databaseChangeLog: - property: name: value: paramter_table - property: file: changelogs/common/ - property: name: value: updated-columnA - property: name: value: columnB - property: name: value: int - property: name: value: already-set-int - property: name: true.boolean value: true - preConditions: - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: value: int # Check for some database properties - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.autoIncrementClause - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.currentDateTimeFunction - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.databaseChangeLogLockTableName - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.databaseChangeLogTableName - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.databaseMajorVersion - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.databaseMinorVersion - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.databaseProductName - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.databaseProductVersion - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.lineComment - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.typeName - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.isSafeToRunUpdate - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.requiresPassword - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.requiresUsername - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.supportsForeignKeyDisable - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.supportsRestrictForeignKeys - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.supportsSchemas - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.supportsSequences - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: database.supportsTablespaces - include: file: changelogs/common/included.failingprecondition.changelog.xml - changeSet: id: datatypetest-1 author: nvoxland validCheckSums: - e5b7b29ce3a75640858cd022501852d2 preConditions: - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: - changeLogPropertyDefined: property: value: int changes: - createTable: tableName: dataTypeTest schemaName: "" columns: - column: name: id type: ${} constraints: primaryKey: ${true.boolean} nullable: false - column: name: dateCol type: date - column: name: timeCol type: time - column: name: dateTimeCol type: dateTime - column: name: bigintcol type: bigint - changeSet: id: authortest author: nvoxland preConditions: - sqlCheck: expectedResult: 1 sql: select count(*) from DATABASECHANGELOG where AUTHOR='nvoxland' and ID='datatypetest-1'; - changeSet: id: tagTest author: nvoxland changes: - tagDatabase: tag: testTag - changeSet: id: datatypetest-2 author: nvoxland validCheckSums: - ANY changes: - insert: tableName: dataTypeTest columns: - column: name: id valueNumeric: 1 - column: name: dateCol valueDate: "2007-08-09" - column: name: timeCol valueDate: "13:14:15" - column: name: dateTimeCol valueDate: "2007-08-09T13:14:15" - column: name: bigintcol valueNumeric: 2 - insert: tableName: dataTypeTest columns: - column: name: id valueNumeric: 2 - column: name: dateCol valueDate: current_datetime - column: name: timeCol valueComputed: current_datetime - column: name: dateTimeCol valueDate: current_datetime - column: name: bigintcol valueNumeric: 2 - changeSet: id: defaultValueTest-1 author: nvoxland preConditions: - onFail: MARK_RAN - not: - dbms: type: derby - not: - dbms: type: mysql changes: - createTable: tableName: defaultValueTest columns: - column: name: id type: int - column: name: intA type: int - column: name: textA type: varchar(5) - column: name: booleanA type: boolean - column: name: dateA type: date - column: name: timeA type: time - column: name: datetimeA type: datetime - column: name: datetimeB type: datetime - column: name: computedDate type: datetime - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: intA defaultValueNumeric: 1 columnDataType: int - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: textA defaultValue: a columnDataType: varchar(5) - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: booleanA defaultValueBoolean: true columnDataType: boolean - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: dateA defaultValueDate: "2007-08-09" columnDataType: date - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: timeA defaultValueDate: "14:15:16" columnDataType: time - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: datetimeA defaultValueDate: "2007-08-09T10:11:12" columnDataType: datetime - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: datetimeB defaultValueDate: "2007-08-09 10:11:12" columnDataType: datetime - addDefaultValue: tableName: defaultValueTest columnName: computedDate defaultValueComputed: current_datetime columnDataType: datetime - insert: tableName: defaultValueTest columns: - column: name: id valueNumeric: 1 - changeSet: id: defaultValueTest-2 author: nvoxland changes: - createTable: tableName: defaultValueTest2 columns: - column: name: id type: int - column: name: intA type: int defaultValueNumeric: 1 - column: name: textA type: varchar(5) defaultValue: a - column: name: booleanA type: boolean defaultValueBoolean: true - column: name: dateA type: date defaultValueDate: "2007-08-09" - column: name: timeA type: time defaultValueDate: "14:15:16" - column: name: datetimeA type: datetime defaultValueDate: "2007-08-09T10:11:12" - column: name: datetimeB type: datetime defaultValueDate: "2007-08-09 10:11:12" - insert: tableName: defaultValueTest2 