================== Build the zip file ================== How to set up a build environment on a Windows machine: - Install Python : Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ and select "Latest Python 3 Release". Choose "Windows x86 executable installer" (or -64) and run it as usual with default installation options. We don't recommend to use pipenv because it doesn't support -e switch for install. - Install SWIG : Go to https://www.swig.org/download.html and follow the instructions. - Install Git. See `here `__ or `here `__. - Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/?q=build+tools - Get a clone of the eidreader repository. Open a terminal (:cmd:`cmd.exe`) and type:: c: cd \ git clone https://github.com/lino-framework/eidreader.git cd eidreader pip install -e . - Install `PyInstaller `__. Open a terminal (:cmd:`cmd.exe`) and type:: pip install pyinstaller When your build environment is set up, here is how to create a distribution file:: c: cd \eidreader git pull # get the latest version pyinstaller --noconsole eidreader.py cd dist python -m zipfile -c eidreader.zip eidreader .. 7z a eidreader eidreader This creates a file :file:`eidreader.zip` in your `dist` folder. How to test the packaged eidreader:: c: cd \eidreader\dist eidreader This should output something like:: {"eidreader_version": "1.0.7", "success": false, "message": "Could not find any reader with a card inserted"} When a Belgian ID card is inserted in your smart card reader, it should output more detailed information. .. on my machine I then finish the release by saying:: $ cd /media/luc/01D0AAA1C6A39410/Users/kasutaja/dist $ cp eidreader-1.0.3.zip ~/work/eid/docs/dl/ $ go eid $ inv bd pd Troubleshooting =============== Here is a collection of problems reported by Windows users: - **error: command 'swig.exe' failed: No such file or directory** After downloading the :file:`swigwin-3.0.12.zip` file you must unpack it. Did you do that? Use your Windows Explorer to find the file :file:`swig.exe`. What is the full name of the folder containing this file? (for example ``C:\swigwin-3.0.12``). Check your :envvar:`PATH` environment variable (somewhere in your system settings). The valu of this variable usually contains a long text of style ``C:\Windows\;C:\Some\Other``. It is a list of folders where Windows should search for programs. Got to the end of that value and add ``;C:\swigwin-3.0.12`` (don't forget the semicolon ";" which is the separator between folders). After changing your :envvar:`PATH` variable you must open a new command prompt window.