwesomeVer option."; break; case 'url': alertMsg = "The URL provided in the configuration is not a valid URL."; break; case 'fallbackUrl': alertMsg = "The Fallback URL provided in the configuration is not a valid URL."; break; case 'formMethod': alertMsg = "The Form Method provided in the configuration is not a valid, please choose either get or post in the configuration."; break; case 'bootstrap': alertMsg = "The Twitter Bootstrap API is not available on the current page. Please check to make sure all the dependencies are in place."; break; default: alertMsg = "An unknown error occured."; break; } if (instance[el].options.debug === false && (window.console && window.console.error)) { window.console.error(alertMsg); } else if (instance[el].options.debug === true) { alertWrapper.append(alertMsg); instance[el].wrapper.append(alertWrapper); } } /** * Basic check to ensure url is valid * @param {String} url Url being validated * @return {Boolean} */ function isUrlValid (url) { return /((http(s)?|ftp(s)?):\/\/)?[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])?/.test(url); } /** * Tests browser to ensure it supports use of xhr upload/onprogress * @return {Boolean} */ function testBrowser () { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); return !! (window.FormData && xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload)); } /** * Builds plugin form structure using bootstrap * @param {Object} el Current element in loop */ function formStructure (el) { instance[el].formData = new FormData(); instance[el].form = $('
'); instance[el].btnBar = $('
'); instance[el].btnWrapper = $('
'); instance[el].btnAdd = $('
 Add Files…
'); instance[el].btnReset = $(''); instance[el].btnStart = $(''); instance[el].btnCancel = $(''); instance[el].overallProgressBar = $('
'); instance[el].overallStatus = $('
Uploaded Successfully!
'); instance[el].filePreviewTable = $(''); instance[el].btnWrapper.append(instance[el].btnAdd, instance[el].btnReset, instance[el].btnStart, instance[el].btnCancel); instance[el].btnBar.append(instance[el].btnWrapper, instance[el].overallProgressBar); instance[el].form.append(instance[el].btnBar, instance[el].overallStatus); instance[el].wrapper.append(instance[el].form, instance[el].filePreviewTable); instance[el].btnAdd.on('change', 'input', function (e) { methods.addFile(el, e); }); instance[el].btnReset.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); methods.resetUpload(el); }); instance[el].btnStart.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); methods.uploadStart(el); }); instance[el].btnCancel.on('click', function () { methods.resetUpload(el); }); instance[el].filePreviewTable.on('click', '.fileupload-remove', function () { methods.removeFile(el, $(this).val()); }); } /** * Builds fallback form structure without use of bootstrap * @param {Object} el Current element in loop */ function fallbackFormStructure (el) { instance[el].form = $('
'); instance[el].btnAdd = $('
 Add Files…
'); instance[el].btnStart = $('
'); instance[el].form.append(instance[el].btnAdd, instance[el].btnStart); if (instance[el].options.hiddenInput) { $.each(instance[el].options.hiddenInput, function (key, value) { instance[el].form.append(''); }); } instance[el].wrapper.append(instance[el].form); instance[el].btnAdd.on('change', '.fileupload-fallback-add input[type=file]', function () { var input, numFiles, label; input = $(this); numFiles = input.get(0).files ? input.get(0).files.length : 1; label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, ''); input.trigger('fileselect', [numFiles, label]); }); instance[el].btnAdd.find(".fileupload-fallback-add input[type=file]").on('fileselect', function (e, numFiles, label) { var input, log; input = $(this).parents('.input-group').find('input[type=text]'); log = numFiles > 1 ? numFiles + ' files selected' : label; if (input.length) { input.val(log); } }); } /** * Calculates a human readable file size from bytes * @param {Integar} size Actual file size * @return {String} */ function calcFileSize(size) { var i = (size === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024))); return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][i]; } /** * Ensures the file being uploaded has an approved file extension * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {String} fileExt The file extension being checked * @return {Boolean} */ function isValidFileType (el, fileExt) { var result = false; $.each(instance[el].options.fileTypes, function (type, extensions) { if ($.inArray(fileExt, extensions) >= 0) { result = true; return false; } }); return result; } /** * Gets the file type based on the file extension matched up with the approved file types * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {String} fileExt File extension being checked * @return {Boolean/String} */ function getFileType (el, fileExt) { var fileType; $.each(instance[el].options.fileTypes, function (type, extensions) { if ($.inArray(fileExt, extensions) >= 0) { fileType = type; return false; } }); return fileType; } /** * Checks if file is valid * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {Object} file File being tested for upload * @return {Boolean} */ function checkFile (el, file) { var test = []; $.each(instance[el].arrayFiles, function (key, value) { test.push(value.name); }); return $.inArray(file.name, test); } /** * Generates a thumbnail of the file to be used as a preview when uploading - uses FontAwesome if the file isn't an image * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {Object} file File used to generate thumbnail * @param {String} fileType The