columns: - column: name: id valueNumeric: 1 - changeSet: id: compoundIndexTest author: nvoxland changes: - createTable: tableName: compoundIndexTest columns: - column: name: id type: int constraints: primaryKey: true nullable: false - column: name: firstname type: varchar(10) - column: name: lastname type: varchar(10) - createIndex: indexName: idx_compoundtest tableName: compoundIndexTest columns: - column: name: firstname - column: name: lastname - changeSet: id: hasIndexPrecondition author: nvoxland dbms: oracle,mssql,mysql,h2,hsqldb,postgresql # can checkConstraint with or without table name, derby doesn't work with just column names preConditions: - indexExists: indexName: idx_compoundtest - indexExists: tableName: compoundIndexTest indexName: idx_compoundtest - indexExists: tableName: compoundIndexTest columnNames: firstname, lastname - changeSet: id: commentTest author: nvoxland comment: Creates a table and updates a value with actual SQL. Mainly for testing the comment tags changes: - createTable: tableName: commenttest columns: - column: name: id type: int - sql: comment: Insert value into commenttest sql: > insert into commenttest (id) values (1); insert into commenttest (id) values (2); insert into commenttest (id) values (3); - changeSet: id: continue-preconditions-dont-fire author: nvoxland preConditions: - onError: CONTINUE - sqlCheck: expectedResult: 3 sql: Invalid SQL changes: - sql: sql: More invalid SQL. should not run due to "continue" - changeSet: id: add-column-test1 author: alan preConditions: - onFail: MARK_RAN - not: - or: - dbms: type: h2 - dbms: type: hsqldb comment: Testing bug reported on mailing list changes: - createTable: tableName: ADD_COLUMN_TEST_TABLE columns: - column: name: id type: int - addColumn: tableName: ADD_COLUMN_TEST_TABLE columns: - column: name: A_NEW_COLUMN type: int defaultValueNumeric: 1 constraints: nullable: false unique: true uniqueConstraintName: uq_addcoltest1 - changeSet: id: contextstest-1 author: nvoxland comment: Test how contexts work changes: - createTable: tableName: contextsTest columns: - column: name: id type: varchar(255) - changeSet: id: contextstest-2 author: nvoxland contextFilter: context-a changes: - insert: tableName: contextsTest columns: - column: name: id value: context a - changeSet: id: contextstest-3 author: nvoxland contextFilter: context-a, context-b changes: - insert: tableName: contextsTest columns: - column: name: id value: a and b - changeSet: id: contextstest-4 author: nvoxland contextFilter: context-b changes: - insert: tableName: contextsTest columns: - column: name: id value: context b - changeSet: id: contextstest-5 author: nvoxland contextFilter: "" changes: - insert: tableName: contextsTest columns: - column: name: id value: empty contexts - changeSet: id: contextstest-6 author: nvoxland changes: - insert: tableName: contextsTest columns: - column: name: id value: null contexts - changeSet: id: sampleCSVData-table author: nvoxland changes: - createTable: tableName: csvdata columns: - column: name: name type: varchar(50) - column: name: username type: varchar(50) - column: name: security_level type: int - column: name: last_login type: datetime - column: name: locked type: boolean - changeSet: id: sampleCSVData author: nvoxland changes: - loadData: tableName: csvdata file: changelogs/sample.data1.csv - changeSet: id: sampleTSVData author: nvoxland changes: - loadData: tableName: csvdata file: changelogs/sample.data1.tsv separator: \t - changeSet: id: sampleDataCheck author: nvoxland preConditions: - sqlCheck: expectedResult: 4 sql: select count(*) from csvdata; # - changeSet: # id: customPreCondition # author: nvoxland # preConditions: # - customPrecondition: # className: liquibase.precondition.ExampleCustomPrecondition # params: # - param: # name: name # value: Sample Name # - param: # name: count # value: 3 - changeSet: id: replaceSqlTest author: nvoxland changes: - createTable: tableName: replaceTest columns: - column: name: id type: int modifySql: - replace: replace: replaceTest with: replacedTest - replace: dbms: mysql,derby replace: ) with: - append: dbms: mysql,derby value: ", name varchar(255)" - append: dbms: mysql value: engine innodb # - includeAll: # path: changelogs/common/pathincluded/ - include: file: includerelative\pathinclude1.changelog.xml relativeToChangelogFile: true # try with dos style path - changeSet: id: includecheck author: nvoxland preConditions: - tableExists: tableName: relpathinclude1 - changeSet: id: comma'Ttest author: n'voxland comment: We are testing that 's are being escaped correctly changes: - createTable: tableName: commatest remarks: Some 'ing remarks go here columns: - column: name: id type: int constraints: primaryKey: true nullable: false - changeSet: id: sqlFileTest author: nvoxland runOnChange: true changes: - sqlFile: path: rollbackinclude/createTables.sql relativeToChangelogFile: true stripComments: true - changeSet: id: movedFromTest author: nvoxland logicalFilePath: /where/it/was.xml changes: - createTable: tableName: movedFromTest columns: - column: name: id type: int - changeSet: id: modifySqlWithContext author: nvoxland dbms: h2,mysql # oracle has problems with this due to quoting from the original table name changes: - createTable: tableName: INVALID TABLE NAME columns: - column: name: id type: int modifySql: - replace: contextFilter: test replace: INVALID TABLE NAME with: validTableName # - includeAll: # path: com/example/packaged