= Document Structure :doctitle: Document Structure :description: http://asciidoc.org/userguide.html#_document_structure include::attributes.asciidoc[] :navinfo2: == Backend Attributes [cols="1e,5a",options="header",role="table table-bordered"] |==================================================================== |Name |Description | navinfo, navinfo1, navinfo2 | These three attributes control which navigation information files will be included in the output file: navinfo:: Include `-navinfo.html` navinfo1:: Include `navinfo.html` navinfo2:: Include `navinfo.html` and `-navinfo.html` Where `` is the file name (without extension) of the AsciiDoc input file. The following example will include a `navinfo.html` and `mydoc-navinfo.html` navinfo files in the HTML output file: $ asciidoc -b bootstrap -a navinfo2 mydoc.txt | jumboinfo, jumboinfo1, jumboinfo2 | These three attributes control which jumbotron information files will be included in the output file: jumboinfo:: Include `-jumboinfo.html` jumboinfo1:: Include `jumboinfo.html` jumboinfo2:: Include `jumboinfo.html` and `-jumboinfo.html` Where `` is the file name (without extension) of the AsciiDoc input file. The following example will include a `jumboinfo.html` and `mydoc-jumboinfo.html` jumboinfo files in the HTML output file: $ asciidoc -b bootstrap -a jumboinfo2 mydoc.txt | footer | This attribute control which footer informations will be included in the output file: If not defined, then it will be the default footer with the version and last updated informations. footer:: Include `footer.html` The following example will include the `footer.html` file in the HTML output file: $ asciidoc -b bootstrap -a footer mydoc.txt | totop | This attribute control which _back to top_ system you want to include in the output file. when attribute unset:: Include a _Back to top_ standard html href link when attribute set:: Used the http://mattvarone.com/web-design/uitotop-jquery-plugin/[UItoTop jQuery plugin]. The following example will include a dynamic clickable area in the HTML output file: $ asciidoc -b bootstrap -a totop mydoc.txt | themeswitcher | This attribute allow to used a Bootstrap Theme Switcher with the https://github.com/jguadagno/bootstrapThemeSwitcher[jQuery plugin]. | brandver | This attribute control whether you want to include a dynamic versions list in the output file. A `versions.html` file must exists. The following example will not include a static versions list, identified by the navinfo.html, in the HTML output file (default behavior): $ asciidoc -b bootstrap -a brandver! mydoc.txt |==================================================================== == Examples === Jumbotron Learn more at the link:jumbotron.html[Jumbotron Bootstrap Component] page. === Navigation bar .Example of left navigation menu: _document-structure-navinfo.html_ [source,html] ---- include::document-structure-navinfo.html[] ---- .Example of right navigation menu: _navinfo.html_ [source,html] ---- include::navinfo.html[] ---- === Footer .Example of footer file: _footer.html_ [source,html] ---- include::footer.html[] ----