#!/usr/bin/perl my $version = '0.3.4'; my $author_info = <import(); } ## end ## load config file my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__); if (!-e $dirname .'/config.pl') { my $msg = "** missing file $dirname/config.pl. Did you move edit config.pl-dist and copy to config.pl?"; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg; exit; } our ($data_dir, $server, $port, $appname, $user_display, $alert_format, $notify, $push_titles, $backup_opts, $myPlex_user, $myPlex_pass, $server_log, $log_client_ip, $debug_logging, $watched_show_completed, $watched_grouping_maxhr, $count_paused, $inc_non_library_content, @exclude_library_ids); my @config_vars = ("data_dir", "server", "port", "appname", "user_display", "alert_format", "notify", "push_titles", "backup_opts", "myPlex_user", "myPlex_pass", "server_log", "log_client_ip", "debug_logging", "watched_show_completed", "watched_grouping_maxhr", "count_paused", "exclude_library_ids"); do $dirname.'/config.pl'; if (!$data_dir || !$server || !$port || !$appname || !$alert_format || !$notify) { ## TODO - make this information a little more useful! my $msg = "config file missing data"; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg; exit; } ## end ############################################ ## Advanced Options (override in config.pl) ## always display a 100% watched show. I.E. if user watches show1 100%, then restarts it and stops at < 90%, show two lines $watched_show_completed = 1 if !defined($watched_show_completed); ## how many hours between starts of the same show do we allow grouping? 24 is max (3 hour default) $watched_grouping_maxhr = 3 if !defined($watched_grouping_maxhr); ## DO not include non library content by default ( channels ) $inc_non_library_content = 0 if !defined($inc_non_library_content); my $max_ra_backlog = 2; ## not added to config yet ( keep trying RA backlog for 2 days max ) ## end ############################################ ## for now, let's warn the user if they have enabled logging of clients IP's and the server log is not found if ($server_log && !-f $server_log) { my $msg = "warning: \$server_log is specified in config.pl and $server_log does not exist (required for logging of the clients IP address)\n" if $log_client_ip; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg; } ## ONLY Load modules if used if (&ProviderEnabled('twitter')) { require Net::Twitter::Lite; require Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1; require Net::OAuth; require Scalar::Util; Net::Twitter::Lite->import(); Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1->import(); Net::OAuth->import(); Scalar::Util->import('blessed'); } if (&ProviderEnabled('GNTP')) { require Growl::GNTP; Growl::GNTP->import(); } if (&ProviderEnabled('EMAIL')) { require Net::SMTPS; Net::SMTPS->import(); } if ($log_client_ip) { require File::ReadBackwards; File::ReadBackwards->import(); } ## used for later.. my $format_options = { 'user' => 'user', 'orig_user' => 'orig_user', 'title' => 'title', 'start_start' => 'start_time', 'stop_time' => 'stop_time', 'rating' => 'rating of video - TV-MA, R, PG-13, etc', 'year' => 'year of video', 'platform' => 'client platform ', 'summary' => 'summary or video', 'duration' => 'duration watched', 'length' => 'length of video', 'progress' => 'progress of video [only available/correct on --watching and stop events]', 'time_left' => 'progress of video [only available/correct on --watching and stop events]', 'streamtype_extended' => '"Direct Play" or "Audio:copy Video:transcode"', 'streamtype' => 'T or D - for Transcoded or Direct', 'transcoded' => '1 or 0 - if transcoded', 'state' => 'playing, paused or buffering [ or stopped ] (useful on --watching)', 'percent_complete' => 'Percent of video watched -- user could have only watched 5 minutes, but skipped to end = 100%', 'ip_address' => 'Client IP Address', }; if (!-d $data_dir) { my $msg = "** Sorry. Please create your datadir $data_dir"; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg; exit; } ## place holder to back off notifications per provider my $provider_452 = (); # Grab our options. my %options = (); GetOptions(\%options, 'watched', 'nogrouping', 'stats', 'user:s', 'exclude_user:s@', 'exclude_library_id:s@', 'watching', 'notify', 'debug:s', 'start:s', 'stop:s', 'format_start:s', 'format_stop:s', 'format_watched:s', 'format_watching:s', 'format_options', 'test_notify:s', 'recently_added:s', 'id:s@', 'version', 'backup', 'clean_extras', 'show_xml', 'help|?' ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if (exists($options{'help'})); if ($options{version}) { print "\n\tVersion: $version\n\n"; print "$author_info\n"; exit; } my $debug_xml = $options{'show_xml'}; ## ONLY load modules if used if (defined($options{debug})) { require Data::Dumper; Data::Dumper->import(); if ($options{debug} =~ /\d/ && $options{debug} > 1) { require diagnostics; diagnostics->import(); } else { $options{debug} = 1; } } my $debug = $options{'debug'}; if ($options{'format_options'}) { print "\nFormat Options for alerts\n"; print "\n\t --start='" . $alert_format->{'start'} ."'"; print "\n\t --stop='" . $alert_format->{'stop'} ."'"; print "\n\t --watched='" . $alert_format->{'watched'} ."'"; print "\n\t --watching='" . $alert_format->{'watching'} ."'"; print "\n\n"; foreach my $k (sort keys %{$format_options}) { printf("%25s %s\n", "{$k}", $format_options->{$k}); } print "\n"; exit; } ## reset format if specified $alert_format->{'start'} = $options{'format_start'} if $options{'format_start'}; $alert_format->{'stop'} = $options{'format_stop'} if $options{'format_stop'}; $alert_format->{'watched'} = $options{'format_watched'} if $options{'format_watched'}; $alert_format->{'watching'} = $options{'format_watching'} if $options{'format_watching'}; my %notify_func = &GetNotifyfuncs(); my $push_type_titles = &GetPushTitles(); ## Check LOCK # only allow one script run at a time. # Before initDB my $script_fh; &CheckLock(); ## END my $dbh = &initDB(); ## Initialize sqlite db - last my $DBversion = &checkVersion(); if ($DBversion ne $version) { print "* Upgrading the plexWatch from $DBversion to $version -- (Forcing Backup)\n"; $options{'backup'} = 1; } &UpdateConfig(\@config_vars); # clean any extras we may have logged. Make sure to run this before any # backup or grouped table update as those come along with this. if ($options{'clean_extras'}) { &extrasCleaner(); exit; } if (&getLastGroupedTime() == 0) { &UpdateGroupedTable;} ## update DB table if first run. &BackupSQlite; ## check if the SQLdb needs to be backed up ## update any missing rating keys &updateRatingKeys(); my $PMS_token = &PMSToken(); # sets token if required ########################################## START MAIN ####################################################### ## show what the notify alerts will look like if (defined($options{test_notify})) { &RunTestNotify(); exit; } #################################################################### ## RECENTLY ADDED if (defined($options{'recently_added'})) { my $plex_sections = &GetSectionsIDs(); ## allow for multiple sections with the same type (movie, show, etc) -- or different types (2013-08-01) my @want; my @merged = (); my $hkey = 'Video'; # for now, the only available option is Video ## backwards compatibility if (!$options{'id'}) { if ($options{'recently_added'} =~ /movie/i) { push @want , 'movie'; } ## TO NOTE: plex used show and episode off an on. code for both if ($options{'recently_added'} =~ /show|tv|episode/i) { push @want , 'show'; } foreach my $w (@want) { foreach my $v (@{$plex_sections->{'types'}->{$w}}) { push (@merged, $v); } } } else { # use the specific ID's specified foreach my $id ( @{$options{'id'}} ) { if (ref($plex_sections->{'raw'}->{$id})) { push @want , $plex_sections->{'raw'}->{$id}->{'type'}; push @merged , $id; } else { print "\n\t**FAILURE - Section ID:$id does not exists!\n"; } } } ## show usage if the command didn't fit the bill if (!@merged) { print "\n\t* Available Sections:\n\n"; printf("\t%-5s %-20s %-10s %-20s\n", 'ID','Title','Type','Path'); print "\t-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach my $key (keys %{$plex_sections->{'raw'}}) { next if $plex_sections->{'raw'}->{$key}->{'type'} !~ /movie|show|tv|episode/; printf("\t%-5s %-20s %-10s %-20s\n", $key,$plex_sections->{'raw'}->{$key}->{'title'},$plex_sections->{'raw'}->{$key}->{'type'}, $plex_sections->{'raw'}->{$key}->{'Location'}->{'path'}); } my $msg = "\n\t* Usage: \n\n"; $msg .= sprintf("\t%-22s: %s\n",'All Movie Sections',"$0 --recently_added=movie"); $msg .= sprintf("\t%-22s: %s\n",'All Movie/TV Sections',"$0 --recently_added=movie,show"); $msg .= sprintf("\t%-22s: %s\n",'Specific Section(s)',"$0 --recently_added --id=# --id=#"); print $msg . "\n"; exit; } my $info = &GetRecentlyAdded(\@merged,$hkey); my $alerts = (); # containers to push alerts from oldest -> newest my %seen; foreach my $k (keys %{$info}) { $seen{$k} = 1; ## alert seen if (!ref($info->{$k})) { my $msg = "Skipping KEY '$k' (expected key =~ '/library/metadata/###') -- it's not a hash ref?\n"; $msg .= "\$info->{'$k'} is not a hash ref?\n"; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg; print Dumper($info->{$k}) if $options{debug}; next; } my $item = &ParseDataItem($info->{$k}); next if (!ref($item) or !$item->{'title'} or $item->{'title'} !~ /\w+/); ## verify we can parse the metadata ( sometimes the scanner is still filling in the info ) my $res = &RAdataAlert($k,$item); next if (!ref($res) or !$res->{'alert'} or $res->{'alert'} !~ /\w+/ ); ## verify we can parse the metadata ( sometimes the scanner is still filling in the info ) $alerts->{$item->{addedAt}.$k} = $res; } ## RA backlog - make sure we have all alerts -- some might has been added previously but notification failed and newer content has purged the results above my $ra_done = &GetRecentlyAddedDB($max_ra_backlog); my $push_type = 'push_recentlyadded'; foreach my $provider (keys %{$notify}) { next if (!&ProviderEnabled($provider,$push_type)); #next if ( !$notify->{$provider}->{'enabled'} || !$notify->{$provider}->{$push_type}); ## skip provider if not enabled foreach my $key (keys %{$ra_done}) { next if $seen{$key}; ## already in alerts hash next if ($ra_done->{$key}->{$provider}); ## provider already notified ## we passed checks -- let's process this old/failed notification my $data = &GetItemMetadata($key,1); ## if result is not a href ( it's possible the video has been removed from the PMS ) if (!ref($data)) { ## maybe we got 404 -- I.E. old/removed video.. set at 404 -> not found if ($data =~ /404/) { &SetNotified_RA($provider,$key,404); next; } ## any other results we care about? maybe later } else { my $item = &ParseDataItem($data); ## for back log -- verify we are only checking the type we have specified my %wmap = map { $_ => 1 } @want; next if $data->{'type'} =~ /episode/ && !exists($wmap{'show'}); ## next if episode and current task is not a show next if $data->{'type'} =~ /movie/ && !exists($wmap{'movie'}); ## next if episode and current task is not a show ## check age of notification. -- allow two days ( we will keep trying to notify for 2 days.. if we keep failing.. we need to skip this) my $age = time()-$ra_done->{$key}->{'time'}; my $ra_max_fail_days = $max_ra_backlog; ## TODO: advanced config options? if ($age > 86400*$ra_max_fail_days) { ## notification is OLD .. set notify = 2 to exclude from processing my $msg = "Could not notify $provider on [$key] $item->{'title'} for " . &durationrr($age) . " -- setting as old notification/done"; &ConsoleLog($msg,,1); &SetNotified_RA($provider,$key,2); } if ($alerts->{$item->{addedAt}.$key}) { ## redundant code from above hash %seen #print "$item->{'title'} is already in current releases... nothing missed\n"; } else { my $msg = "$item->{'title'} is NOT in current releases -- we failed to notify previously, so trying again"; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg; my $res = &RAdataAlert($key,$item); $alerts->{$item->{addedAt}.$key} = $res; } } } } &ProcessRAalerts($alerts) if ref($alerts); } sub RAdataAlert() { my $item_id = shift; my $item = shift; my $result; my $add_date = &twittime($item->{addedAt}); my $debug_done = ''; $debug_done .= $item->{'grandparentTitle'} . ' - ' if $item->{'grandparentTitle'}; $debug_done .= $item->{'title'} if $item->{'title'}; $debug_done .= " [$add_date]"; my $alert = 'unknown type'; my ($alert_url); my $media; $media .= $item->{'videoResolution'}.'p ' if $item->{'videoResolution'}; $media .= $item->{'audioChannels'}.'ch' if $item->{'audioChannels'}; ##my $twitter; #twitter sucks... has to be short. --- might use this later. if ($item->{'type'} eq 'show' || $item->{'type'} eq 'episode') { $alert = $item->{'title'}; $alert .= " [$item->{'contentRating'}]" if $item->{'contentRating'}; $alert .= " [$item->{'year'}]" if $item->{'year'}; if ($item->{'duration'} && ($item->{'duration'} =~ /\d+/ && $item->{'duration'} > 1000)) { $alert .= ' '. sprintf("%.0f",$item->{'duration'}/1000/60) . 'min'; } $alert .= " [$media]" if $media; $alert .= " [$add_date]"; #$twitter = $item->{'title'}; #$twitter .= " [$item->{'year'}]"; #$twitter .= ' '. sprintf("%.02d",$item->{'duration'}/1000/60) . 'min'; #$twitter .= " [$media]" if $media; #$twitter .= " [$add_date]"; $alert_url .= ' http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=' . urlencode($item->{'imdb_title'}); } if ($item->{'type'} eq 'movie') { $alert = $item->{'title'}; $alert .= " [$item->{'contentRating'}]" if $item->{'contentRating'}; $alert .= " [$item->{'year'}]" if $item->{'year'}; if ($item->{'duration'} && ($item->{'duration'} =~ /\d+/ && $item->{'duration'} > 1000)) { $alert .= ' '. sprintf("%.0f",$item->{'duration'}/1000/60) . 'min'; } $alert .= " [$media]" if $media; $alert .= " [$add_date]"; #$twitter = $alert; ## movies are normally short enough. $alert_url .= ' http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=' . urlencode($item->{'imdb_title'}); } $result->{'alert'} = $alert; $result->{'item_id'} = $item_id; $result->{'debug_done'} = $debug_done; $result->{'alert_url'} = $alert_url; $result->{'item_type'} = $item->{'type'}; return $result; } ###############################################################################################################3 ## --watched, --watching, --stats #################################################################### ## display the output is limited by user (display user) if ( ($options{'watched'} || $options{'watching'} || $options{'stats'}) && $options{'user'}) { my $extra = ''; $extra = $user_display->{$options{'user'}} if $user_display->{$options{'user'}}; foreach my $u (keys %{$user_display}) { $extra = $u if $user_display->{$u} =~ /$options{'user'}/i; } $extra = '[' . $extra .']' if $extra; printf("\n* Limiting results to %s %s\n", $options{'user'}, $extra); } ## debug for now -- force updating the watched table #################################################################### ## print all watched content ##--watched &ShowWatched; ## no options -- we can continue.. otherwise --stats, --watched, --watching or --notify MUST be specified if (%options && !$options{'notify'} && !$options{'stats'} && !$options{'watched'} && !$options{'watching'} && !defined($options{'recently_added'}) ) { my $msg = "* Skipping any Notifications -- command line options set, use '--notify' or supply no options to enable notifications"; print "\n$msg\n\n"; &DebugLog($msg) if $msg; exit; } ## set notify to 1 if we call --watching ( we need to either log start/update/stop current progress) if ($options{'watching'} && !$options{'notify'}) { $options{'notify'} = 2; #set notify to 2 -- meaning will will run through notify process to update current info, but we wiill not set as notified } elsif (!%options) { $options{'notify'} = 1; } ################################################################# ## Notify -notify || no options = notify on watch/stopped streams ##--notify if ($options{'notify'}) { my $live = &GetSessions(); ## query API for current streams my $started= &GetStarted(); ## query streams already started/not stopped my $playing = (); ## container of now playing id's - used for stopped status/notification ########################################################################### ## nothing being watched.. verify all notification went out ## this shouldn't happen ( only happened during development when I was testing -- but just in case ) #### to fix ## Quick hack to notify stopped content before start -- get a list of playing content foreach my $k (keys %{$live}) { my $userID = $live->{$k}->{User}->{id}; $userID = 'Local' if !$userID; my $db_key = $k . '_' . $live->{$k}->{key} . '_' . $userID; $playing->{$db_key} = 1; } ## make sure we send out notifications -- this can happen when people call --watching and a new video started or stopped before --notify was called my $did_unnotify = 0; if ($options{'notify'} != 2) { my $un = &GetUnNotified(); foreach my $k (keys %{$un}) { my $start_epoch = $un->{$k}->{time} if $un->{$k}->{time}; my $stop_epoch = $un->{$k}->{stopped} if $un->{$k}->{stopped}; $stop_epoch = time() if !$stop_epoch; # we may not have a stop time yet.. lets set it. my $ntype = 'stop'; $ntype = 'start' if ($playing->{$k}); my $paused = &getSecPaused($k); my $info = &info_from_xml($un->{$k}->{'xml'},$ntype,$start_epoch,$stop_epoch,$paused); $info->{'ip_address'} = $un->{$k}->{ip_address}; &DebugLog("sending unnotify for alert for ".$un->{$k}->{user}.':'.$un->{$k}->{title}); &Notify($info); &SetNotified($un->{$k}->{id}); $did_unnotify = 1; } } $started= &GetStarted() if $did_unnotify; ## refresh started if we notified ## Notify on any Stop ## Iterate through all non-stopped content and notify if not playing if (ref($started)) { foreach my $k (keys %{$started}) { if (!