= Getting Started :doctitle: Getting Started :description: Overview of the project, its contents, and how to get started with your own theme. include::attributes.asciidoc[] include::revision.asciidoc[] :navinfo2: :icons!: :iconsfont: font-awesome :imagesdir: ./images == Download ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] * Uncompressed, Minified CSS and Javascripts, and Fonts. Source files are included but without html documentation. link:http://laurent-laville.org/asciidoc/bootstrap/bootstrap-{revnumber}.zip[Download backend] * User documentation built with AsciiDoc-Boostrap backend and the default theme is available to read it offline. link:http://laurent-laville.org/asciidoc/bootstrap/index.html[Download html documentation] endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] [role="col-md-6"] .Backend -- Uncompressed, Minified CSS and Javascripts, and Fonts. Source files are included but without html documentation. ifdef::basebackend-bootstrap[] link:http://laurent-laville.org/asciidoc/bootstrap/bootstrap-{revnumber}.zip["Download backend",role="primary",icon="glyphicon-download-alt",options="block,white"] endif::basebackend-bootstrap[] ifndef::basebackend-bootstrap[] link:http://laurent-laville.org/asciidoc/bootstrap/bootstrap-{revnumber}.zip[Download backend] endif::basebackend-bootstrap[] -- [role="col-md-6"] .Documentation -- User documentation built with AsciiDoc-Boostrap backend and the default theme is available to read it offline. ifdef::basebackend-bootstrap[] link:http://laurent-laville.org/asciidoc/bootstrap/userdoc-{revnumber}.zip["Download html documentation",role="primary",icon="glyphicon-download-alt",options="block,white"] endif::basebackend-bootstrap[] ifndef::basebackend-bootstrap[] link:index.html[Download html documentation] endif::basebackend-bootstrap[] -- unfloat::[] endif::basebackend-html[] Install as any other plugins: [source,bash] ---- $ asciidoc --backend install bootstrap-.zip ---- NOTE: `` is to be replaced by the latest version available of the backend. Currently is {revnumber} [NOTE] ===================================================================== The Asciidoc Bootstrap backend standard version included : * version 3.3.4 ( +themes/+ ) of the default, flatly, readable, cerulean, united and darkly themes from http://bootswatch.com/[Bootswatch] template provider. * version 3.3.4 ( +bootstrap/+, +less/bootstrap/+ ) of http://getbootstrap.com[Bootstrap]. * version 4.3.0 ( +fonts/+, +/less/font-awesome/+ ) of http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/[Font-Awesome]. * version 2.0.1 ( +fonts/+, +less/ionicons/+ ) of http://ionicons.com/[Ionicons]. * version 2.1.2 ( +fonts/+, +less/octicons/+ ) of https://octicons.github.com/[Octicons]. * version 1.11.1 of jQuery. * version 1.2 of jQuery https://github.com/sksmatt/UItoTop-jQuery-Plugin[UItoTop] plugin. * version 0.8 of jQuery https://github.com/dcneiner/TableOfContents[TableOfContents] plugin. * version 5.2.0 of jQuery https://github.com/BeSite/jQuery.mmenu[mmenu] plugin. * version 1.1.5 of jQuery https://github.com/jguadagno/bootstrapThemeSwitcher[bootstrapThemeSwitcher] plugin. * version 1.4.1 of jQuery https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie[Cookie] plugin. ===================================================================== === Themes from Bootswatch _a free template provider_ [role="lead"] AsciiDoc-Bootstrap backend v4 standard distribution included these following templates with pre-compiled CSS (uncompressed and/or minified) and default behavior : * Admonition blocks used Font-Awesome icons font * Support both Glyphicon, Font-Awesome, Ionicons and Octicons icons font ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] .Basic Flatly theme image::flatly.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/flatly",scale="50"] .Basic Readable theme image::readable.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/readable",scale="50"] .Basic Cerulean theme image::cerulean.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/cerulean",scale="50"] .Basic United theme image::united.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/united",scale="50"] .Basic Sandstone theme image::sandstone.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/sandstone",scale="50"] .Basic Darkly theme image::darkly.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/darkly",scale="50"] endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] [role="col-md-4"] ==== [panel,info] .Basic Flatly theme -- image::flatly.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/flatly",options="responsive"] -- ==== [role="col-md-4"] ==== [panel,info] .Basic Readable theme -- image::readable.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/readable",options="responsive"] -- ==== [role="col-md-4"] ==== [panel,info] .Basic Cerulean theme -- image::cerulean.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/cerulean",options="responsive"] -- ==== [role="col-md-4"] ==== [panel,info] .Basic United theme -- image::united.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/united",options="responsive"] -- ==== [role="col-md-4"] ==== [panel,info] .Basic Sandstone theme -- image::sandstone.