.. doctest docs/specs/noi/suggesters.rst .. _specs.noi.suggesters: ====================== Suggesters in Lino Noi ====================== Compare the :fixture:`demo2` fixture of :mod:`lino.modlib.comments`. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. include:: /../docs/shared/include/tested.rst >>> import lino >>> lino.startup('lino_book.projects.noi1e.settings.demo') >>> from lino.api.doctest import * >>> mp = settings.SITE.plugins.memo.parser >>> sorted(mp.suggesters.keys()) ['#', '@'] >>> print(mp.parse("This comment refers to #11 and @robin.")) This comment refers to #11 and @robin. Nothing has been replaced! Why? Because the parser replaces the suggested expressions only when an action request is known. The current action request is usually given in the context. >>> ses = rt.login('robin') >>> print(mp.parse("This comment refers to #11 and @robin.", ar=ses)) This comment refers to #11 and @robin. >>> print(mp.parse("This comment refers to #robin and @11.", ar=ses)) This comment refers to #robin and @11. >>> print(mp.parse("This comment refers to # and @.", ar=ses)) This comment refers to # and @.