$playing->{$k}) { my $start_epoch = $started->{$k}->{time} if $started->{$k}->{time}; my $stop_epoch = time(); ## process the update - need to supply the original XML (as an xml_ref) and session_id my $xml_ref = XMLin($started->{$k}->{'xml'},KeyAttr => { Video => 'sessionKey' }, ForceArray => ['Video']); $xml_ref->{Player}->{'state'} = 'stopped'; # force state as 'stopped' (since this XML is from the DB) &ProcessUpdate($xml_ref, $started->{$k}->{'session_id'} ); ## go through normal update -- will set paused counter etc.. my $paused = &getSecPaused($k); my $info = &info_from_xml($started->{$k}->{'xml'},'stop',$start_epoch,$stop_epoch,$paused); $info->{'ip_address'} = $started->{$k}->{ip_address}; &SetStopped($started->{$k}->{id},$stop_epoch); # will mark as unnotified $info->{'decoded'} = 1; ## XML - already decoded &Notify($info) if $options{'notify'} != 2; &SetNotified($started->{$k}->{id}) if $options{'notify'} != 2; } } } ## Notify on start/now playing foreach my $k (keys %{$live}) { my $start_epoch = time(); my $stop_epoch = ''; ## not stopped yet my $info = &info_from_xml(XMLout($live->{$k}),'start',$start_epoch,$stop_epoch,0); $info->{'decoded'} = 1; ## live XML - already decoded ## for insert my $userID = $info->{userID}; $userID = 'Local' if !$userID; my $db_key = $k . '_' . $live->{$k}->{key} . '_' . $userID; ## these shouldn't be neede any more - to clean up as we now use XML data from DB $info->{'orig_title'} = $live->{$k}->{title}; $info->{'orig_title_ep'} = ''; $info->{'episode'} = ''; $info->{'season'} = ''; $info->{'genre'} = ''; if ($live->{$k}->{grandparentTitle}) { $info->{'orig_title'} = $live->{$k}->{grandparentTitle}; $info->{'orig_title_ep'} = $live->{$k}->{title}; $info->{'episode'} = $live->{$k}->{index}; $info->{'season'} = $live->{$k}->{parentIndex}; if ($info->{'episode'} < 10) { $info->{'episode'} = 0 . $info->{'episode'};} if ($info->{'season'} < 10) { $info->{'season'} = 0 . $info->{'season'}; } } ## end unused data to clean up ## ignore content that has already been notified ## However, UPDATE the XML in the DB if ($started->{$db_key}) { $info->{'ip_address'} = $started->{$db_key}->{ip_address}; ## try and locate IP address on each run ( if empty ) if (!$info->{'ip_address'}) { $info->{'ip_address'} = &LocateIP($info) if ref $info; } my $state_change = &ProcessUpdate($live->{$k},$db_key,$info->{'ip_address'}); ## update XML ## notify on pause/resume -- only providers with push_resume or push_pause will be notified if ($state_change) { &DebugLog($info->{'user'} . ':' . $info->{'title'} . ': state change [' . $info->{'state'} . '] notify called'); &Notify($info,'',1) if $options{'notify'} != 2; } if ($debug) { &Notify($info) if $options{'notify'} != 2; my $msg = "Already Notified -- Sent again due to --debug"; &DebugLog($msg,1) if $msg && $options{'notify'} != 2; }; } ## unnotified - insert into DB and notify else { ## quick and dirty hack for client IP address $info->{'ip_address'} = &LocateIP($info) if ref $info; ## end the dirty feeling my $insert_id = &ProcessStart($live->{$k},$db_key,$info->{'title'},$info->{'platform'},$info->{'orig_user'},$info->{'orig_title'},$info->{'orig_title_ep'},$info->{'genre'},$info->{'episode'},$info->{'season'},$info->{'summary'},$info->{'rating'},$info->{'year'},$info->{'ip_address'}, $info->{'ratingKey'}, $info->{'parentRatingKey'}, $info->{'grandparentRatingKey'} ); &Notify($info) if $options{'notify'} != 2; ## should probably have some checks to make sure we were notified.. TODO &SetNotified($insert_id) if $options{'notify'} != 2; } } } ##################################################### ## print content being watched ##--watching if ($options{'watching'}) { my $in_progress = &GetInProgress(); my $live = &GetSessions(); ## query API for current streams my $found_live = 0; printf ("\n======================================= %s ========================================",'Watching'); my %seen = (); if (keys %{$in_progress}) { print "\n"; foreach my $k (sort { $in_progress->{$a}->{user} cmp $in_progress->{$b}->{'user'} || $in_progress->{$a}->{time} cmp $in_progress->{$b}->{'time'} } (keys %{$in_progress}) ) { my $live_key = (split("_",$k))[0]; if (!$live->{$live_key}) { #print "must of been stopped-- but unnotified"; next; } $found_live = 1; ## use display name my ($user,$orig_user) = &FriendlyName($in_progress->{$k}->{user},$in_progress->{$k}->{platform}); ## skip/exclude users --user/--exclude_user my $skip = 1; ## --exclude_user array ref next if ( grep { $_ =~ /$in_progress->{$k}->{'user'}/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); next if ( $user && grep { $_ =~ /^$user$/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); if ($options{'user'}) { $skip = 0 if $user =~ /^$options{'user'}$/i; ## user display (friendly) matches specified $skip = 0 if $orig_user =~ /^$options{'user'}$/i; ## user (non friendly) matches specified } else { $skip = 0; } next if $skip; if (!$seen{$user}) { $seen{$user} = 1; print "\nUser: " .decode('utf8', $user); print ' ['. $orig_user .']' if $user ne $orig_user; print "\n"; } my $time = localtime ($in_progress->{$k}->{time} ); my $paused = &getSecPaused($k); my $info = &info_from_xml(XMLout($live->{$live_key}),'watching',$in_progress->{$k}->{time},time(),$paused); ## encode the user for output ( only if different -- otherwise we will take what Plex has set) if ($user ne $orig_user) { $info->{'user'} = encode('utf8', $info->{'user'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $info->{'user'}); 1 }; } elsif ($info->{time} > 1392090762) { # everything after 2013-02-11 is not encoded properly ( excluding above which is special ) $info->{'user'} = encode('utf8', $info->{'user'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $info->{'user'}); 1 }; } $info->{'ip_address'} = $in_progress->{$k}->{ip_address}; my $alert = &Notify($info,1); ## only return formated alert printf(" %s: %s\n",$time, $alert); } } print "\n * nothing in progress\n" if !$found_live; print " \n"; } #################################################### SUB ######################################################################### sub formatAlert() { my $info = shift; return ($info) if !ref($info); my $provider = shift; my $provider_multi = shift; ## n_prov_format: alert_format override in the config.pl per provider my $n_prov_format = {}; if ($provider) { $n_prov_format = $notify->{$provider}; $n_prov_format = $notify->{$provider}->{$provider_multi} if $provider_multi; } $info->{'ip_address'} = '' if !$info->{'ip_address'}; my $type = $info->{'ntype'}; my @types = qw(start watched watching stop paused resumed); my $format; my $format_key = 'alert_format'; # external provider (scripts) uses script_format if (defined($provider) && $provider eq 'external') { $format_key = 'script_format'; return -1 if !$n_prov_format->{$format_key}->{$type}; $format = $n_prov_format->{$format_key}->{$type}; } else { foreach my $tkey (@types) { if ($type =~ /$tkey/i) { $format = $alert_format->{$tkey}; # default alert formats per notify type $format = $n_prov_format->{$format_key}->{$tkey} if $n_prov_format->{$format_key}->{$tkey}; # provider override } } } if ($debug) { print "\nformat: $format\n";} ## just to be sure we don't have any conflicts -- use double curly brackets {{variable}} ( users still only use 1 {variable} ) $format =~ s/{/{{/g; $format =~ s/}/}}/g; my $regex = join "|", keys %{$info}; $regex = qr/$regex/; ## decoding doesn't play nice if we have mixed content ( one variable umlauts, another cryillic) try and decode each string if (!$info->{'decoded'}) { foreach my $key (keys %{$info}) { ## save come cpu cycles. if (!ref($info->{$key}) && $format =~ /{$key}/) { $info->{$key} = decode('utf8',$info->{$key}) if eval { decode('UTF-8', $info->{$key}); 1 }; } } } $format =~ s/{{($regex)}}/$info->{$1}/g; ## regex replace variables $format =~ s/\[\]//g; ## trim any empty variable encapsulated in [] $format =~ s/\s+/ /g; ## remove double spaces $format =~ s/\\n/\n/g; ## allow \n to be an actual new line $format =~ s/{{newline}}/\n/g; ## allow \n to be an actual new line ## special for now.. might make this more useful -- just thrown together since email can include a ton of info if ($format =~ /{{all_details}}/i) { $format =~ s/\s*{{all_details}}\s*//i; $format .= sprintf("\n\n%10s %s\n","","-----All Details-----"); my $f_extra; foreach my $key (keys %{$info} ) { if (!ref($info->{$key})) { if ($info->{$key}) { my $value = $info->{$key}; if (!$info->{'decoded'}) { $value = decode('utf8',$value) if eval { decode('UTF-8', $value); 1 }; } $format .= sprintf("%20s: %s\n",$key,$value); } } else { $f_extra .= sprintf("\n\n%10s %s\n","","-----$key-----"); foreach my $k2 (keys %{$info->{$key}} ) { if (!ref($info->{$key}->{$k2})) { my $value = $info->{$key}->{$k2}; if (!$info->{'decoded'}) { $value = decode('utf8',$value) if eval { decode('UTF-8', $value); 1 }; } $f_extra .= sprintf("%20s: %s\n",$k2,$value); } } } } $format .= $f_extra if $f_extra; } return ($format); } sub ConsoleLog() { my $msg = shift; my $alert_options = shift; my $print = shift; my $prefix = ''; if (ref($alert_options)) { if ($alert_options->{'user'}) { if ($msg !~ /\b$alert_options->{'user'}\b/i) { $prefix .= $alert_options->{'user'} . ' ' if $alert_options->{'user'}; } if ($msg !~ /\b$push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}}\b/i) { $prefix .= $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} . ' ' if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; } } ## append type (movie, episode) if supplied $prefix .= ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) . ' ' if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; $prefix =~ s/\s+$//g; } $msg = $prefix . ': ' . $msg if $prefix; my $console; my $date = localtime; if ($debug || $print) { $console = &consoletxt("$date: DEBUG: $msg"); print $console ."\n"; } elsif ($options{test_notify}) { $console = &consoletxt("$date: DEBUG test_notify: $msg"); print $console ."\n"; } else { $console = &consoletxt("$date: $msg"); } ## file logging if (&ProviderEnabled('file')) { open FILE, ">>", $notify->{'file'}->{'filename'} or die $!; print FILE "$console\n"; close(FILE); print "FILE Notification successfully logged.\n" if $debug; } return 1; } sub NotifyFile() { my $provider = 'file'; #my $msg = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $msg = $alert; my $alert_options = shift; my $print = shift; my $prefix = ''; if (ref($alert_options) && $alert_options->{'user'}) { if ($msg !~ /\b$alert_options->{'user'}\b/i) { $prefix .= $alert_options->{'user'} . ' ' if $alert_options->{'user'}; } if ($msg !~ /\b$push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}}\b/i) { $prefix .= $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} . ' ' if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; } } else { $prefix .= $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} . ' ' if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; } ## append type (movie, episode) if supplied $prefix .= ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) . ' ' if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; $prefix =~ s/\s+$//g if $prefix; $msg = $prefix . ': ' . $msg if $prefix; my $console; my $date = localtime; if ($debug || $print) { $console = &consoletxt("$date: DEBUG: $msg"); print $console ."\n"; } elsif ($options{test_notify}) { $console = &consoletxt("$date: DEBUG test_notify: $msg"); print $console ."\n"; } else { $console = &consoletxt("$date: $msg"); } ## file logging if (&ProviderEnabled('file')) { open FILE, ">>", $notify->{'file'}->{'filename'} or die $!; print FILE "$console\n"; close(FILE); print "FILE Notification successfully logged.\n" if $debug; } return 1; } sub NotifyExternal() { my $provider = 'external'; # This is just a pretty basic routine to call external scripts. my $info = shift; my $alert_options = shift; my ($success,$error); foreach my $k (keys %{$notify->{$provider}}) { my ($command) = &formatAlert($info,$provider,$k); next if $command eq -1; my $push_type = $alert_options->{'push_type'}; if (ref $notify->{$provider}->{$k} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{'enabled'} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{$push_type}) { print "$provider key:$k enabled for this $alert_options->{'push_type'}\n" if $debug; } else { print "$provider key:$k NOT enabled for this $alert_options->{'push_type'} - skipping\n" if $debug; next; } &DebugLog($provider . '-' . $k . ': ' . $push_type . ' enabled -> run cmd: ' . $command); system($command) } return 1; # for now... success! } sub DebugLog() { ## still need to add this routine to many other places (TODO) my $msg = shift; my $print = shift; my $date = localtime; my $console = &consoletxt("$date: $msg"); print $console ."\n" if ($debug || $print); if ($debug_logging) { open FILE, ">>", $data_dir . '/' . 'debug.log' or die $!; print FILE "$console\n"; close(FILE); } } sub Notify() { my $info = shift; my $ret_alert = shift; my $state_change = shift; ## we will check what the state is and notify accordingly my $dinfo = $info->{'user'}.':'.$info->{'title'}; #&DebugLog($dinfo . ': '."ret_alert:$ret_alert, state_change:$state_change"); my $type = $info->{'ntype'}; ## to fix if ($state_change) { $type = "resumed" if $info->{'state'} =~ /playing/i; $type = "paused" if $info->{'state'} =~ /pause/i; $info->{'ntype'} = $type; &DebugLog($dinfo . ': '."state:$info->{'state'}, ntype:$type "); } my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info); ## --exclude_user array ref -- do not notify if user is excluded.. however continue processing -- logging to DB - logging to file still happens. return 1 if ( grep { $_ =~ /$info->{'orig_user'}/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); return 1 if ( grep { $_ =~ /$info->{'user'}/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); ## only return the alert - do not notify -- used for CLI to keep formatting the same return &consoletxt($alert) if $ret_alert; my $push_type; if ($type =~ /start/) { $push_type = 'push_watching'; } if ($type =~ /stop/) { $push_type = 'push_watched'; } if ($type =~ /resume/) { $push_type = 'push_resumed'; } if ($type =~ /pause/) { $push_type = 'push_paused'; } &DebugLog($dinfo . ': '.'push_type:' . $push_type); #my $alert_options = (); my $alert_options = $info; ## include $info href $alert_options->{'push_type'} = $push_type; foreach my $provider (keys %{$notify}) { if (&ProviderEnabled($provider,$push_type)) { &DebugLog($dinfo . ': '.$provider . ' ' . $push_type . ' enabled -> sending notify'); $notify_func{$provider}->($info,$alert_options); #$notify_func{$provider}->($alert,$alert_options); } } } sub ProviderEnabled() { my ($provider,$push_type) = @_; if (!$push_type) { ## provider is multi ( GNTP ) foreach my $k (keys %{$notify->{$provider}}) { return 1 if (ref $notify->{$provider}->{$k} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{'enabled'}); } ## provider is non-multi return 1 if $notify->{$provider}->{'enabled'}; } ## check provider and push type if supplied else { ## provider is multi ( GNTP ) foreach my $k (keys %{$notify->{$provider}}) { ## for now - we will just return 1 if any of them are enabled --- the NotifySUB of the provider will handle the multiple values return 1 if (ref $notify->{$provider}->{$k} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{'enabled'} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{$push_type}); } ## provider is non-multi return 1 if ( ( $notify->{$provider}->{'enabled'} ) && ( $notify->{$provider}->{$push_type} || $provider =~ /file/)); } return 0; } sub ProcessStart() { my ($xmlref,$db_key,$title,$platform,$user,$orig_title,$orig_title_ep,$genre,$episode,$season,$summary,$rating,$year,$ip,$ratingKey,$parentRatingKey,$grandparentRatingKey) = @_; my $xml = XMLout($xmlref); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into processed (session_id,ip_address,title,platform,user,orig_title,orig_title_ep,genre,episode,season,summary,rating,year,xml,ratingKey,parentRatingKey,grandparentRatingKey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $sth->execute($db_key,$ip,$title,$platform,$user,$orig_title,$orig_title_ep,$genre,$episode,$season,$summary,$rating,$year,$xml,$ratingKey,$parentRatingKey,$grandparentRatingKey) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); return $dbh->sqlite_last_insert_rowid(); } sub ProcessGrouped() { my $hash_ref = shift; my $option = shift; #1 = force default (nothing special), #2 delete grouped table and process my %seen = %$hash_ref; if (defined($option) and $option == 2) { print "\t*Optimizing grouped table..."; my $delete = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM grouped"); $delete->execute; my $vaccum = $dbh->prepare("VACUUM"); $vaccum->execute; } my $insert = $dbh->prepare("insert into grouped (session_id,time,stopped,paused_counter,ip_address,title,platform,user,orig_title,orig_title_ep,genre,episode,season,summary,rating,year,xml,ratingKey,parentRatingKey,grandparentRatingKey) ". "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); my $update = $dbh->prepare("update grouped set stopped = ?, paused_counter = ?, ip_address = ?, platform = ?, xml = ? where id = ?"); # lock for changes - this is a HUGE speed increase ( takes < second to insert/update 1500 records ) $dbh->begin_work; foreach my $k (sort { $seen{$a}->{time} cmp $seen{$b}->{'time'} } (keys %seen) ) { my $info = $seen{$k}; ## check if record exists my $check = $dbh->prepare('select id,stopped,paused_counter from grouped where session_id = ? and time = ?'); $check->execute($info->{'db_key'},$info->{'time'}) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my @row = $check->fetchrow_array; ## New record - Insert if (!