= Alerts Bootstrap Component :doctitle: Alerts Bootstrap Component :description: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#alerts include::attributes.asciidoc[] :navinfo2: :iconsfont: font-awesome :jumbotron: [role="lead"] Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages. == Basic example WARNING: Alerts don't have default classes, only base and modifier classes. A default gray alert doesn't make too much sense, so you're required to specify a type via contextual class. Choose from success, info, warning, or danger. [role="col-md-6"] .AsciiDoc Code .... [alert,success] .Well done! -- You successfully read this important alert message. -- .... [role="col-md-6"] .Alert with success contextual state class ==== [alert,success] .Well done! -- You successfully read this important alert message. -- ==== unfloat::[] [role="col-md-6"] .AsciiDoc Code .... [alert,info] .Heads up! -- This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important. -- .... [role="col-md-6"] .Alert with info contextual state class ==== [alert,info] .Heads up! -- This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important. -- ==== unfloat::[] [role="col-md-6"] .AsciiDoc Code .... [alert,warning] .Warning! -- Better check yourself, you're not looking too good. -- .... [role="col-md-6"] .Alert with warning contextual state class ==== [alert,warning] .Warning! -- Better check yourself, you're not looking too good. -- ==== unfloat::[] [role="col-md-6"] .AsciiDoc Code .... [alert,danger] .Oh snap! -- Change a few things up and try submitting again. -- .... [role="col-md-6"] .Alert with danger contextual state class ==== [alert,danger] .Oh snap! -- Change a few things up and try submitting again. -- ==== == Dismissable alerts Build on any alert by setting an optional `dismiss` option (close button). [role="col-md-6"] .AsciiDoc Code .... [alert,warning,true] .Warning! -- Better check yourself, you're not looking too good. -- .... [role="col-md-6"] .Alert with contextual state class ==== [alert,warning,true] .Warning! -- Better check yourself, you're not looking too good. -- ==== == Learn More .Behind the scene ************************************************ Build this `{docfile}` footnote:[{rawbaseurl}/docs/alerts.asciidoc] NOTE: See footnote:[http://asciidoc.org/userguide.html#X60] for `docfile` attribute. with : *html5* backend:: ---- $ asciidoc.py -b html5 -a linkcss -a stylesdir=./stylesheets -a scriptsdir=./javascripts {docfile} ---- WARNING: You will have tons of WARNING because AsciiDoc does not support the `alert-style` open block. But the result is not so bad. Check yourself: select the *AsciiDoc* entry in *Themes* menu. ---- asciidoc: WARNING: alerts.asciidoc: line 35: missing style: [blockdef-open]: alert asciidoc: WARNING: alerts.asciidoc: line 57: missing style: [blockdef-open]: alert asciidoc: WARNING: alerts.asciidoc: line 79: missing style: [blockdef-open]: alert asciidoc: WARNING: alerts.asciidoc: line 101: missing style: [blockdef-open]: alert asciidoc: WARNING: alerts.asciidoc: line 126: missing style: [blockdef-open]: alert ---- *bootstrap* backend:: ---- $ asciidoc.py -b bootstrap -a linkcss -a stylesdir=./stylesheets -a scriptsdir=./javascripts -a theme=flatly -a navbar=fixed -a totop {docfile} ---- WARNING: You will have a WARNING because the theme used (e.g. flatly) is a Bootswatch theme, and not a AsciiDoc Theme. ---- asciidoc: WARNING: missing theme: flatly ---- ************************************************