type of file matched with the approved uploadable file types * @param {String} fileExt File extension of the file * @return {Object} */ function genThumb (el, file, fileType, fileExt) { var thumb; switch (fileType) { case 'archives': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; case 'audio': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; case 'files': switch (fileExt) { case 'doc': case 'docx': case 'dotx': case 'docm': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; case 'ppt': case 'pptm': case 'pptx': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; case 'pdf': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; case 'xls': case 'csv': case 'xlsm': case 'xlsx': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; default: if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; } break; case 'images': thumb = '' + file.name + ''; break; case 'video': if (instance[el].options.useFontAwesome === true && instance[el].options.fontAwesomeVer !== false) { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } break; } return thumb; } /** * Processes the file upload via ajax - updates progress bar as it uploads * @param {Object} el Current element in loop * @param {String} key Id of the row of the file being uploaded * @return {Object} */ function procAjax (el, key) { $.ajax({ url: instance[el].options.url, type: instance[el].options.formMethod, data: JSON.stringify({"content": instance[el].formData}), cache: false, contentType: "application/json", processData: false, accepts: "json", success: function(data, status, xhr) { var response = (data.match('\{.*\:\{.*\:.*\}\}') ? JSON.parse(data) : ''); if (response.error || !data.match('\{.*\:\{.*\:.*\}\}')) { if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-danger").attr("aria-valuenow", 100).css("width", "100%"); $("#" + key + " .alert-danger").fadeIn("slow", "linear").html("Error:
" + response.error); } else { instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-danger").attr("aria-valuenow", 100).css("width", "100%"); instance[el].overallStatus.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); instance[el].overallStatus.find(".alert-danger").fadeIn("slow", "linear").html("Error:
" + response.error); } if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadError === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadError.call(this); } } else { if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-success").attr("aria-valuenow", 100).css("width", "100%"); $("#" + key + " .alert-success").fadeIn("slow", "linear"); } else { instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-success").attr("aria-valuenow", 100).css("width", "100%"); instance[el].overallStatus.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); instance[el].overallStatus.find(".alert-success").fadeIn("slow", "linear"); } if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadSuccess === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadSuccess.call(this); } } }, error: function (xhr, status, err) { if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-danger").attr("aria-valuenow", 100).css("width", "100%"); $("#" + key + " .alert-danger").fadeIn("slow", "linear").html(status + ": " + err.message); } else { instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", 0).css("width", "0%"); instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-danger").attr("aria-valuenow", 100).css("width", "100%"); instance[el].overallStatus.fadeIn("slow", "linear"); instance[el].overallStatus.find(".alert-danger").fadeIn("slow", "linear").html(status + ": " + err.message); } if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadError === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadError.call(this); } }, xhr: function () { var myXhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (myXhr.upload) { myXhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = e.loaded / e.total; if (instance[el].options.multiUpload === false) { $("#" + key + " .fileupload-progress .progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", Math.round(percentComplete * 100)).css("width", Math.round(percentComplete * 100) + "%"); } else { instance[el].overallProgressBar.find(".progress-bar-striped").attr("aria-valuenow", Math.round(percentComplete * 100)).css("width", Math.round(percentComplete * 100) + "%"); } if (typeof instance[el].options.onUploadProgress === 'function') { instance[el].options.onUploadProgress.call(this); } } }); } return myXhr; } }); } /** * Method handler * @param {Object/Function} method The method function being used */ $.bootstrapFileUpload = $.fn.bootstrapFileUpload = function (method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { window.console.error("The passed method " + method + " is not a valid method. Please check the configuration."); } }; /** * Default options for the plugin * @type {Object} */ $.fn.bootstrapFileUpload.defaults = { url: null, fallbackUrl: null, formMethod: 'post', multiFile: true, multiUpload: false, inputName: 'files', hiddenInput: null, forceFallback: false, maxSize: 5, maxFiles: null, showThumb: true, useFontAwesome: false, fontAwesomeVer: false, thumbWidth: 80, thumbHeight: 80, fileTypes: { archives: [], audio: [], files: [], images: [], video: [] }, debug: false, onInit: function () {}, onFileAdded: function () {}, onFileRemoved: function () {}, onFileCancel: function () {}, onFileProcessing: function () {}, onUploadProgress: function () {}, onUploadError: function () {}, onUploadSuccess: function () {}, onUploadComplete: function () {}, onUploadReset: function () {} }; }(jQuery, document, window));