$row[0]) { $insert->execute($info->{'db_key'},$info->{'time'},$info->{'stopped'},$info->{'paused'},$info->{'ip_address'},$info->{'title'},$info->{'platform'},$info->{'orig_user'},$info->{'orig_title'},$info->{'orig_title_ep'},$info->{'genre'},$info->{'episode'},$info->{'season'},$info->{'summary'},$info->{'rating'},$info->{'year'},$info->{'xml'}, $info->{'ratingKey'},$info->{'parentRatingKey'},$info->{'grandparentRatingKey'}) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } ## Existing record -- check if new info else { # we can key off of stopped, paused -- stopped will probably be the only key since we are only looking for watched content now if ($row[1] ne $info->{'stopped'} || $row[2] ne $info->{'paused'}) { $update->execute($info->{'stopped'},$info->{'paused'},$info->{'ip_address'},$info->{'platform'},$info->{'xml'},$row[0]) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } } } # commit changes $dbh->commit; print "Done\n" if (defined($option) and $option == 2); } sub UpdateConfig() { my $ref = shift; my @vars = @$ref; my $USER_CONFIG = {}; foreach my $name (@vars) { if (defined(${$main::{$name}})) { $USER_CONFIG->{$name} = ${$main::{$name}}; } } use Data::Dumper; my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref; my $json_s = $json->encode($USER_CONFIG); my $json_p = $json->pretty->encode( $USER_CONFIG ); my $ref_blob = Dumper($USER_CONFIG); my $insert = $dbh->prepare("insert into config (version,json,json_pretty,hash_ref) values (?,?,?,?)"); my $delete = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM config"); # lock for changes - this is a HUGE speed increase ( takes < second to insert/update 1500 records ) $dbh->begin_work; $delete->execute; $insert->execute($version,$json_s,$json_p,$ref_blob) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); # commit changes $dbh->commit; } sub LocateIP() { ## locate IP by machineIdentifier in log file -- hoping this will be part of the API at some point ## * added ratingKey -- sometimes the DirectPlay on LAN is missing the standated GET I am expecting.. ## ** I think it's due when the IP is in the allowedNetworks ## * modified to read file backwards -- if people use custom logs - they can be way to large.. my $href = shift; if ($log_client_ip && ref $href) { # two logs should be enough.. shouldn't rotate more than once my @logs = ($server_log, $server_log . '.1', ); my $max_lines = 10000; # seems like a lot.. but it's not foreach my $log (@logs) { if (-f $log) { my $match; my $ipRegex = '\[[f:]*([\d\.\:a-f]*?)\:\d+\]'; # works with # ipv4 [] # ipv4v6 [ffff::] # ipv6 [2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329:60847] my $bw = File::ReadBackwards->new( $log ) or die "can't read 'log_file' $!" ; my $ip; my $find = $href->{'machineIdentifier'}; my $item = $href->{'ratingKey'}; my $d_out = "Locating IP for $href->{ratingKey}:$href->{'machineIdentifier'} [$href->{'user'}:$href->{'title'}] from $log... "; my $count = 0; while( defined( my $log_line = $bw->readline ) && !$ip) { last if ($count > $max_lines); $count++; next if $log_line =~ /\[127\.0\.0\.1:\d+\]/; # ignore local request [ usually PUT requests, not GET|HEAD ] # -- IP in the beginnng of the log if ($log_line =~ /\s+$ipRegex\s+(GET|HEAD]).*[^\d]$item.*(X-Plex-Client-Identifier|session)=$find/i) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . " [ by $2:$find + item:$item]"; } elsif ($log_line =~ /\s+$ipRegex\s+(GET|HEAD).*(X-Plex-Client-Identifier|session)=$find/i) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . " [ by $2:$find only]"; } if ($log_line =~ /\s+$ipRegex\s+(GET|HEAD]).*$find/i) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . " [ by client:$find only]"; } # pre elsif ($log_line =~ /(GET|HEAD]).*[^\d]$item.*(X-Plex-Client-Identifier|session)=$find.*\s+\[(.*)\:\d+\]/i) { $ip = $3; $match = $log_line . " [ by $2:$find + item:$item]"; } elsif ($log_line =~ /(GET|HEAD).*(X-Plex-Client-Identifier|session)=$find.*\s+\[(.*)\:\d+\]/i) { $ip = $3; $match = $log_line . " [ by $2:$find only]"; } } $d_out .= $ip if $ip; $d_out .= "NO IP found ($count lines searched)" if !$ip; &DebugLog($d_out); &DebugLog("$ip log match (line $count): $match") if $ip; ## this is a failsafe [fallback] way to get IP - it might be incorrect if multiple people are view the item at the same time ## fallback seems to work sometimes -- but depending if the video was started ~10 seconds before the run of this, the log line isn't logged yet. We need to sleep for a couple seconds if (!$ip) { my $sleep = 5; &DebugLog("Trying fallback mode for IP match (sleeping $sleep seconds before reloading log $log"); sleep 5; # we will sleep 5 seconds before searching log again -- and load the log file again. $bw = File::ReadBackwards->new( $log ) or die "can't read 'log_file' $!" ; $count = 0; my $find = $item; my $d_out = "Locating IP for $href->{ratingKey} [$href->{'user'}:$href->{'title'}] from $log... "; $d_out = "Locating IP for item $href->{ratingKey} from $log... "; while( defined( my $log_line = $bw->readline ) && !$ip) { last if ($count > $max_lines); $count++; next if $log_line =~ /\[127\.0\.0\.1:\d+\]/; # ignore local request [ usually PUT requests, not GET|HEAD ] # -- IP in the beginnng of the log if ($log_line =~ /$ipRegex.*GET.*playing.*ratingKey=$find[^\d]/) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . "[ fallback match 1 ]"; } elsif ($log_line =~ /$ipRegex.*GET.*\/$find\?checkFiles/) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . "[ fallback match 2 ]"; } elsif ($log_line =~ /$ipRegex.*GET.*[^\d]$find[^\d]/) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . "[ fallback match 3 ]"; } # pre elsif ($log_line =~ /GET.*playing.*ratingKey=$find[^\d].*\s+\[(.*)\:\d+\]/) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . "[ fallback match 1 pre ]"; } elsif ($log_line =~ /GET.*\/$find\?checkFiles.*\s+\[(.*)\:\d+\]/) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . "[ fallback match 2 pre ]"; } elsif ($log_line =~ /GET.*[^\d]$find[^\d].*\s+\[(.*)\:\d+\]/) { $ip = $1; $match = $log_line . "[ fallback match 3 pre]"; } } $d_out .= $ip if $ip; $d_out .= "NO IP found ($count lines searched)" if !$ip; &DebugLog($d_out); &DebugLog("$ip log match (line $count): $match") if $ip; } ## cleanup IP address and return if ($ip) { $ip =~ s/^::ffff://g; ## clean ipv6 compatible address return $ip; } } } } } sub ProcessUpdate() { my ($xmlref,$db_key,$ip_address) = @_; my ($sess,$key) = split("_",$db_key); my $xml = XMLout($xmlref); ## multiple checks to verify the xml we update is valid return if !$xmlref->{'title'}; ## xml must have title return if !$xmlref->{'key'}; ## xml ref must have key return if $xml !~ /$key/i; ## xml must contain key my ($cmd,$sth); my $state_change=0; if ($db_key) { ## get paused status -- needed for real time watched my $extra =''; my $p_counter = 0; my $state = $xmlref->{Player}->{'state'} if $xmlref->{Player}->{state}; $state = 'playing' if $state =~ /buffering/i; $cmd = "select paused,paused_counter from processed where session_id = ?"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute($db_key) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $p = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $p_counter = $p->{'paused_counter'} if $p->{'paused_counter'}; my $p_epoch = $p->{'paused'} if $p->{'paused'}; my $prev_state = (defined($p_epoch)) ? "paused" : "playing"; ## video is paused: verify DB has the pause epoch set if ($state && ($prev_state !~ /$state/i)) { $state_change=1; my $dmsg = "* Video State: $state [prev: $prev_state]\n" if defined($state); &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; } ## bug fix for now -- might want to add buffering as an option to notify later my $state_change=0 if $state =~ /buffering/i; my $now = time(); if (defined($state) && $state =~ /paused/i) { #my $sec = $now-$p_epoch; #my $total_sec = $p_counter+$sec; if (!$p_epoch) { $extra .= sprintf(",paused = %s",$now); my $dmsg = sprintf "* Marking as as Paused on %s [%s]\n",scalar localtime($now),$now if defined($state); &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; } else { $p_counter += $now-$p_epoch; ## only for display on debug -- do NOT update db with this. my $dmsg = sprintf "* Already marked as Paused on %s [%s]\n",scalar localtime($p_epoch),$p_epoch if defined($state); &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; #$extra .= sprintf(",paused_counter = %s",$total_sec); #update counter } } ## Video is not paused -- verify DB not paused and update counter else { if ($p_epoch) { my $sec = $now-$p_epoch; $p_counter += $sec; $extra .= sprintf(",paused = %s",'null'); # set Paused to NULL $extra .= sprintf(",paused_counter = %s",$p_counter); #update counter my $dmsg = sprintf "* removing Paused state and setting paused counter to %s seconds [this duration %s sec]\n",$p_counter,$sec; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; } } my $dmsg = sprintf "* Total Paused duration: " . &durationrr($p_counter) . " [$p_counter seconds]\n" if $p_counter; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; # include IP update if we have it $extra .= sprintf(",ip_address = '%s'",$ip_address) if $ip_address; $cmd = sprintf("update processed set xml = ?%s where session_id = ?",$extra); $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute($xml,$db_key) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } #return $dbh->sqlite_last_insert_rowid(); return $state_change; } sub ProcessRecentlyAdded() { my ($db_key) = @_; my $cmd = "select item_id from recently_added where item_id = '$db_key'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; if (!$row[0]) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into recently_added (item_id) values (?)"); $sth->execute($db_key) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } } sub GetSessions() { # Debug testing XML response from API (using a file) # my $test = 1; # if ($test) { # open FILE, "< sessions.xml" or die $!; # my $lines = ""; # while () { $lines .= $_; } # close FILE; # print $lines; # my $data = XMLin(encode('utf8',$lines),KeyAttr => { Video => 'sessionKey' }, ForceArray => ['Video']); # return $data->{'Video'}; # } my $proto = 'http'; $proto = 'https' if $port == 32443; my $url = "$proto://$server:$port/status/sessions"; # Generate our HTTP request. my ($userAgent, $request, $response); $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $userAgent->timeout(20); $userAgent->agent($appname); $userAgent->env_proxy(); $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => &PMSurl($url)); $response = $userAgent->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { my $XML = $response->decoded_content(); if ($debug_xml) { print "URL: $url\n"; print "===================================XML CUT=================================================\n"; print $XML; print "===================================XML END=================================================\n"; } my $data = XMLin(encode('utf8',$XML),KeyAttr => { Video => 'sessionKey' }, ForceArray => ['Video']); # verify xml results/remove invalid and unwanted items my $container = {}; foreach my $key (keys %{$data->{'Video'}}) { my $librarySectionId = $data->{'Video'}->{$key}->{'librarySectionID'}; next if ( grep { $_ =~ /^$librarySectionId$/i } @{$options{'exclude_library_id'}}); next if ( grep { $_ =~ /^$librarySectionId$/i } @exclude_library_ids); my $libraryKey = $data->{'Video'}->{$key}->{'key'}; # any extras will contain the key "extraType". I am not sure what types there are as of yet. my $isExtra = $data->{'Video'}->{$key}->{'extraType'}; if (defined($isExtra)) { my $dmsg = "Excluding extra type: $isExtra"; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; } # should we exclude the item? for now this is mainly related to non library content (channels) elsif (!excludeContent($libraryKey,$isExtra)) { $container->{$key} = $data->{'Video'}->{$key}; } else { my $dmsg = "Excluding non library content: $data->{'Video'}->{$key}->{'title'}"; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg; } } # clean results return $container; #return $data->{'Video'}; } else { my $dmsg = "Failed to get request $url - The result:"; $dmsg .= $response->decoded_content(); &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; if ($options{debug}) { print "\n-----------------------------------DEBUG output----------------------------------\n\n"; print Dumper($response); print "\n---------------------------------END DEBUG output---------------------------------\n\n"; } exit(2); } } sub PMSToken() { my $token = &getDbToken(); my $proto = 'http'; $proto = 'https' if $port == 32443; my $url = "$proto://$server:$port"; # Generate our HTTP request. my ($userAgent, $request, $response); $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $userAgent->timeout(10); $userAgent->agent($appname); $userAgent->env_proxy(); $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); $request->header('X-Plex-Token' => $token) if $token; $response = $userAgent->request($request); if ($response->code == 401) { $token = &myPlexToken(); &updateToken($token); return $token; } return $token; } sub getSecPaused() { my $db_key = shift; if ($db_key) { my $cmd = "select paused,paused_counter,stopped from processed where session_id = '$db_key'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; my $total=0; $total=$row->{'paused_counter'} if $row->{'paused_counter'}; ## subtract current time from paused epoch as it's not yet stopped ( currently paused ) if (defined($row->{'paused'}) && !$row->{'stopped'}) { $total += time()-$row->{'paused'}; } $total = 0 if !$total || $total !~ /\d+/; return $total; } } sub getLastGroupedTime() { my $less = shift; $less = 0 if !$less; my $cmd = "select max(stopped) from grouped"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; if ($row[0]) { my $result = $row[0]; return $result-$less if $result-$less > 0; return $result; } return 0; } sub CheckNotified() { my $db_key = shift; if ($db_key) { my $cmd = "select id from processed where notified = 1 and session_id = '$db_key'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; return $row[0]; } } sub GetUnNotified() { my $info = (); my $cmd = "select * from processed where notified != 1 or notified is null"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $info->{$row_hash->{'session_id'}} = $row_hash; } return $info; } sub updateRatingKeys() { # populate the DB keys (new) from the XML record # same logic can be used for other info we need later # ORDER of keys must be ratingKey, parent, grandparent ( used in logic for updates ) my @keys = qw(ratingKey parentRatingKey grandparentRatingKey); # for now we will only update OLD records if the ratingKey is missing. Might want to update the logic to verify all keys are there if it's an episode my @tables = qw(processed grouped); foreach my $table (@tables) { my $cmd = "select id,xml," . join(",",@keys) ." from $table where ratingKey is null and xml is not null"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my @batchUpdates; while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { if (defined($row_hash->{xml})) { my $xml_ref = XMLin($row_hash->{xml}); if (ref($xml_ref)) { my @updates; my $hasUpdates = 0; foreach my $key (@keys) { my $cur = $row_hash->{$key} || 'NULL'; my $new = $xml_ref->{$key} || 'NULL'; $hasUpdates = 1 if ($cur ne $new); push (@updates,$new); } # push the update to the batch if modified if ($hasUpdates) { push(@updates,$row_hash->{id}); push(@batchUpdates,[@updates]); } } } } if (@batchUpdates) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update $table set ratingKey = ?, parentRatingKey = ?, grandparentRatingKey = ? where id = ?"); $dbh->begin_work; foreach my $record (@batchUpdates) { my @array = @$record; if (scalar @array == 4) { ## hack to set NULL back to a real NULL. DBI requires undef for nulls for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@array); $i++) { $array[$i] = undef if (!$array[$i] or $array[$i] =~ /^null$/i); } $sth->execute(@array) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } } $dbh->commit; } } } sub GetTestNotify() { my $option = shift; my $info = (); my $cmd = "select * from processed order by time desc limit 1"; if ($option !~ /start/i) { $cmd = "select * from processed where stopped is not null order by time desc limit 1"; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $info->{$row_hash->{'session_id'}} = $row_hash; } return $info; } sub GetStarted() { my $info = (); # my $cmd = "select * from processed where notified = 1 and stopped is null"; my $cmd = "select * from processed where time is not null and stopped is null"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $info->{$row_hash->{'session_id'}} = $row_hash; } return $info; } sub GetRecentlyAddedDB() { my $limit_days = shift; my $cmd = "select * from recently_added"; $cmd .= " where time > " . (time()-(86400*$limit_days)) if $limit_days; my $info = (); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $info->{$row_hash->{'item_id'}} = $row_hash; } return $info; } sub GetWatched() { my $info = (); my ($start,$stop,$group_table) = @_; my $where; $where .= " and time >= $start " if $start; $where .= " and time <= $stop " if $stop; ## going forward only include rows with xml -- mainly for my purposes as I didn't relase this to public before I included xml ## we don't need notified = 1 here. #my $cmd = "select * from processed where notified = 1 and stopped is not null and xml is not null"; my $cmd = "select * from processed where stopped is not null and xml is not null"; if ($group_table) { $cmd = "select * from grouped where stopped is not null and xml is not null"; } $cmd .= $where if $where; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $info->{$row_hash->{'session_id'}} = $row_hash; } return $info; } sub GetInProgress() { my $info = (); my $cmd = "select * from processed where time is not null and stopped is null"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); while (my $row_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $info->{$row_hash->{'session_id'}} = $row_hash; } return $info; } sub SetNotified() { my $id = shift; if ($id) { my $cmd = "update processed set notified = 1 where id = '$id'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } } sub SetNotified_RA() { my $provider = shift; my $id = shift; my $status = shift; $status = 1 if !$status; ## status = 1 by default (success), 2 = failed - day old.. do not process anymore if ($id) { my $cmd = "update recently_added set $provider = $status where item_id = '$id'"; &DebugLog($cmd); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } } sub SetStopped() { my $db_key = shift; my $time = shift; if ($db_key) { $time = time() if !