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/sandstone",options="responsive"] -- ==== [role="col-md-4"] ==== [panel,info] .Basic Darkly theme -- image::darkly.png[link="http://bootswatch.com/darkly",options="responsive"] -- ==== endif::basebackend-html[] == File structure When you will installed the asciidoc bootstrap backend, you will find the following file structure and contents. ---- bootstrap/ ├── bootstrap/ │ ├── css/ │ ├── fonts/ │ └── js/ ├── docs/ ├── fonts/ ├── images/ │ ├── icons/ │ │ ├── callouts/ │ │ ├── ui.totop.png │ │ └── favicon.ico ├── javascripts/ │ ├── asciidoc.js │ ├── html5shiv.js │ ├── html5shiv.min.js │ ├── jquery.bootstrapThemeSwitcher.js │ ├── jquery.cookie.js │ ├── jquery.js │ ├── jquery.min.js │ ├── jquery.mmenu.min.all.js │ ├── jquery.tableofcontents.min.js │ ├── jquery.ui.totop.js │ ├── jquery.ui.totop.min.js │ ├── respond.js │ └── respond.min.js ├── less/ │ ├── asciidoc/ │ │ ├── admonition-iconsfont.less │ │ ├── admonition-text.less │ │ ├── common.less │ │ ├── iconsfont.less │ │ └── pygments.less │ ├── bootstrap/ │ ├── font-awesome/ │ ├── ionicons/ │ ├── octicons/ │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.less │ └── variable.less ├── stylesheets/ │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.cerulean.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.cerulean.min.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.darkly.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.darkly.min.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.min.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.flatly.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.flatly.min.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.readable.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.readable.min.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.united.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.united.min.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.sandstone.css │ ├── asciidoc-bootstrap.sandstone.min.css │ ├── jquery.mmenu.all.css │ ├── pygments.css │ ├── pygments.monokai.css │ ├── pygments.pastie.css │ └── ui.totop.css └── themes ├── cerulean/ ├── darkly/ ├── default/ ├── flatly/ ├── readable/ ├── sandstone/ └── united/ ---- == What is next? [role="lead"] Head to the docs sections for more information and examples. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Source Code Highlight endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:source-code-highlight.html[Source Code Highlight] endif::basebackend-html[] The http://pygments.org[Pygments] syntax highlighter can be used for xhtml11, html5 and bootstrap outputs. NOTE: Since version 3.1.0 you have ability to use any of the Pygments 1.5 themes provided at document build time. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Text Formatting endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:text-formatting.html[Text Formatting] endif::basebackend-html[] Words and phrases can be formatted by enclosing inline text with quote characters. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Delimited Blocks endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:delimited-blocks.html[Delimited Blocks] endif::basebackend-html[] Delimited blocks are blocks of text enveloped by leading and trailing delimiter lines ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Paragraphs endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:paragraphs.html[Paragraphs] endif::basebackend-html[] Paragraphs are blocks of text terminated by a blank line, the end of file, or the start of a delimited block or a list. There are three paragraph syntaxes: normal, indented (literal) and admonition which are rendered, by default, with the corresponding paragraph style. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Document Structure endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:document-structure.html[Document Structure] endif::basebackend-html[] AsciiDoc has two mechanisms for optionally including additional meta-data in the header of the output document. Like the `docinfo` attribute, bootstrap backend add support to dropdowns navigation bar with to new `navinfo` attribute. It also add support to bootstrap jumbotron component with the new `jumboinfo` attribute. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Callouts endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:callouts.html[Callouts] endif::basebackend-html[] Callouts are a mechanism for annotating verbatim text (for example: source code, computer output and user input). Callout markers are placed inside the annotated text while the actual annotations are presented in a callout list after the annotated text. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Macros endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:macros.html[Macros] endif::basebackend-html[] Macros are a mechanism for substituting parametrized text into output documents. Macros have a 'name', a single 'target' argument and an 'attribute list'. Inline Macros occur in an inline element context. Predefined Inline macros include 'image' and 'link' macros. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Backend Attributes endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:attributes-ref.html[Backend Attributes] endif::basebackend-html[] List all specifics attributes of this backend. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] === Customizing endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::basebackend-html[] === link:customizing.html[Customizing] endif::basebackend-html[] AsciiDoc-Bootstrap v4 includes support of http://lesscss.org[LESS] one of the most popular CSS preprocessor. Easy to maintain, and change skins of your favorite Asciidoc documents.