.. _specs.office: ==================================== ``office`` : Adding an "Office" menu ==================================== .. currentmodule:: lino_xl.lib.office The :mod:`lino.modlib.office` plugin is just a menu hook for several other plugins. It also defines some `user roles`_ shared by these plugins. Here is a list of plugins that consider themselves office stuff: - :doc:`cal` - :doc:`contacts` - :doc:`human` - :doc:`countries` - :doc:`notes` - :doc:`printing` - :doc:`phones` - :doc:`excerpts` - :doc:`printing` - :doc:`weasyprint` - :doc:`uploads` - :doc:`holidays` User roles ========== .. class:: OfficeUser Has access to office functionality like calendar, notes and uploads. .. class:: OfficeOperator Can manage office functionality for other users (but not for himself). An office operator can create their own notes and uploads, but no calendar entries. For example the `lino_xl.lib.cal.OverdueAppointments` table requires :class:`OfficeStaff` and is *not* available for :class:`OfficeOperator`. .. class:: OfficeStaff Can manage configuration of office functionality.