$time; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update processed set stopped = ?,paused = null,notified = null where id = ?"); $sth->execute($time,$db_key) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); } ## BUG FIX - remove paused state for any stopped item - this can be removed at a later date (TODO) ## fixes in place to account for this anyways. It's just DB cleanup my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update processed set paused = null where stopped is not null"); $sth->execute() or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); &UpdateGroupedTable; ## update the grouped table } sub initDB() { ## inital columns - id, session_id, time my $dbtable = 'processed'; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$data_dir/plexWatch.db","",""); $dbh->do("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER"); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); #ALTER TABLE Name ADD COLUMN new_column INTEGER DEFAULT 0 my %tables; while (my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array) { foreach (@tmp) { $tables{$_} = $_; }} if ($tables{$dbtable}) { } else { my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $dbtable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, session_id text, time timestamp default (strftime('%s', 'now')) );"; my $result_code = $dbh->do($cmd) or die("Unable to prepare execute $cmd: $dbh->errstr\n"); } ## Add new columns/indexes on the fly -- and change definitions my @dbcol = ( { 'name' => 'user', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'platform', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'title', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'orig_title', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'orig_title_ep', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'episode', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'season', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'year', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'rating', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'genre', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'summary', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'notified', 'definition' => 'INTEGER', }, { 'name' => 'stopped', 'definition' => 'timestamp',}, { 'name' => 'paused', 'definition' => 'timestamp',}, { 'name' => 'paused_counter', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'xml', 'definition' => 'text',}, { 'name' => 'ip_address', 'definition' => 'text',}, { 'name' => 'ratingKey', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'parentRatingKey', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'grandparentRatingKey', 'definition' => 'integer', }, ); my @dbidx = ( { 'name' => 'userIdx', 'table' => 'user', }, { 'name' => 'timeIdx', 'table' => 'time', }, { 'name' => 'stoppedIdx', 'table' => 'stopped', }, { 'name' => 'notifiedIdx', 'table' => 'notified', }, { 'name' => 'ratingKeyIdx', 'table' => 'ratingKey', }, { 'name' => 'parentRatingKeyIdx', 'table' => 'parentRatingKey', }, { 'name' => 'grandparentRatingKeyIdx', 'table' => 'grandparentRatingKey', }, ); &initDBtable($dbh,$dbtable,\@dbcol); ## check definitions my %dbcol_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = $_->[2]; }; ## alter table defintions if needed my $alter_def = 0; for my $col ( @dbcol ) { if ($dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} && $dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} ne $col->{'definition'}) { $alter_def =1; } } if ($alter_def) { my $dmsg = "New Table definitions.. upgrading DB"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; $dbh->begin_work; eval { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $tmp_table = 'tmp_update_table'; &initDBtable($dbh,$tmp_table,\@dbcol); ## create DB table with new sturction $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $tmp_table SELECT * FROM $dbtable"); $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $dbtable"); $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $tmp_table RENAME TO $dbtable"); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dmsg = "Could not upgrade table definitions - Transaction aborted because $@"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; eval { $dbh->rollback }; } $dmsg = "DB update DONE\n"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; } ## now verify indexes my %dbidx_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA INDEX_LIST($dbtable)") } ) { $dbidx_exists{$_->[1]} = 1; }; for my $idx ( @dbidx ) { if ($debug) { print "CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'})\n" unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ); } $dbh->do("CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'})") unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ); } ## future tables.. &DB_ra_table($dbh); ## verify/create RecentlyAdded table &DB_grouped_table($dbh); ## verify/create grouped &DB_config_table($dbh); ## verify/create config table &DB_auth_table($dbh); ## verify/create config table return $dbh; } sub DB_ra_table() { ## verify Recnetly Added table my $dbh = shift; my $dbtable = 'recently_added'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER"); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); #ALTER TABLE Name ADD COLUMN new_column INTEGER DEFAULT 0 my %tables; while (my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array) { foreach (@tmp) { $tables{$_} = $_; }} if ($tables{$dbtable}) { } else { my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $dbtable (item_id text primary key, time timestamp default (strftime('%s', 'now')) );"; my $result_code = $dbh->do($cmd) or die("Unable to prepare execute $cmd: $dbh->errstr\n"); } ## Add new columns/indexes on the fly -- and change definitions my @dbcol = ( { 'name' => 'debug', 'definition' => 'text',}, { 'name' => 'file', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'twitter', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'growl', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'prowl', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'GNTP', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'EMAIL', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'pushover', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'pushbullet', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'pushalot', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'boxcar', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'boxcar_v2', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, ); my @dbidx = ( { 'name' => 'itemIds', 'table' => 'item_id', }, ); &initDBtable($dbh,$dbtable,\@dbcol); ## check definitions my %dbcol_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = $_->[2]; }; ## alter table defintions if needed my $alter_def = 0; for my $col ( @dbcol ) { if ($dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} && $dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} ne $col->{'definition'}) { $alter_def =1; } } if ($alter_def) { my $dmsg = "New Table definitions.. upgrading DB"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; $dbh->begin_work; eval { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $tmp_table = 'tmp_update_table'; &initDBtable($dbh,$tmp_table,\@dbcol); ## create DB table with new sturction $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $tmp_table SELECT * FROM $dbtable"); $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $dbtable"); $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $tmp_table RENAME TO $dbtable"); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dmsg = "Could not upgrade table definitions - Transaction aborted because $@"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; eval { $dbh->rollback }; } $dmsg = "DB update DONE"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; } ## now verify indexes my %dbidx_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA INDEX_LIST($dbtable)") } ) { $dbidx_exists{$_->[1]} = 1; }; for my $idx ( @dbidx ) { if ($debug) { print "CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'})\n" unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ); } $dbh->do("CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'})") unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ); } return $dbh; } sub DB_grouped_table() { ## verify Recnetly Added table my $dbh = shift; my $dbtable = 'grouped'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER"); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $created = 0; #ALTER TABLE Name ADD COLUMN new_column INTEGER DEFAULT 0 my %tables; while (my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array) { foreach (@tmp) { $tables{$_} = $_; }} if ($tables{$dbtable}) { } else { my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $dbtable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );"; my $result_code = $dbh->do($cmd) or die("Unable to prepare execute $cmd: $dbh->errstr\n"); $created = 1; } ## Add new columns/indexes on the fly -- and change definitions my @dbcol = ( { 'name' => 'session_id', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'time', 'definition' => 'timestamp', }, { 'name' => 'user', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'platform', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'title', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'orig_title', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'orig_title_ep', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'episode', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'season', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'year', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'rating', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'genre', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'summary', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'notified', 'definition' => 'INTEGER', }, { 'name' => 'stopped', 'definition' => 'timestamp',}, { 'name' => 'paused', 'definition' => 'timestamp',}, { 'name' => 'paused_counter', 'definition' => 'INTEGER',}, { 'name' => 'xml', 'definition' => 'text',}, { 'name' => 'ip_address', 'definition' => 'text',}, { 'name' => 'ratingKey', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'parentRatingKey', 'definition' => 'integer', }, { 'name' => 'grandparentRatingKey', 'definition' => 'integer', }, ); my @dbidx = ( { 'name' => 'GuserIdx', 'table' => 'user', }, { 'name' => 'GtimeIdx', 'table' => 'time', }, { 'name' => 'GstoppedIdx', 'table' => 'stopped', }, { 'name' => 'GnotifiedIdx', 'table' => 'notified', }, { 'name' => 'GratingKeyIdx', 'table' => 'ratingKey', }, { 'name' => 'GparentRatingKeyIdx', 'table' => 'parentRatingKey', }, { 'name' => 'GgrandparentRatingKeyIdx', 'table' => 'grandparentRatingKey', }, ); &initDBtable($dbh,$dbtable,\@dbcol); ## this will just add the columns if needed ( already created the dbtable) ## check definitions my %dbcol_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = $_->[2]; }; ## alter table defintions if needed my $alter_def = 0; for my $col ( @dbcol ) { if ($dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} && $dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} ne $col->{'definition'}) { $alter_def =1; } } if ($alter_def) { my $dmsg = "New Table definitions.. upgrading DB"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; $dbh->begin_work; eval { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $tmp_table = 'tmp_update_table'; &initDBtable($dbh,$tmp_table,\@dbcol); ## create DB table with new sturction $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $tmp_table SELECT * FROM $dbtable"); $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $dbtable"); $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $tmp_table RENAME TO $dbtable"); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dmsg = "Could not upgrade table definitions - Transaction aborted because $@"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; eval { $dbh->rollback }; } $dmsg = "DB update DONE"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; } ## now verify indexes my %dbidx_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA INDEX_LIST($dbtable)") } ) { $dbidx_exists{$_->[1]} = 1; }; for my $idx ( @dbidx ) { if ($debug) { print "CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'})\n" unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ); } $dbh->do("CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'})") unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ); } return $dbh; } sub DB_config_table() { ## verify Recnetly Added table my $dbh = shift; my $dbtable = 'config'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER"); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $created = 0; #ALTER TABLE Name ADD COLUMN new_column INTEGER DEFAULT 0 my %tables; while (my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array) { foreach (@tmp) { $tables{$_} = $_; }} if ($tables{$dbtable}) { } else { my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $dbtable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );"; my $result_code = $dbh->do($cmd) or die("Unable to prepare execute $cmd: $dbh->errstr\n"); $created = 1; } ## Add new columns/indexes on the fly -- and change definitions my @dbcol = ( { 'name' => 'version', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'json', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'json_pretty', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'hash_ref', 'definition' => 'text', }, ); &initDBtable($dbh,$dbtable,\@dbcol); ## this will just add the columns if needed ( already created the dbtable) ## check definitions my %dbcol_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = $_->[2]; }; ## alter table defintions if needed my $alter_def = 0; for my $col ( @dbcol ) { if ($dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} && $dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} ne $col->{'definition'}) { $alter_def =1; } } if ($alter_def) { my $dmsg = "New Table definitions.. upgrading DB"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; $dbh->begin_work; eval { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $tmp_table = 'tmp_update_table'; &initDBtable($dbh,$tmp_table,\@dbcol); ## create DB table with new sturction $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $tmp_table SELECT * FROM $dbtable"); $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $dbtable"); $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $tmp_table RENAME TO $dbtable"); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dmsg = "Could not upgrade table definitions - Transaction aborted because $@"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; eval { $dbh->rollback }; } $dmsg = "DB update DONE"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; } return $dbh; } sub DB_auth_table() { ## verify Recnetly Added table my $dbh = shift; my $dbtable = 'auth'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER"); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $created = 0; #ALTER TABLE Name ADD COLUMN new_column INTEGER DEFAULT 0 my %tables; while (my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array) { foreach (@tmp) { $tables{$_} = $_; }} if ($tables{$dbtable}) { } else { my $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $dbtable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );"; my $result_code = $dbh->do($cmd) or die("Unable to prepare execute $cmd: $dbh->errstr\n"); $created = 1; } ## Add new columns/indexes on the fly -- and change definitions my @dbcol = ( { 'name' => 'token', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'user', 'definition' => 'text', }, { 'name' => 'password', 'definition' => 'text', }, ); &initDBtable($dbh,$dbtable,\@dbcol); ## this will just add the columns if needed ( already created the dbtable) ## check definitions my %dbcol_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = $_->[2]; }; ## alter table defintions if needed my $alter_def = 0; for my $col ( @dbcol ) { if ($dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} && $dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} ne $col->{'definition'}) { $alter_def =1; } } if ($alter_def) { my $dmsg = "New Table definitions.. upgrading DB"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; $dbh->begin_work; eval { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $tmp_table = 'tmp_update_table'; &initDBtable($dbh,$tmp_table,\@dbcol); ## create DB table with new sturction $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $tmp_table SELECT * FROM $dbtable"); $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $dbtable"); $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $tmp_table RENAME TO $dbtable"); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dmsg = "Could not upgrade table definitions - Transaction aborted because $@"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; eval { $dbh->rollback }; } $dmsg = "DB update DONE"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; } return $dbh; } sub initDBtable() { my $dbh = shift; my $dbtable = shift; my $col = shift; my @dbcol = @$col; my $created = 0; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER"); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my %tables; while (my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array) { foreach (@tmp) { $tables{$_} = $_; }} if ($tables{$dbtable}) { } else { my $cmd =''; $cmd = "CREATE TABLE $dbtable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, session_id text, time timestamp default (strftime('%s', 'now')) );"; $created = 1; my $result_code = $dbh->do($cmd) or die("Unable to prepare execute $cmd: $dbh->errstr\n"); } my %dbcol_exists = (); for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = $_->[2]; }; for my $col ( @dbcol ) { if (!$dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}}) { if ($debug) { print "ALTER TABLE $dbtable ADD COLUMN $col->{'name'} $col->{'definition'}\n";} $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $dbtable ADD COLUMN $col->{'name'} $col->{'definition'}"); } } return $created; } sub NotifyTwitter() { my $provider = 'twitter'; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { my $dmsg = uc($provider) . " 452: backing off"; &DebugLog($dmsg,1) if $dmsg; return 0; } my %tw = %{$notify->{'twitter'}}; #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; my $url = $alert_options->{'url'} if $alert_options->{'url'}; my $prefix = '{user}'; $prefix = $tw{'title'} if $tw{'title'}; $prefix = '{user}' if $prefix eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. if ($prefix =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $prefix =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $prefix =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed #$prefix = $appname if !$prefix; ## replace appname if empty, let's conserve space } $prefix .= ' ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $prefix .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; $prefix =~ s/\s+$//g if $prefix; $alert = $prefix . ': ' . $alert if $prefix; ## trim down alert.. if (length($alert) > 139) { $alert = substr($alert,0,140); ## strip down to 140 chars if ($alert =~ /(.*)\[.