.. _team.mt: =============================================== The manual testing suite for the Lino framework =============================================== This documents contains instructions for a Lino :term:`contributing developer` who is responsible for :term:`manual testing` of the framework. It assumes that you have installed a contributor environment as described in :doc:`/team/install/index`. Run :manage:`runserver` in the :mod:`lino_book.projects.min9` demo project and sign in as robin. .. _team.mt.addresses: Multiple addresses ======================================== Here are some tests for the :mod:`lino_xl.lib.addresses` plugin. For each of the following items, open the `Manage addresses` window, do what the items says, then close the window and check that the partner's :attr:`overview` field has been updated correctly: - edit the primary address (the partner's address should change accordingly) - make another address primary (the partner's address should change accordingly) - edit a non-primary address (should *not* update the partner) - uncheck the primary checkbox of the primary address (so that there is no primary address, which means that the partner's address should become empty) Directly edit the address fields of a partner. The primary address should get updated accordingly.