*/g) { $alert = $1; } ## cut at last brackets to clean up a little } ## url can be appended - twitter allows it even if the alert is 140 chars -- well it looks like 115 is max if URL is included.. my $non_url_alert = $alert; if ($url) { if (length($alert) > 114) { $alert = substr($alert,0,114); if ($alert =~ /(.*)\[.*/g) { $alert = $1; } ## cut at last brackets to clean up a little } $alert .= ' '. $url; } ## cleanup spaces $alert =~ s/\s+$//g; ## trim any spaces from END $alert =~ s/^\s+//g; ## trim any spaces from START $alert =~ s/\s+/ /g; ## replace multiple spaced with ONE if ($debug) { print "Twitter Alert: $alert\n"; } my $nt = Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1->new( consumer_key => $tw{'consumer_key'}, consumer_secret => $tw{'consumer_secret'}, access_token => $tw{'access_token'}, access_token_secret => $tw{'access_token_secret'}, ssl => 1, apiurl => "https://api.twitter.com/1.1", ); my $result = eval { $nt->update($alert); }; ## try one more time.. if ( my $err = $@ ) { ## my $rl = $nt->rate_limit_status; not useful for writes atm # twitter API doesn't publish limits for writes -- we will use this section to try again if they ever do. # if ($err->code == 403 && $rl->{'resources'}->{'application'}->{'/application/rate_limit_status'}->{'remaining'} > 1) { if ($err->code == 403) { # Grabs the specific Twitter Error code and Message. my $twitter_error = $err->{'twitter_error'}->{'errors'}[0]->{'message'}; my $twitter_code = $err->{'twitter_error'}->{'errors'}[0]->{'code'}; my $send_msg = '- (You are over the daily limit for sending Tweets. Please wait a few hours and try again.) -- setting $provider to back off additional notifications'; $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; ## Not a Rate Limit Error. We can now add more error codes as we see fit. if ($twitter_code == 187) { ## TODO: We probably want to just mark this as notified, to move on -- since it's a duplicate $send_msg = "Status is a duplicate msg ($twitter_code). Setting $provider to back off additional notifications"; } my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " error 403: $alert - $send_msg";&ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); if ($debug) { warn "HTTP Response Code: ", $err-> code, "\n", "HTTP Message......: ", $err->message, "\n", "Twitter error.....: ", $twitter_code, "\n", "Twitter message...: ", $twitter_error, "\n"; } return 0; } } ## if we tried above or error code was not 403 -- continue with error if ( my $err = $@ ) { #die $@ unless blessed $err && $err->isa('Net::Twitter::Lite::Error'); if ($debug) { warn "HTTP Response Code: ", $err->code, "\n", "HTTP Message......: ", $err->message, "\n", "Twitter error.....: ", $err->error, "\n"; } return 0; } my $dmsg = uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg && $debug; return 1; ## success } sub NotifyProwl() { ## modified from: https://www.prowlapp.com/static/prowl.pl my $provider = 'prowl'; #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %prowl = %{$notify->{prowl}}; $prowl{'event'} = ''; $prowl{'event'} = $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $prowl{'event'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; $prowl{'notification'} = $alert; $prowl{'priority'} ||= 0; $prowl{'application'} ||= $appname; $prowl{'url'} ||= ""; ## allow formatting of appname $prowl{'application'} = '{user}' if $prowl{'application'} eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. my $format = $prowl{'application'}; if ($format =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $prowl{'application'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $prowl{'application'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $prowl{'application'} = $appname if !$prowl{'application'}; ## replace appname if empty } # Prowl required UTF8 $prowl{'application'} = encode('utf8',$prowl{'application'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $prowl{'application'}); 1 }; $prowl{'event'} = encode('utf8',$prowl{'event'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $prowl{'event'}); 1 }; $prowl{'notification'} = encode('utf8',$prowl{'notification'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $prowl{'notification'}); 1 }; # URL encode our arguments $prowl{'application'} =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; $prowl{'event'} =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; $prowl{'notification'} =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; # allow line breaks in message/notification $prowl{'notification'} =~ s/\%5Cn/\%0d\%0a/g; my $providerKeyString = ''; # Generate our HTTP request. my ($userAgent, $request, $response, $requestURL); $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $userAgent->timeout(20); $userAgent->agent($appname); $userAgent->env_proxy(); $requestURL = sprintf("https://prowlapp.com/publicapi/add?apikey=%s&application=%s&event=%s&description=%s&priority=%d&url=%s%s", $prowl{'apikey'}, $prowl{'application'}, $prowl{'event'}, $prowl{'notification'}, $prowl{'priority'}, $prowl{'url'}, $providerKeyString); $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $requestURL); $response = $userAgent->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { print uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; return 1; ## success } elsif ($response->code == 401) { print STDERR "PROWL - Notification not posted: incorrect API key.\n"; } else { print STDERR "PROWL - Notification not posted: $prowl{'notification'} " . $response->content . "\n"; } $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; # failed } sub NotifyPushOver() { my $provider = 'pushover'; #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %po = %{$notify->{pushover}}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); $po{'message'} = $alert; ## PushOver title is AppName by default. If there is a real title for push type, It's 'AppName: push_type' ## allow formatting of appname $po{'title'} = '{user}' if $po{'title'} eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. my $format = $po{'title'}; if ($format =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $po{'title'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $po{'title'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $po{'title'} = $appname if !$po{'title'}; ## replace appname if empty } $po{'title'} .= ': ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $po{'title'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; my $response = $ua->post( "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json", [ "token" => $po{'token'}, "user" => $po{'user'}, "sound" => $po{'sound'}, "title" => $po{'title'}, "message" => $po{'message'}, ]); my $content = $response->decoded_content(); if ($content !~ /\"status\":1/) { print STDERR "Failed to post Pushover notification -- $po{'message'} result:$content\n"; $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } my $dmsg = uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg && $debug; return 1; ## success } sub NotifyBoxcar() { my $provider = 'boxcar'; ## this will try to notifiy via box car # It will try to subscribe to the plexWatch service on boxcar if we get a 401 and resend the notification #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %bc = %{$notify->{$provider}}; $bc{'message'} = $alert; ## BoxCars title [from name] is set in config.pl. If there is a real title for push type, It's 'From: push_type_title' ## allow formatting of appname (boxcar it's the 'from' key) $bc{'from'} = '{user}' if $bc{'from'} eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. my $format = $bc{'from'}; if ($format =~ /\{.*\}/) { ### replacemnt templates with variables my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $bc{'from'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $bc{'from'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $bc{'from'} = $appname if !$bc{'from'}; ## replace appname if empty } $bc{'from'} .= ': ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $bc{'from'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; if (!$bc{'email'}) { my $msg = "FAIL: Please specify an email address for boxcar in config.pl"; &ConsoleLog($msg); } else { my $response = &NotifyBoxcarPOST(\%bc); if ($response->is_success) { print uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; return 1; } if ($response->{'_rc'} == 401) { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->timeout(20); my $msg = "$bc{'email'} is not subscribed to plexWatch service... trying to subscribe now"; &ConsoleLog($msg); my $url = 'http://boxcar.io/devices/providers/'. $bc{'provider_key'} .'/notifications/subscribe'; my $response = $ua->post( $url, [ "email" => $bc{'email'},# ]); if (!$response->is_success) { my $msg = "$bc{'email'} subscription to plexWatch service failed. Is $bc{'email'} email registered to your boxcar account?"; &ConsoleLog($msg); } else { ## try notification again now that we are subscribed my $msg = "$bc{'email'} is now subscribed to plexWatch service. Trying to send notification again."; &ConsoleLog($msg); $response = &NotifyBoxcarPOST(\%bc); if ($response->is_success) { print uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; return 1; } } } } $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } sub NotifyBoxcar_V2() { my $provider = 'boxcar_v2'; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %bc = %{$notify->{$provider}}; $bc{'message'} = $alert; ## BoxCars title [from name] is set in config.pl. If there is a real title for push type, It's 'From: push_type_title' ## allow formatting of appname (boxcar it's the 'from' key) $bc{'from'} = '{user}' if $bc{'from'} eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. my $format = $bc{'from'}; if ($format =~ /\{.*\}/) { ### replacemnt templates with variables my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $bc{'from'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $bc{'from'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $bc{'from'} = $appname if !$bc{'from'}; ## replace appname if empty } $bc{'from'} .= ': ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $bc{'from'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; if (!$bc{'access_token'}) { my $msg = "FAIL: Please specify an Access Token for boxcar_v2 in config.pl"; &ConsoleLog($msg); } else { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->timeout(20); my $url = 'https://new.boxcar.io/api/notifications'; my $response = $ua->post( $url, [ "user_credentials" => $bc{'access_token'}, "notification[title]"=> $bc{'from'}, "notification[long_message]" => $bc{'message'}, "notification[sound]" => $bc{'sound'}, "notification[source_name]" => "plexWatch", "notification[icon_url]" => $bc{'icon_url'}, ]); if ($response->is_success) { print uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; return 1; } } $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } sub NotifyPushalot() { my $provider = 'pushalot'; #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %pa = %{$notify->{pushalot}}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); $pa{'message'} = $alert; ## allow formatting of appname $pa{'title'} = '{user}' if $pa{'title'} eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. my $format = $pa{'title'}; if ($format =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $pa{'title'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $pa{'title'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $pa{'title'} = $appname if !$pa{'title'}; ## replace appname if empty } $pa{'title'} .= ': ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $pa{'title'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; my $response = $ua->post("https://pushalot.com/api/sendmessage", [ "AuthorizationToken" => $pa{'token'}, "Title" => $pa{'title'}, "Body" => $pa{'message'}, "IsImportant" => $pa{'isimportant'}, "IsSilent" => $pa{'issilent'}, "TimeToLive" => $pa{'timetolive'}, "Source" => "plexWatch", ]); my $content = $response->decoded_content(); if ($content !~ /\"Success\":true/) { print STDERR "Failed to post Pushalot notification -- $pa{'message'} result:$content\n"; $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } my $dmsg = uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg && $debug; return 1; ## success } sub NotifyPushbullet() { my $provider = 'pushbullet'; #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %po = %{$notify->{pushbullet}}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); $po{'message'} = $alert; ## allow formatting of appname $po{'title'} = '{user}' if $po{'title'} eq $appname; ## force {user} if people still use $appname in config -- forcing update with the need to modify config. my $format = $po{'title'}; if ($format =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $po{'title'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $po{'title'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $po{'title'} = $appname if !$po{'title'}; ## replace appname if empty } $po{'title'} .= ': ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $po{'title'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; my $response = $ua->post( "https://$po{'apikey'}\@api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", [ "device_iden" => $po{'device'}, "channel_tag" => $po{'channel'}, "type" => 'note', "title" => $po{'title'}, "body" => $po{'message'}, ]); if (!$response->is_success) { my $content = $response->decoded_content(); print STDERR "Failed to post Pushbullet notification -- $po{'message'} result:$content\n"; $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } my $dmsg = uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; &DebugLog($dmsg) if $dmsg && $debug; return 1; ## success } sub NotifyGNTP() { my $provider = 'GNTP'; ## this will try to notifiy via box car # It will try to subscribe to the plexWatch service on boxcar if we get a 401 and resend the notification #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my $alert_options = shift; ## TODO -- make the 452 per multi provider if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my ($success,$alert); foreach my $k (keys %{$notify->{$provider}}) { ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider,$k); ## the ProviderEnabled check before doesn't work for multi (i.e. GNTP for now) we will have to verify this provider is actually enabled in the foreach.. my $push_type = $alert_options->{'push_type'}; if (ref $notify->{$provider}->{$k} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{'enabled'} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{$push_type}) { print "$provider key:$k enabled for this $alert_options->{'push_type'}\n" if $debug; } else { print "$provider key:$k NOT enabled for this $alert_options->{'push_type'} - skipping\n" if $debug; next; } my %gntp = %{$notify->{GNTP}->{$k}}; $gntp{'message'} = $alert; $gntp{'title'} = '{user}' if !$gntp{'title'}; ## allow formatting of appname if ($gntp{'title'} =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $gntp{'title'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $gntp{'title'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $gntp{'title'} = $appname if !$gntp{'title'}; ## replace appname if empty } $gntp{'title'} .= ' ' . $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $gntp{'title'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; if ($gntp{'sticky'} =~ /1/) { $gntp{'sticky'} = 'true'; } else { $gntp{'sticky'} = 'false'; } if (!$gntp{'server'} || !$gntp{'port'} ) { my $msg = "FAIL: Please specify a server and port for $provider [$k] in config.pl"; &ConsoleLog($msg,,1); } else { my $growl = Growl::GNTP->new( AppName => $gntp{'application'}, PeerHost => $gntp{'server'}, PeerPort => $gntp{'port'}, Password => $gntp{'password'}, Timeout => $gntp{'timeout'}, AppIcon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, ); eval { $growl->register( [ { Name => 'push_watching', DisplayName => 'push_watching', Enabled => 'True', Icon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, }, { Name => 'push_watched', DisplayName => 'push_watched', Enabled => 'True', Icon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, }, { Name => 'push_recentlyadded', DisplayName => 'push_recentlyadded', Enabled => 'True', Icon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, }, { Name => 'push_resumed', DisplayName => 'push_resumed', Enabled => 'True', Icon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, }, { Name => 'push_paused', DisplayName => 'push_paused', Enabled => 'True', Icon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, }, ]); }; # GNTP required UTF8 $gntp{'title'} = encode('utf8',$gntp{'title'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $gntp{'title'}); 1 }; $alert = encode('utf8',$alert) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $alert); 1 }; if (!$@) { $growl->notify( Priotity => 0, Sticky => 'false', Name => $alert_options->{'push_type'}, Title => $gntp{'title'}, Message => $alert, ID => time(), Icon => $gntp{'icon_url'}, Sticky => $gntp{'sticky'}, ); print uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; #return 1; ## success $success++; ## increment success -- can't return as we might have multiple destinations } } } return 1 if $success; ## this could be moved above scope to 452 specific GNTP dest that failed -- need to look into RecentlyAdded code to see how it affect that. $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: $alert - setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; &ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } sub NotifyEMAIL() { my $provider = 'EMAIL'; ## this will try to notifiy via box car # It will try to subscribe to the plexWatch service on boxcar if we get a 401 and resend the notification #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my $alert_options = shift; ## TODO -- make the 452 per multi provider if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my ($success,$alert,$error); foreach my $k (keys %{$notify->{$provider}}) { ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider,$k); ## the ProviderEnabled check before doesn't work for multi # (i.e. GNTP & EMAIL for now) we will have to verify this provider is actually enabled in the foreach.. my $push_type = $alert_options->{'push_type'}; if (ref $notify->{$provider}->{$k} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{'enabled'} && $notify->{$provider}->{$k}->{$push_type}) { print "$provider key:$k enabled for this $alert_options->{'push_type'}\n" if $debug; } else { print "$provider key:$k NOT enabled for this $alert_options->{'push_type'} - skipping\n" if $debug; next; } # do not send message if body is empty or too small if (length($alert) < 5) { my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " 452: body of message is empty? body: $alert"; &DebugLog($msg452,0); return 0; } my %email = %{$notify->{EMAIL}->{$k}}; $email{'message'} = $alert; $email{'subject'} = '{user}' if !$email{'subject'}; ## allow formatting of appname $email{'subject'} =~ s/{push_title}/$push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}}/g if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $email{'subject'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; if ($email{'subject'} =~ /\{.*\}/) { my $regex = join "|", keys %{$alert_options}; $regex = qr/$regex/; $email{'subject'} =~ s/{($regex)}/$alert_options->{$1}/g; $email{'subject'} =~ s/{\w+}//g; ## remove any {word} - templates that failed $email{'subject'} = $appname if !$email{'subject'}; ## replace appname if empty $email{'subject'} = $email{'subject'} . ' '; } # Subject needs to be decoded (body will be sent as UTF8 encoded) if (ref($info) && !$info->{'decoded'}) { $email{'subject'} = decode('utf8',$email{'subject'}) if eval { decode('UTF-8', $email{'subject'}); 1 }; } if (!$email{'server'} || !$email{'port'} || !$email{'from'} || !$email{'to'} ) { my $msg = "FAIL: Please specify a server, port, to and from address for $provider [$k] in config.pl"; &DebugLog($msg,1); } else { # Configure smtp server - required one time only # Eval SMTP server - catch errors eval { #delete_package 'diagnostics'; #diagnostics->import(); ## Windows use Net::SMTPS ( supports SSL, TLS and none ) ## errors do NOT croak, so we will have to catch them and die my $SSLmode = 'none'; $SSLmode = 'starttls' if $email{'port'} == 587 || $email{'enable_tls'}; $SSLmode = 'ssl' if $email{'port'} == 465; my $mailer = new Net::SMTPS( $email{'server'}, ( $email{'server'} ? (Hello => $email{'server'}) : () ), ( $email{'port'} ? (Port => $email{'port'}) : () ), doSSL => $SSLmode, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ); $mailer->auth( $email{'username'}, $email{'password'}) if $email{'username'} && $email{'password'}; $mailer->mail($email{'from'}); if ($mailer->to($email{'to'})) { $mailer->data; $mailer->datasend("MIME-Version: 1.0\n"); $mailer->datasend("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"); $mailer->datasend("Content-Type:text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"); $mailer->datasend("X-Mailer: plexWatch\r\n"); $mailer->datasend("To: $email{'to'}\r\n"); $mailer->datasend("From: $email{'from'}\r\n"); $mailer->datasend("Subject: $email{'subject'}\r\n"); $mailer->datasend("\r\n"); $mailer->datasend($email{'message'}); $mailer->datasend("\r\n"); $mailer->dataend; $mailer->quit; } else { die($mailer->message); } }; if ($@) { $error .= $@; my $d_out = uc($provider) . " failed " . substr($alert,0,100); &DebugLog($d_out,1); $d_out = uc($provider) . " error: $error"; &DebugLog($d_out,1); } else { $success++; ## increment success -- can't return as we might have multiple destinations (however it one works, they all work--TODO tofix) my $d_out = uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted to . " . $email{'to'} . "\n"; &DebugLog($d_out); } } } return 1 if $success; ## this could be moved above scope to 452 specific GNTP dest that failed -- need to look into RecentlyAdded code to see how it affect that. $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; my $msg452 = uc($provider) . " failed: - setting $provider to back off additional notifications"; &DebugLog($msg452,1); #&ConsoleLog($msg452,,1); return 0; } sub NotifyBoxcarPOST() { ## the actual post to boxcar my %bc = %{$_[0]}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->timeout(20); my $url = 'http://boxcar.io/devices/providers/'. $bc{'provider_key'} .'/notifications'; my $response = $ua->post( $url, [ 'secret' => $bc{'provider_secret'}, "email" => $bc{'email'}, 'notification[from_remote_service_id]' => time, # Just a unique placeholder "notification[from_screen_name]" => $bc{'from'}, "notification[message]" => $bc{'message'}, 'notification[icon_url]' => $bc{'icon_url'}, ]); return $response; } sub NotifyGrowl() { my $provider = 'growl'; #my $alert = shift; my $info = shift; my ($alert) = &formatAlert($info,$provider); my $alert_options = shift; my $extra_cmd = ''; if ($provider_452->{$provider}) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print uc($provider) . " 452: backing off\n"; } return 0; } my %growl = %{$notify->{growl}}; $growl{'title'} = $push_type_titles->{$alert_options->{'push_type'}} if $alert_options->{'push_type'}; $growl{'title'} .= ' ' . ucfirst($alert_options->{'item_type'}) if $alert_options->{'item_type'}; $extra_cmd = "$growl{'title'}" if $growl{'title'}; if (!-f $growl{'script'} ) { $provider_452->{$provider} = 1; print uc($provider) . " failed $alert: setting $provider to back off additional notifications\n"; print STDERR "\n$growl{'script'} does not exists\n"; return 0; } else { system( $growl{'script'}, "-n", $growl{'application'}, "--image", $growl{'icon'}, "-m", $alert, $extra_cmd); print uc($provider) . " Notification successfully posted.\n" if $debug; return 1; ## need better error checking here -- no mac, so I can't test it. } } sub consoletxt() { my $console = shift; $console =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; $console =~ s/\n/,/g; $console =~ s/,$//; # get rid of last comma #$console = decode('utf8',$console) if eval { decode('UTF-8', $console); 1 }; return $console; } sub getDuration() { my ($start,$stop) = @_; my $diff = $stop-$start; #$diff = 0 if $diff < 0; ## dirty. if ($diff > 0) { return &durationrr($diff); } else { return 'unknown'; } } sub CheckLock { open($script_fh, '<', $0) or die("Unable to open script source: $!\n"); my $max_wait = 30; ## wait 60 (sleep 2) seconds before exiting.. my $count = 0; while (!flock($script_fh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) { #unless (flock($script_fh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) { print "$0 is already running. waiting.\n" if $debug; $count++; sleep 2; if ($count > $max_wait) { print "CRITICAL: max wait of $max_wait seconds reached.. other running $0?\n"; exit(2); } } } sub FriendlyName() { my $user = shift; my $device = shift; my $orig_user = $user; $user = $user_display->{$user} if $user_display->{$user}; if ($device && $user_display->{$orig_user.'+'.$device} ) { $user = $user_display->{$orig_user.'+'.$device}; } return ($user,$orig_user); } sub durationrr() { my $sec = shift; return duration(0) if !$sec; if ($sec < 3600) { return duration($sec,1); } return duration($sec,2); } sub info_from_xml() { my $hash = shift; my $ntype = shift; my $start_epoch = shift; my $stop_epoch = shift; my $paused = shift; my $duration = shift; ## special case to group start/stops $paused = 0 if !$paused; # ljunkie (2013-02-10) -- DO NOT re-encode to utf8 ( we already expect utf8) # my $vid = XMLin(encode('utf8',$hash),KeyAttr => { Video => 'sessionKey' }, ForceArray => ['Video'];) my $vid = XMLin($hash,KeyAttr => { Video => 'sessionKey' }, ForceArray => ['Video']); ## paused or playing? stopped is forced and required from ntype my $state = 'unknown'; if ($ntype =~ /watched|stop/) { $state = 'stopped'; } else { $state = $vid->{Player}->{'state'} if $vid->{Player}->{state}; $state = 'playing' if $state =~ /buffering/i; } my $ma_id = ''; $ma_id = $vid->{Player}->{'machineIdentifier'} if $vid->{Player}->{'machineIdentifier'}; my $ratingKey = $vid->{'ratingKey'} if $vid->{'ratingKey'}; my $parentRatingKey = $vid->{'parentRatingKey'} if $vid->{'parentRatingKey'}; my $grandparentRatingKey = $vid->{'grandparentRatingKey'} if $vid->{'grandparentRatingKey'}; ## how many minutes in are we? TODO - cleanup when < 90 -- formatting is a bit odd with [0 seconds in] my $viewOffset = 0; if ($vid->{viewOffset}) { ## if viewOffset is less than 90 seconds.. lets consider this 0 -- quick hack to fix initial start if ($vid->{viewOffset}/1000 < 90) { $viewOffset = &durationrr(0); } else { $viewOffset = &durationrr($vid->{viewOffset}/1000) if $vid->{viewOffset}; } } ## Transcoded Info my $isTranscoded = 0; my $transInfo; ## container used for transcoded information - not in use yet my $streamType = 'D'; my $streamTypeExtended = 'Direct Play'; if (ref $vid->{TranscodeSession}) { $isTranscoded = 1; $transInfo = $vid->{TranscodeSession}; $streamType = 'T'; $streamTypeExtended = "Audio:" . $vid->{TranscodeSession}->{'audioDecision'} . " Video:" . $vid->{TranscodeSession}->{'videoDecision'}; } ## Time left Info my $time_left = 'unknown'; if ($vid->{duration} && $vid->{viewOffset}) { $time_left = &durationrr(($vid->{duration}/1000)-($vid->{viewOffset}/1000)); } ## Start/Stop Time my $start_time = ''; my $stop_time = ''; my $time = $start_epoch; $start_time = localtime($start_epoch) if $start_epoch; $stop_time = localtime($stop_epoch) if $stop_epoch; ## Duration Watched my $duration_raw; if (!$duration) { if ($time && $stop_epoch) { $duration = $stop_epoch-$time; } else { $duration = time()-$time; } } # set original duration $duration_raw = $duration; #exclude paused time $duration = $duration-$paused if !$count_paused; $duration = &durationrr($duration); ## Percent complete -- this is correct ongoing in verison 0.0.18 my $percent_complete; if ( ($vid->{viewOffset} && $vid->{duration}) && $vid->{viewOffset} > 0 && $vid->{duration} > 0) { $percent_complete = sprintf("%.0f",($vid->{viewOffset}/$vid->{duration})*100); if ($percent_complete >= 90) {$percent_complete = 100; } } ## version prior to 0.0.18 -- we will have to use duration watched to figure out percent ## not the best, but if percent complete is < 10 -- let's go with duration watched (including paused) vs duration of the video #if (!$percent_complete || $percent_complete < 10) { # no clue why I had < 10%.. lame if (!$percent_complete || $percent_complete == 0) { $percent_complete = 0; # $duration_raw is correct as we didn't have paused seconds yet. # When we had pasued seconds, the percent_complete would have already applied above if ( ($vid->{duration} && $vid->{duration} > 0) && ($duration_raw && $duration_raw > 0) ) { $percent_complete = sprintf("%.0f",($duration_raw/($vid->{duration}/1000))*100); if ($percent_complete >= 90) {$percent_complete = 100; } } } $percent_complete = 0 if !$percent_complete; my ($rating,$year,$summary,$extra_title,$genre,$platform,$title,$episode,$season); $rating = $year = $summary = $extra_title = $genre = $platform = $title = $episode = $season = ''; $title = $vid->{title}; ## Platform title (client device) ## prefer title over platform if exists ( seem to have the exact same info of platform with useful extras ) if ($vid->{Player}->{title}) {$platform = $vid->{Player}->{title}; } elsif ($vid->{Player}->{platform}) {$platform = $vid->{Player}->{platform}; } ## length of the video my $length; $length = sprintf("%.0f",$vid->{duration}/1000) if $vid->{duration}; $length = &durationrr($length); my $orig_user = (split('\@',$vid->{User}->{title}))[0] if $vid->{User}->{title}; if (!$orig_user) {$orig_user = 'Local'; } my $userID = $vid->{User}->{id}; $userID = 'Local' if !$userID; $year = $vid->{year} if $vid->{year}; $rating .= $vid->{contentRating} if ($vid->{contentRating}); $summary = $vid->{summary} if $vid->{summary}; my $orig_title = $title; my $orig_title_ep = ''; ## user can modify format, but for now I am keeping 'show title - episode title - s##e##' as the default title if ($vid->{grandparentTitle}) { $orig_title = $vid->{grandparentTitle}; $orig_title_ep = $title; $title = $vid->{grandparentTitle} . ' - ' . $title; $episode = $vid->{index} if $vid->{index}; $season = $vid->{parentIndex} if $vid->{parentIndex}; if ($episode =~ /\d+/ && $episode < 10) { $episode = 0 . $episode}; if ($season =~ /\d+/ && $season < 10) { $season = 0 . $season}; $title .= ' - s'.$season.'e'.$episode if ($season =~ /\d+/ && $episode =~ /\d+/); } ## formatting now allows user to include year, rating, etc... #if ($vid->{'type'} =~ /movie/) { ### to fix.. multiple genres ##if (defined($vid->{Genre})) { $title .= ' ['.$vid->{Genre}->{tag}.']';} #$title .= ' ['.$year.']'; #$title .= ' ['.$rating.']'; # } my ($user,$tmp) = &FriendlyName($orig_user,$platform); # DO NOT decode/encode user ## ADD keys here when needed for &Notify hash my $info = { 'user' => $user, 'userID' => $userID, 'orig_user' => $orig_user, 'title' => $title, 'platform' => $platform, 'time' => $time, 'stop_time' => $stop_time, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'rating' => $rating, 'year' => $year, 'platform' => $platform, 'summary' => $summary, 'duration' => $duration, 'length' => $length, 'raw_length' => $vid->{duration}, 'ntype' => $ntype, 'progress' => $viewOffset, 'percent_complete' => $percent_complete, 'time_left' => $time_left, 'viewOffset' => $vid->{viewOffset}, 'state' => $state, 'transcoded' => $isTranscoded, 'streamtype' => $streamType, 'streamtype_extended' => $streamTypeExtended, 'transInfo' => $transInfo, 'machineIdentifier' => $ma_id, 'ratingKey' => $ratingKey, 'parentRatingKey' => $parentRatingKey, 'grandparentRatingKey' => $grandparentRatingKey, }; return $info; } sub RunTestNotify() { my $ntype = 'start'; ## default my $map ={ 'start' => 'start', 'watching' => 'start-watching', 'watched' => 'stop-watched', 'stop' => 'stop', 'pause' => 'push_paused', 'resumed' => 'push_resumed', #'new' => 'push_recentlyadded', 'recent' => 'push_recentlyadded', }; if (!$options{test_notify} || !$map->{lc($options{test_notify})}) { print "Usage: $0 --test_notify=[option]\n\n"; print "\t[option]\n"; print "\t" . join("\n\t", sort keys %{$map}); print "\n\n"; exit; } $ntype = 'start' if $options{test_notify} =~ /start/i; $ntype = 'start-watching' if $options{test_notify} =~ /watching/i; $ntype = 'stop-watched' if $options{test_notify} =~ /watched/i; $ntype = 'stop' if $options{test_notify} =~ /stop/i; $ntype = 'push_paused' if $options{test_notify} =~ /pause/i; $ntype = 'push_resumed' if $options{test_notify} =~ /resumed/i; $ntype = 'push_recentlyadded' if $options{test_notify} =~ /recent|new/i; if ($ntype =~ /push_recentlyadded/) { my $alerts = (); $alerts->{'test'}->{'alert'} = "Title [PG-13] [2013] 108min"; $alerts->{'test'}->{'item_type'} = "Movie"; $alerts->{'test'}->{'item_id'} = 'test_item_id'; $alerts->{'test'}->{'debug_done'} = 'testing alert already done'; $alerts->{'test'}->{'alert_url'} = 'https://github.com/ljunkie/plexWatch'; &ProcessRAalerts($alerts,1); } else { $format_options->{'ntype'} = $ntype; my $test_info = &GetTestNotify($ntype); ## notify if we have a valid DB results if ($test_info) { foreach my $k (keys %{$test_info}) { my $start_epoch = $test_info->{$k}->{time} if $test_info->{$k}->{time}; ## DB only my $stop_epoch = $test_info->{$k}->{stopped} if $test_info->{$k}->{stopped}; ## DB only my $info = &info_from_xml($test_info->{$k}->{'xml'},$ntype,$start_epoch,$stop_epoch,0); $info->{'ip_address'} = $test_info->{$k}->{ip_address}; &Notify($info); ## nothing to set as notified - this is a test } } ## notify the default format if there is not DB log yet. else { &Notify($format_options); ## nothing to set as notified - this is a test } } ## test notify -- exit exit; } sub twittime() { ## twitters way of showing the date/time my $epoch = shift; my $date = (strftime "%I:%M%p %d %b %y", localtime($epoch)); $date =~ s/^0//; return $date; } sub rrtime() { ## my way of showing the date/time my $epoch = shift; my $date = (strftime "%I:%M%p - %a %b ", localtime($epoch)) . suffer(strftime "%e", localtime($epoch)) . (strftime " %Y", localtime($epoch)); $date =~ s/^0//; return $date; } sub suffer { ## day suffix (st, nd, rd, th) local $_ = shift; return $_ . (/(?{'type'} =~ /movie/i || $data->{'type'} =~ /show/ || $data->{'type'} =~ /episode/) { $info = (); $info->{'originallyAvailableAt'} = $data->{'originallyAvailableAt'}; $info->{'titleSort'} = $data->{'titleSort'}; $info->{'contentRating'} = $data->{'contentRating'}; $info->{'thumb'} = $data->{'thumb'}; $info->{'art'} = $data->{'art'}; $info->{'videoResolution'} = $data->{'Media'}->{'videoResolution'}; $info->{'videoCodec'} = $data->{'Media'}->{'videoCodec'}; $info->{'audioCodec'} = $data->{'Media'}->{'audioCodec'}; $info->{'aspectRatio'} = $data->{'Media'}->{'aspectRatio'}; $info->{'audioChannels'} = $data->{'Media'}->{'audioChannels'}; $info->{'summary'} = $data->{'summary'}; $info->{'addedAt'} = $data->{'addedAt'}; $info->{'updatedAt'} = $data->{'updatedAt'}; $info->{'duration'} = $data->{'duration'}; $info->{'tagline'} = $data->{'tagline'}; $info->{'title'} = $data->{'title'}; $info->{'year'} = $data->{'year'}; $info->{'imdb_title'} = $data->{'title'}; $info->{'imdb_title'} .= ' ' . $data->{'year'} if $data->{'year'}; } if ($data->{'type'} =~ /show/ || $data->{'type'} =~ /episode/) { $info->{'episode'} = $data->{index}; $info->{'season'} = $data->{parentIndex}; my $episodeString = ""; my $seasonString = ""; if ($info->{'episode'}) { if ($info->{'episode'} < 10) { $info->{'episode'} = 0 . $info->{'episode'};} $episodeString = "e" . $info->{'episode'}; } if ($info->{'season'}) { if ($info->{'season'} < 10) { $info->{'season'} = 0 . $info->{'season'}; } $seasonString = "s" . $info->{'season'}; } $info->{'title'} = $data->{'grandparentTitle'} . ': '. $data->{'title'} . ' ' . $seasonString . $episodeString; $info->{'imdb_title'} = $data->{'grandparentTitle'} . ': '. $data->{'title'}; } ## everything gets these $info->{'type'} = $data->{'type'}; return $info; } sub GetSectionsIDs() { my $proto = 'http'; $proto = 'https' if $port == 32443; my $host = "$proto://$server:$port"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); my $sections = (); my $url = $host . '/library/sections'; my $response = $ua->get( &PMSurl($url) ); if ( ! $response->is_success ) { print "Failed to get Library Sections from $url\n"; exit(2); } else { my $content = $response->decoded_content(); if ($debug_xml) { print "URL: $url\n"; print "===================================XML CUT=================================================\n"; print $content; print "===================================XML END=================================================\n"; } my $data = XMLin(encode('utf8',$content)); foreach my $k (keys %{$data->{'Directory'}}) { next if ( grep { $_ =~ /^$k$/i } @{$options{'exclude_library_id'}}); next if ( grep { $_ =~ /^$k$/i } @exclude_library_ids); $sections->{'raw'}->{$k} = $data->{'Directory'}->{$k}; push @{$sections->{'types'}->{$data->{'Directory'}->{$k}->{'type'}}}, $k; } } return $sections; } sub GetItemMetadata() { my $proto = 'http'; $proto = 'https' if $port == 32443; my $host = "$proto://$server:$port"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); my $item = shift; my $full_uri = shift; my $url = $host . '/library/metadata/' . $item; if ($full_uri) { $url = $host . $item; } my $sections = (); my $response = $ua->get( &PMSurl($url) ); if ( ! $response->is_success ) { if ($options{'debug'}) { print "Failed to get Metadata from from $url\n"; print Dumper($response); } return $response->{'_rc'} if $response->{'_rc'} == 404; exit(2); } else { my $content = $response->decoded_content(); if ($debug_xml) { print "URL: $url\n"; print "===================================XML CUT=================================================\n"; print $content; print "===================================XML END=================================================\n"; } #my $vid = XMLin($hash,KeyAttr => { Video => 'sessionKey' }, ForceArray => ['Video']); #my $data = XMLin($content, KeyAttr => { Role => ''} ); my $data = XMLin(encode('utf8',$content)); return $data->{'Video'} if $data->{'Video'}; } } sub GetRecentlyAdded() { my $section = shift; ## array ref &GetRecentlyAdded([5,6,7]); my $hkey = shift; ## array ref &GetRecentlyAdded([5,6,7]); my $proto = 'http'; $proto = 'https' if $port == 32443; my $host = "$proto://$server:$port"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); my $info = (); my %result; # /library/recentlyAdded <-- all sections # /library/sections/6/recentlyAdded <-- specific sectoin foreach my $section (@$section) { my $url = $host . '/library/sections/'.$section.'/recentlyAdded'; ## limit the output to the last 25 added. $url .= '?X-Plex-Container-Start=0&X-Plex-Container-Size=25'; my $response = $ua->get( &PMSurl($url) ); if ( ! $response->is_success ) { print "Failed to get Library Sections from $url\n"; exit(2); } else { my $content = $response->decoded_content(); if ($debug_xml) { print "URL: $url\n"; print "===================================XML CUT=================================================\n"; print $content; print "===================================XML END=================================================\n"; } my $data = XMLin(encode('utf8',$content), ForceArray => ['Video']); ## verify we are recieving what we expect. -- extra output for debugging if (!ref $data && $debug) { print " result from $url is not in an expected format\n"; print "-------------------- CONTENT --------------------\n"; print $content; print "-------------------- END --------------------\n"; print "-------------------- DUMPER --------------------\n"; print Dumper($data); print "-------------------- END --------------------\n"; print " result above from $url is not in an expected format\n"; } if (ref $data) { if ($data->{$hkey}) { if (ref($info)) { my $tmp = $data->{$hkey}; %result = (%$info, %$tmp); $info = \%result; } else { $info = $data->{$hkey}; } } } } } return $info; } sub urlencode { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/ /+/g; $s =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9\+-])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; return $s; } sub urldecode { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/seg; $s =~ s/\+/ /g; return $s; } sub ProcessRAalerts() { my $alerts = shift; my $test_notify = shift; my $count = 0; my $ra_done = &GetRecentlyAddedDB() if !$test_notify; ## only check if done if this is NOT a test ## used for output my $done_keys = {'1' => 'Already Notified', '2' => 'Skipped Notify - to many failures', '3' => 'Skipped Notify - not recent enough to notify', '404' => 'Not Found - No longer found on PMS', }; ## $alerts: keys # item_id # debug_done # alert_tag # alert_url my %notseen; foreach my $k ( sort keys %{$alerts}) { $count++; my $is_old = 0; my $alert_options = (); ## container for extra alert info if provider uses it.. ## VERIFY notification is for content only recently Added -- RA content is not always recent ## we will allow for 1 day ( you can set this higher, but shouldn't have to if run on a 5 min cron) my $ra_max_age = 1; ## TODO - advanced config options if ($k =~ /(\d+)\//) { my $epoch = $1; my $age = time()-$epoch; if ($age > 86400*$ra_max_age) { $is_old = 1; } } my $item_id = $alerts->{$k}->{'item_id'}; my $debug_done = $alerts->{$k}->{'debug_done'}; ## add item to DB -- will ignore insert if already insert.. wish sqlite has upsert &ProcessRecentlyAdded($item_id) if !$test_notify; my $push_type = 'push_recentlyadded'; my $provider; $alert_options->{'url'} = $alerts->{$k}->{'alert_url'} if $alerts->{$k}->{'alert_url'}; $alert_options->{'push_type'} = $push_type; $alert_options->{'item_type'} = $alerts->{$k}->{'item_type'}; ## 'recently_added' table has columns for each provider -- we will notify and verify each provider has success. ## TODO - extend this logic into the normal notifications ## new code - iterate through all providers.. same code block foreach my $provider (keys %{$notify}) { # provider is globaly enable and provider push type is enable or is file if (&ProviderEnabled($provider,$push_type)) { #if ( ( $notify->{$provider}->{'enabled'} ) && ( $notify->{$provider}->{$push_type} || $provider =~ /file/)) { if ($ra_done->{$item_id}->{$provider}) { printf("%s: %-8s %s [%s]\n", scalar localtime($ra_done->{$item_id}->{'time'}) , uc($provider) , $debug_done, $done_keys->{$ra_done->{$item_id}->{$provider}}) if $debug; } elsif ($is_old) { &SetNotified_RA($provider,$item_id,3); ## to old - set as old and stop processing } elsif ($notify_func{$provider}->($alerts->{$k}->{'alert'}, $alert_options)) { &SetNotified_RA($provider,$item_id) if !$test_notify; } else { if (( $provider_452->{$provider} && $options{'debug'}) || $options{'debug'}) { print "$provider Failed: we will try again next time.. $alerts->{$k}->{'alert'} \n"; } } } } } # end alerts } sub GetNotifyfuncs() { my %notify_func = ( prowl => \&NotifyProwl, growl => \&NotifyGrowl, pushover => \&NotifyPushOver, twitter => \&NotifyTwitter, boxcar => \&NotifyBoxcar, boxcar_v2 => \&NotifyBoxcar_V2, pushbullet => \&NotifyPushbullet, pushalot => \&NotifyPushalot, file => \&NotifyFile, GNTP => \&NotifyGNTP, EMAIL => \&NotifyEMAIL, external => \&NotifyExternal, ); my $error; ## this SHOULD never happen if the code is released -- this is just a reminder for whomever is adding a new provider in config.pl foreach my $provider (keys %{$notify}) { if (!$notify_func{$provider}) { print "$provider: missing a notify function subroutine (did you add a new provider?) -- check 'sub GetNotifyfuncs()' \n"; $error = 1; } } die if $error; return %notify_func; } sub GetPushTitles() { my $push_type_display = (); $push_type_display->{'push_watched'} = 'Watched'; $push_type_display->{'push_watching'} = 'Watching'; $push_type_display->{'push_paused'} = 'Paused'; $push_type_display->{'push_resumed'} = 'Resumed'; $push_type_display->{'push_recentlyadded'} = 'New'; foreach my $type (keys %{$push_type_display}) { $push_type_display->{$type} = $push_titles->{$type} if $push_titles->{$type}; } return $push_type_display; } sub BackupSQlite() { my $forceBackup = shift; my $skipFullUpdate = shift; ## this will Auto Backup the sql lite db to $data_dir/db_backups/... ## --backup will for a daily backup # Override in config.pl with #$backup_opts = { # 'daily' => { # 'enabled' => 0, # 'keep' => 2, # }, # 'monthly' => { # 'enabled' => 1, # 'keep' => 4, # }, # 'weekly' => { # 'enabled' => 1, # 'keep' => 4, # }, # }; my $did_backup = 0; my $path = $data_dir . '/db_backups'; if (!-d $path) { mkdir($path) or die "Unable to create $path\n"; chmod(0777, $path) or die "Couldn't chmod $path: $!"; } my $backups = { 'daily' => { 'enabled' => 1, 'file' => $path . '/plexWatch.daily.bak', 'time' => 86400, 'keep' => 2, }, 'monthly' => { 'enabled' => 1, 'file' => $path . '/plexWatch.monthly.bak', 'time' => 86400*30, 'keep' => 4, }, 'weekly' => { 'enabled' => 1, 'file' => $path . '/plexWatch.weekly.bak', 'time' => 86400*7, 'keep' => 4, }, }; ## merge options if set in config -- override ## also print settings if --debug called with --backup foreach my $type (keys %{$backups}) { foreach my $key (keys %{$backups->{$type}}) { $backups->{$type}->{$key} = $backup_opts->{$type}->{$key} if defined($backup_opts->{$type}->{$key}); } if ($debug && $options{'backup'}) { print "Backup Type: " .uc($type) . "\n"; print "\tenabled: ". $backups->{$type}->{enabled} . "\n"; print "\tkeep: ". $backups->{$type}->{keep} . "\n"; print "\ttime: ". $backups->{$type}->{time} . ' ('. &durationrr($backups->{$type}->{time}) . ") \n"; print "\tfile: ". $backups->{$type}->{file} . "\n\n"; } } foreach my $type (keys %{$backups}) { if ($type =~ /daily/ && defined($forceBackup)) { print "\n** Forcing a daily backups now\n"; $options{'backup'} = 1; } elsif ($type =~ /daily/ && $options{'backup'}) { print "\n** Daily Backups are not enabled -- but you called --backup, forcing backup now..\n"; } else { next if !$backups->{$type}->{'enabled'}; } my $do_backup = 1; my $file = $backups->{$type}->{'file'}; $file =~ s/\/\//\//g; if (-f $file) { $do_backup =0; my $modtime = (stat($file))[9]; my $diff = time()-$modtime; my $max_time = $backups->{$type}->{'time'}; my $hum_diff = &durationrr($diff); my $hum_max = &durationrr($max_time); my $extra; if ($options{'backup'} && $type =~ /daily/i) { $extra = "Forcing DAILY backups --backup called"; $do_backup=1; } elsif ($diff > $max_time) { $do_backup=1; $extra = "Do backup - older than allowed ($hum_diff > $hum_max)"; } else { $extra = "Backup is current ($hum_diff < $hum_max)" if $debug && $options{'backup'}; } printf("\n\t%-10s %-15s %s [%s]\n", uc($type), &durationrr($diff), $file, $extra) if $debug && $options{'backup'}; } else { print '* ' . uc($type) ." backup not found -- trying now\n"; } if ($do_backup) { $did_backup = 1; # just set if we backed up any DB my $keep =1; $keep = $backups->{$type}->{'keep'} if $backups->{$type}->{'keep'}; if ($keep > 1) { print "\t* Rotating files: keep $keep total\n" if $debug && $options{'backup'}; for (my $count = $keep-1; $count >= 0; $count--) { my $to = $file .'.'. ($count+1); my $from = $file .'.'. ($count); $from = $file if $count == 0; if (-f $from) { print "\trotating $from -> $to \n" if $debug && $options{'backup'}; rename $from, $to; } } ## Should we clean up older files if they change the keep count to something lower? I think not... (unlink no) } print "\t* Creating backup file now: $file ... " if $debug || $options{'backup'}; $dbh->sqlite_backup_to_file($file); print "DONE\n\n" if $debug || $options{'backup'}; } } if ($did_backup && undef($skipFullUpdate)) { ## TODO - this won't work if someone disabled backups. ( why disable backups though!) print "\n* Updating the grouped table... (this may take a few minutes)\n"; &UpdateGroupedTable(2); # force a rebuild of the grouped table (daily) } ## exit if --backup was called.. DO NOT exit if we force the backup exit if $options{'backup'} && undef($forceBackup); } sub myPlexToken() { if (!$myPlex_user || !$myPlex_pass) { print "* You MUST specify a myPlex_user and myPlex_pass in the config.pl\n"; print "\n \$myPlex_user = 'your username'\n"; print " \$myPlex_pass = 'your password'\n\n"; exit; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, }); $ua->timeout(20); $ua->agent($appname); $ua->env_proxy(); $ua->default_header('X-Plex-Client-Identifier' => $appname); $ua->default_header('Content-Length' => 0); my $url = 'https://my.plexapp.com/users/sign_in.xml'; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url); $req->authorization_basic($myPlex_user, $myPlex_pass); my $response = $ua->request($req); #print $response->as_string; if ($response->is_success) { my $content = $response->decoded_content(); if ($debug_xml) { print "URL: $url\n"; print "===================================XML CUT=================================================\n"; print $content; print "===================================XML END=================================================\n"; } my $data = XMLin(encode('utf8',$content)); return $data->{'authenticationToken'} if $data->{'authenticationToken'}; return $data->{'authentication-token'} if $data->{'authentication-token'}; } else { print $response->as_string; die; } } sub PMSurl() { my $url = shift; ## append Token if required my $j = '?'; $j = '&' if $url =~ /\?.*\=/; $url .= $j . 'X-Plex-Token=' . $PMS_token if $PMS_token; return $url; } sub UpdateGroupedTable() { my $tmp = shift; my $option = 1; $option = $tmp if $tmp; # 1 : Process any new watched content ( for the current 2 days ) into the grouped table # 2 : Truncate grouped, processed all watched content to the DB &Watched($option); } sub ShowWatched() { &Watched(); } sub Watched() { ## TODO -- if this is NOT a update_grouped_table, then we should select from the grouped table for printing -- it will be much faster my $update_grouped_table = shift; if ($options{'watched'} || $options{'stats'} || $update_grouped_table) { my $print_stmt; my $stop = time(); my ($start,$limit_start,$limit_end); if ($options{start}) { my $v = $options{start}; my $now = time(); ## TODO - implememnt parsedate for windows if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') { $now = parsedate('today at midnight', FUZZY=>1) if ($v !~ /now/i); if ($start = parsedate($v, FUZZY=>1, NOW => $now)) { $limit_start = localtime($start); } } } if ($options{stop}) { my $v = $options{stop}; my $now = time(); ## TODO - implememnt parsedate for windows if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') { $now = parsedate('today at midnight', FUZZY=>1) if ($v !~ /now/i); if ($stop = parsedate($v, FUZZY=>1, NOW => $now)) { $limit_end = localtime($stop); } } } if ($update_grouped_table) { ## skip limit if we have called for a full refresh (2) if ($update_grouped_table != 2) { $start = &getLastGroupedTime(86400*2); ## just to be safe, we will process the last two days. It's still very quick $stop = time(); $limit_start = localtime($start); $limit_end = localtime($stop); } } else { &UpdateGroupedTable; } my $is_watched; my $FromGroupTable = 1; if ($update_grouped_table || $options{'nogrouping'}) { ## get watched from processed table (original) $FromGroupTable = 0; } $is_watched = &GetWatched($start,$stop,$FromGroupTable); ## already watched. if ($options{'watched'}) { $print_stmt .= sprintf ("\n======================================== %s ========================================\n",'Watched'); } $print_stmt .= "\nDate Range: "; if ($limit_start) { $print_stmt .= $limit_start; } else { $print_stmt .= "Anytime"; } $print_stmt .= ' through '; if ($limit_end) { $print_stmt .= $limit_end; } else { $print_stmt .= "Now"; } $print_stmt .= "\n"; ## clear any print_stmt now print $print_stmt if !$update_grouped_table; #print output if we are not updating the table ( job ) my %seen = (); my %seen_epoch = (); my %seen_cur = (); my %seen_user = (); my %stats = (); my $ntype = 'watched'; my %seenc = (); ## testing if (keys %{$is_watched}) { $print_stmt = ""; #clear the print ## sort by the friendly name+device if exists for output if (!$update_grouped_table) { foreach my $k (sort keys %{$is_watched}) { my ($user,$orig_user) = &FriendlyName($is_watched->{$k}->{user},$is_watched->{$k}->{platform}); $is_watched->{$k}->{user} = $user; $is_watched->{$k}->{orig_user} = $orig_user; $is_watched->{$k}->{'encoded'} = 0; if ($user ne $orig_user) { $is_watched->{$k}->{user_enc} = encode('utf8', $user) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $user); 1 }; $is_watched->{$k}->{'encoded'} = 1; } elsif ($is_watched->{$k}->{time} > 1392090762) { # everything after 2013-02-11 is not encoded properly ( excluding above which is special ) $is_watched->{$k}->{'encoded'} = 2; } } } foreach my $k (sort {$is_watched->{$a}->{user} cmp $is_watched->{$b}->{'user'} || $is_watched->{$a}->{time} cmp $is_watched->{$b}->{'time'} } (keys %{$is_watched}) ) { ## use display name my $user = $is_watched->{$k}->{user}; my $orig_user = $is_watched->{$k}->{orig_user}; if ($update_grouped_table) { ($user,$orig_user) = &FriendlyName($is_watched->{$k}->{user},$is_watched->{$k}->{platform}); } my $skip = 0; # Only SKIP user for display purposes. Do not skip user when updating the grouped table if (!$update_grouped_table) { $skip = 1; ## skip/exclude users --user/--exclude_user next if ( grep { $_ =~ /$is_watched->{$k}->{'user'}/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); next if ( $user && grep { $_ =~ /^$user$/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); # encoded user if ($is_watched->{$k}->{'user_enc'}) { next if ( grep { $_ =~ /$is_watched->{$k}->{'user_enc'}/i } @{$options{'exclude_user'}}); } if ($options{'user'}) { # ghetto I know, I have to deal with some old data # needs cleanup -- but old data in the wrong format is the issue.. backwards compatiblity # I just wish perl had a way to detect unicode for sure my $include = $options{'user'}; $skip = 0 if $user =~ /^$include$/i; ## user display (friendly) matches specified $skip = 0 if $orig_user =~ /^$include$/i; ## user (non friendly) matches specified $include = decode('utf8', $options{'user'}) if eval { decode('UTF-8', $options{'user'}); 1 }; $skip = 0 if $user =~ /^$include$/i; ## user display (friendly) matches specified $skip = 0 if $orig_user =~ /^$include$/i; ## user (non friendly) matches specified $include = encode('utf8', $options{'user'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $options{'user'}); 1 }; $skip = 0 if $user =~ /^$include$/i; ## user display (friendly) matches specified $skip = 0 if $orig_user =~ /^$include$/i; ## user (non friendly) matches specified } else { $skip = 0; } } next if $skip; ## only show one watched status on movie/show per day (default) -- duration will be calculated from start/stop on each watch/resume ## --nogrouping will display movie as many times as it has been started on the same day. ## to cleanup - maybe subroutine my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day,$month,$year) = (localtime($is_watched->{$k}->{time}))[0,1,2,3,4,5]; my $serial = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $day, $month, $year); $year += 1900; $month += 1; ## TODO - implememnt parsedate for windows #my $serial = "$year$month$day"; # I can probably get rid of this since the serial above works for both if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') { $serial = parsedate("$year-$month-$day 00:00:00"); } #my $skey = $is_watched->{$k}->{user}.$year.$month.$day.$is_watched->{$k}->{title}; my $skey = $user.$year.$month.$day.$is_watched->{$k}->{title}; ## get previous day -- see if video same title was watched then -- if so -- group them together for display purposes. stats and --nogrouping will still show the break my ($sec2, $min2, $hour2, $day2,$month2,$year2) = (localtime($is_watched->{$k}->{time}-86400))[0,1,2,3,4,5]; $year2 += 1900; $month2 += 1; #my $skey2 = $is_watched->{$k}->{user}.$year2.$month2.$day2.$is_watched->{$k}->{title}; my $skey2 = $user.$year2.$month2.$day2.$is_watched->{$k}->{title}; if ($seen{$skey2}) { $skey = $skey2; } my $orig_skey = $skey; ## DO NOT MODIFY THIS ## split lines if start/restart > $watched_grouping_maxhr # * do not just blindly group by day.. the start/restart should be NO MORE than a few hours apart ($watched_grouping_maxhr) $skey = $seen_cur{$orig_skey} if $seen_cur{$orig_skey}; ## if we have set $seen_cur - reset skey to that $seen_epoch{$skey} = $is_watched->{$k}->{time} if !$seen_epoch{$skey}; ## set epoch for skey (if not set) my $diff = $is_watched->{$k}->{time}-$seen_epoch{$skey}; ## diff between last start and this start if ($diff > (60*60)*($watched_grouping_maxhr)) { my $d_out = &durationrr($diff) . " between start,restart of '$is_watched->{$k}->{title}' for $user on $year-$month-$day: starting a new line\n"; &DebugLog($d_out) if !$update_grouped_table; $skey = $orig_skey . $is_watched->{$k}->{time}; ## increment the skey $seen_cur{$orig_skey} = $skey; ## set what the skey will be for future } $seen_epoch{$skey} = $is_watched->{$k}->{time}; ## set the last epoch seen for this skey ## END split if > $watched_grouping_maxhr ## stat -- quick and dirty -- to clean up later $stats{$user}->{'total_duration'} += $is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}-$is_watched->{$k}->{time}; $stats{$user}->{'duration'}->{$serial} += $is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}-$is_watched->{$k}->{time}; ## end next if !$options{'watched'} && !$update_grouped_table; next if $is_watched->{$k}->{xml} =~ /<\/opt>/i; ## bug -- fixed in 0.0.19 my $paused; if ($FromGroupTable == 1) { ## pulling from the grouped table - no need to dynamically update the paused counter this time $paused = $is_watched->{$k}->{paused_counter}; } else { ## used to dynamically get the paused counter if the content hasn't been stopped yet ## or return the paused time if already stopped $paused = &getSecPaused($k); } my $time2 = localtime ($is_watched->{$k}->{time} ); ## grouping table is now available.. no need to go through logic if we are just printing ## i.e. we use the raw db results in either the 'grouped' or 'processed' table if (!$update_grouped_table) { if (!$seen_user{$user}) { $seen_user{$user} = 1; # needs cleanup -- but old data in the wrong format is the issue.. backwards compatiblity # I just wish perl had a way to detect unicode for sure if (!$is_watched->{$k}->{'encoded'} or $is_watched->{$k}->{'encoded'} == 2) { $user = decode('utf8', $user) if eval { decode('UTF-8',$user); 1 }; $orig_user = $user; } $print_stmt .= "\nUser: " . $user; $print_stmt .= ' ['. $orig_user .']' if $user ne $orig_user; $print_stmt .= "\n"; } my $time = localtime ($is_watched->{$k}->{time} ); my $info = &info_from_xml($is_watched->{$k}->{'xml'},$ntype,$is_watched->{$k}->{'time'},$is_watched->{$k}->{'stopped'},$paused); ## encode the user for output ( only if different -- otherwise we will take what Plex has set) if ($is_watched->{$k}->{'encoded'}) { $info->{'user'} = encode('utf8', $info->{'user'}) if eval { encode('UTF-8', $info->{'user'}); 1 }; } $info->{'ip_address'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{ip_address}; my $alert = &Notify($info,1); ## only return formated alert $print_stmt .= sprintf(" %s: %s\n",$time, $alert); } ## update the grouped table else { if (!$seen{$skey}) { # these field are used for output $seen{$skey}->{'ip_address'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{ip_address}; $seen{$skey}->{'time'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{time}; $seen{$skey}->{'xml'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{xml}; $seen{$skey}->{'user'} = $user; $seen{$skey}->{'orig_user'} = $orig_user; $seen{$skey}->{'stopped'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}; ## These fields are used to update the DB table -- ( some or cruft, but we will keep them the same ) ## output will have these too, but we use the info_from_xml for formatting. We want the raw info for the DB if ($update_grouped_table) { #$seen{$skey}->{'ip_address'} = '' if !$seen{$skey}->{'ip_address'}; $seen{$skey}->{'ip_address'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{ip_address} || ''; ## special - fields didn't exist in old version $seen{$skey}->{'platform'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'platform'}; $seen{$skey}->{'db_key'} = $k; $seen{$skey}->{'title'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'title'}; $seen{$skey}->{'orig_title'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'orig_title'}; $seen{$skey}->{'orig_title_ep'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'orig_title_ep'}; $seen{$skey}->{'episode'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'episode'}; $seen{$skey}->{'season'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'season'}; $seen{$skey}->{'year'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'year'}; $seen{$skey}->{'rating'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'rating'}; $seen{$skey}->{'genre'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'genre'}; $seen{$skey}->{'summary'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'summary'}; $seen{$skey}->{'ratingKey'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'ratingKey'}; $seen{$skey}->{'parentRatingKey'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'parentRatingKey'}; $seen{$skey}->{'grandparentRatingKey'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'grandparentRatingKey'}; #$seen{$skey}->{'notified'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{'notified'}; if (!$seen{$skey}->{'paused'}) { $seen{$skey}->{'paused'} = $paused; } else { $seen{$skey}->{'paused'} = $seen{$skey}->{'paused'}+$paused; } } ## end required db fields if (!$count_paused) { $seen{$skey}->{'duration'} += ($is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}-$is_watched->{$k}->{time})-$paused; } else { $seen{$skey}->{'duration'} += $is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}-$is_watched->{$k}->{time}; } } else { ## if same user/same movie/same day -- append duration -- must of been resumed ## tally up paused time, duration and set the stopped time accordingly ## update paused counter if (!$seen{$skey}->{'paused'}) { $seen{$skey}->{'paused'} = $paused; } else { $seen{$skey}->{'paused'} = $seen{$skey}->{'paused'}+$paused; } ## update duration if (!$count_paused) { $seen{$skey}->{'duration'} += ($is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}-$is_watched->{$k}->{time})-$paused; } else { $seen{$skey}->{'duration'} += $is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}-$is_watched->{$k}->{time}; } ## update the group with the most recent XML $seen{$skey}->{'xml'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{xml}; ## update stopped time # the stopped time is only used for getting the duration ( so it will not be correct in grouped, but that's fine ) # stopped time = start time + duration_watched ( minus the paused counter if set in prefs ) $seen{$skey}->{'stopped'} = $seen{$skey}->{'duration'}+$seen{$skey}->{'time'}; # Wrong way of getting the stopped time #if ($is_watched->{$k}->{stopped} > $seen{$skey}->{'stopped'}) { # $seen{$skey}->{'stopped'} = $is_watched->{$k}->{stopped}; ## include max stopped in case someone wants to display it #} } } ## watched rollover: if the show has been completed and we always start a new grouping after being watched fully, increment the key if ($watched_show_completed) { my $paused = &getSecPaused($k); my $info = &info_from_xml($is_watched->{$k}->{'xml'},$ntype,$is_watched->{$k}->{'time'},$is_watched->{$k}->{'stopped'},$paused); if ($info->{'percent_complete'} > 99) { my $d_out = "$is_watched->{$k}->{title} watched 100\% by $user on $year-$month-$day - incrementing seen key\n"; $seen_cur{$orig_skey} = $orig_skey . $is_watched->{$k}->{time}; ## increment the skey -- and set for the future keys if we need to append &DebugLog($d_out) if !$update_grouped_table; } } ## end watched rollover } } else { $print_stmt .= "\n* nothing watched\n"; } ## Grouping Watched TITLE by day - default if ($update_grouped_table) { &ProcessGrouped(\%seen,$update_grouped_table); } ## show stats if --stats if ($options{stats}) { $print_stmt .= sprintf("\n======================================== %s ========================================\n",'Stats'); foreach my $user (keys %stats) { $print_stmt .= sprintf("user: %s's total duration %s \n", $user, duration_exact($stats{$user}->{total_duration})); foreach my $epoch (sort keys %{$stats{$user}->{duration}}) { my $h_date; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $h_date = strftime( "%a %b %d %Y", localtime($epoch) ); } else { $h_date = strftime "%a %b %e %Y", localtime($epoch); } $print_stmt .= sprintf(" %s: %s %s\n", $h_date, $user, duration_exact($stats{$user}->{duration}->{$epoch})); } $print_stmt .= "\n"; } } $print_stmt .= "\n"; print $print_stmt if !$update_grouped_table; #print output if we are not updating the table ( job ) } } sub excludeContent() { # expected results # 0: include # 1: exclude my $key = shift; # if we include library content -- return 0 return 0 if $inc_non_library_content; # include library content ( always ) return 0 if isLibraryContent($key); # exlude other content return 1; } sub isLibraryContent(){ my $key = shift; ## determined for now based on the items key. It must include "/library". return 1 if $key =~ /\/library/i; return 0 } sub checkVersion() { my $cmd = "select * from config"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; my $total=0; return $row->{'version'} if $row->{'version'}; return 0; } sub getDbToken() { my $cmd = "select token from auth"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; my $total=0; return $row->{'token'} if $row->{'token'}; return 0; } sub updateToken() { my $token = shift; my $insert = $dbh->prepare("insert into auth (token) values (?)"); my $delete = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM auth"); $dbh->begin_work; $delete->execute; $insert->execute($token) or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); # commit changes $dbh->commit; } sub extrasCleaner() { #randomly we might need to clean items. This will be needed to help assist. As of now, we need to clean any "extraType" logged to the processed table. my $count = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) as extras from processed where xml like ?"); $count->execute('%extraType=%') or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); my $row = $count->fetchrow_hashref; if ($row->{extras} == 0) { print "\n* No \"Extras\" found in the database.\n\n"; return 0; } else { print "\n* Backing up DB before removing " . $row->{extras} . " trailers (extras) from plexWatch"; &BackupSQlite("true","true"); # force a backup print "\n* Removing: " . $row->{extras} . " trailers (extras) from plexWatch"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from processed where xml like ?"); $dbh->begin_work; $sth->execute('%extraType=%') or die("Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"); $dbh->commit; if ($sth->rows > 0) { print "\n* Removed: " . $sth->rows . " trailers (extras) from plexWatch"; print "\n* Updating the grouped table... (this may take a few minutes)\n"; &UpdateGroupedTable(2); # force a rebuild of the grouped table (daily) print "\n* DONE!\n"; } } } __DATA__ __END__ =head1 NAME plexWatch.p - Notify and Log 'Now Playing' and 'Watched' content from a Plex Media Server + 'Recently Added' =head1 SYNOPSIS plexWatch.pl [options] Options: --notify Notify any content watched and or stopped [this is default with NO options given] --user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive --exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2' --recently_added notify when new movies or shows are added to the plex media server (required: config.pl: push_recentlyadded => 1) All TV Show Sections : --recently_added=show All Movie Sections : --recently_added=movie Combined Movie/TV : --recently_added=show,movie Specific Sections : --recently_added --id=# --id=# --stats show total time watched / per day breakout included --start=... limit watched status output to content started AFTER/ON said date/time --stop=... limit watched status output to content started BEFORE/ON said date/time --user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive --exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2' --watched print watched content --start=... limit watched status output to content started AFTER/ON said date/time --stop=... limit watched status output to content started BEFORE/ON said date/time --nogrouping will show same title multiple times if user has watched/resumed title on the same day --user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive --exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2' --watching print content being watched --backup Force a daily backup of the database. * automatic backups are done daily,weekly,monthly - refer to backups section below --clean_extras Remove any trailers or extras from the plexWatch DB --exclude_library_id=... Full exclusion for a library section id. It will not log or notify. ############################################################################################# --format_options : list all available formats for notifications and cli output --format_start=".." : modify start notification :: --format_start='{user} watching {title} on {platform}' --format_stop=".." : modify stop nottification :: --format_stop='{user} watched {title} on {platform} for {duration}' --format_watched=".." : modify cli output for --watched :: --format_watched='{user} watched {title} on {platform} for {duration}' --format_watching=".." : modify cli output for --watching :: --format_watching='{user} watching {title} on {platform}' ############################################################################################# * Debug Options --test_notify=start [start,stop,recent] - send a test notifcation for a start,stop or recently added event. --show_xml show xml result from api query --version what version is this? --debug hit and miss - not very useful =head1 OPTIONS =over 15 =item B<--notify> This will send you a notification through prowl, pushover, boxcar, growl and/or twitter. It will also log the event to a file and to the database. This is the default if no options are given. =item B<--watched> Print a list of watched content from all users. =item B<--start> * only works with --watched limit watched status output to content started AFTER said date/time Valid options: dates, times and even fuzzy human times. Make sure you quote an values with spaces. -start=2013-06-29 -start="2013-06-29 8:00pm" -start="today" -start="today at 8:30pm" -start="last week" -start=... give it a try and see what you can use :) =item B<--stop> * only works with --watched limit watched status output to content started BEFORE said date/time Valid options: dates, times and even fuzzy human times. Make sure you quote an values with spaces. -stop=2013-06-29 -stop="2013-06-29 8:00pm" -stop="today" -stop="today at 8:30pm" -stop="last week" -stop=... give it a try and see what you can use :) =item B<--nogrouping> * only works with --watched will show same title multiple times if user has watched/resumed title on the same day with --nogrouping Sun Jun 30 15:12:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 27 minutes and 54 seconds] Sun Jun 30 15:41:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 4 minutes and 59 seconds] Sun Jun 30 15:46:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 24 minutes and 17 seconds] Sun Jun 30 17:48:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 1 hour, 44 minutes, and 1 second] Sun Jun 30 19:45:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 1 hour and 24 minutes] without --nogrouping [default] Sun Jun 30 15:12:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 1 hour, 56 minutes, and 53 seconds] Sun Jun 30 15:46:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 18 seconds] =item B<---user> * works with --watched and --watching limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive =item B<--exclude_user> limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive =item B<--watching> Print a list of content currently being watched =item B<--stats> show total watched time and show total watched time per day =item B<--recently_added> notify when new movies or shows are added to the plex media server (required: config.pl: push_recentlyadded => 1) --recently_added=movie :: for movies --recently_added=show :: for tv show/episodes =item B<--show_xml> Print the XML result from query to the PMS server in regards to what is being watched. Could be useful for troubleshooting.. =item B<--backup> By default this script will automatically backup the SQlite db to: $data_dir/db_backups/ ( normally: /opt/plexWatch/db_backups/ ) * you can force a Daily backup with --backup It will keep 2 x Daily , 4 x Weekly and 4 x Monthly backups. You can modify the backup policy by adding the config lines below to your existin config.pl $backup_opts = { 'daily' => { 'enabled' => 1, 'keep' => 2, }, 'monthly' => { 'enabled' => 1, 'keep' => 4, }, 'weekly' => { 'enabled' => 1, 'keep' => 4, }, }; =item B<--debug> This can be used. I have not fully set everything for debugging.. so it's not very useful =back =head1 DESCRIPTION This program will Notify and Log 'Now Playing' content from a Plex Media Server =head1 HELP nothing to see here. =cut