.. doctest docs/specs/invoicing.rst .. _xl.specs.invoicing: .. _cosi.specs.invoicing: ====================================== ``invoicing`` : Generating invoices ====================================== .. currentmodule:: lino_xl.lib.invoicing The :mod:`lino_xl.lib.invoicing` plugin adds functionality for **invoicing**, i.e. automatically generating invoices from data in the database. This document describes some general aspects of invoicing and how applications can handle this topic. You should have read :doc:`sales` and :doc:`accounting`. See also :doc:`/specs/voga/invoicing` and :doc:`/specs/tera/invoicing`. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. include:: /../docs/shared/include/tested.rst >>> from lino import startup >>> startup('lino_book.projects.roger.settings.demo') >>> from lino.api.doctest import * >>> ses = rt.login("robin") >>> translation.activate('en') Overview ======== As an application developer you define **invoice generators** by having one or several models of your application inherit from :class:`InvoiceGenerator`. API === On the API level it defines the :class:`InvoiceGenerator ` mixin. This plugin requires the :mod:`lino_xl.lib.sales` plugin. >>> dd.plugins.invoicing.needs_plugins ['lino_xl.lib.sales'] The plugin adds a main menu command :menuselection:`Sales --> Create invoices`: >>> show_menu_path(invoicing.Plan.start_plan) Sales --> Create invoices The ``InvoiceGenerator`` model mixin ==================================== .. class:: InvoiceGenerator Mixin for things that can generate invoices. An invoice generator must produce a series of **invoiceable events** (the :term:`application developer` must implement a method :meth:`get_invoiceable_events`). These events can be instances of any model, but the generator's :meth:`get_invoiceable_event_formatter` must understand them. Methods and class attributes: .. attribute:: default_invoiceable_qty The default value to return by :meth:`get_invoiceable_qty`. .. method:: get_invoice_items(self, info, invoice, ar) Yield one or several invoice items generated by this object. These must be instances of :class:`lino_xl.lib.sales.InvoiceItem`. .. method:: get_invoiceable_events(self, start_date, max_date) Return a Django query that represents the *invoiceable events*. The query must be sorted in the order they are to be considered for invoicing. .. method:: get_invoiceable_event_formatter(self) Return a callable which formats an *invoiceable event* as a HTML etree element. .. method:: get_invoiceables_for_plan(cls, plan, partner=None) Yield a sequence of invoiceable candidates (objects of this class) for the given plan. If a `partner` is given, use it as an additional filter condition. Not every yielded candidate will become an invoice. This is a pre-selection. For every candidate Lino will call :meth:`get_invoiceable_product` .. method:: get_invoiceable_product(self, plan) To be implemented by subclasses. Return the product to put into the invoice item. >>> obj = rt.models.courses.Enrolment.objects.all()[0] >>> print(obj.get_invoiceable_product()) Journeys .. method:: get_invoiceable_qty(self) Return the quantity to use for each generated invoice item. May be overridden by subclasses. The default implementation simply returns :attr:`default_invoiceable_qty`. >>> obj = rt.models.courses.Enrolment.objects.all()[0] >>> print(obj.get_invoiceable_qty()) 1 .. method:: get_invoiceable_title(self, invoice=None) Return the title to put into the invoice item. May be overridden by subclasses. .. attribute:: invoicings A simple `GenericRelation `_ to all invoice items pointing to this enrolment. This is preferred over :meth:`get_invoicings`. .. method:: get_invoicings(**kwargs) Get a queryset with the invoicings which point to this enrolment. This is deprecated. Preferred way is to use :attr:`invoicings`. .. method:: get_last_invoicing() Return the last invoicing that was created by this generator. According to the invoice's :attr:`voucher_date `. .. class:: InvoicingInfo A volatile object which holds cached information about a given invoice generator. .. attribute:: generator The invoice generator this is about. .. attribute:: max_date The latest date of events considered when computing this. .. attribute:: invoicings Existing invoice items generated by this generator for earlier periods. .. attribute:: invoiced_qty Sum of quantities invoiced earlier. .. attribute:: invoiced_events Number of events invoiced earlier. .. attribute:: used_events A list of the "events" used for computing this. .. attribute:: invoiceable_product Which fee to apply. If this is `None`, no invoicing should get generated. Sales rules =========== Every partner can have a sales rule. .. class:: SalesRule The Django model used to represent a *sales rule*. .. attribute:: partner The partner to which this sales rule applies. .. attribute:: invoice_recipient The partner who should get the invoices caused by this partner. .. attribute:: paper_type The default paper type to be used for invoicing. >>> fld = rt.models.invoicing.SalesRule._meta.get_field('invoice_recipient') >>> print(fld.help_text) The partner who should get the invoices caused by this partner. .. class:: SalesRules Flatrates ========= Every product can have a **flatrate**. .. class:: Tariff The Django model used to represent a *flatrate*. .. attribute:: number_of_events Number of calendar events paid per invoicing. .. attribute:: min_asset Minimum quantity required to trigger an invoice. The invoicing plan ================== .. class:: Plan The Django model used to represent an *invoicing plan*. An **invoicing plan** is a rather temporary database object which represents the plan of a given user to have Lino generate a series of invoices. It inherits from :class:`lino.modlib.users.UserPlan`. .. attribute:: user The user who manages this plan. .. attribute:: journal No longer exists. Replaced by :attr:`area`. .. attribute:: area The *invoicing area* of this plan. A pointer to :class:`Area`. .. attribute:: today This invoice date to be used for the invoices to generate. .. attribute:: max_date Don't invoice events after this date. If this is empty, Lino will use the day before the invoice date. .. attribute:: partner .. attribute:: update_plan Update this plan (fill the list of suggestions). .. attribute:: execute_plan Execute this plan (create an invoice for each selected suggestion). .. method:: start_plan(user, **options) Start an invoicing plan for the given `user` on the database object defined by `k` and `v`. Where `k` is the name of the field used to select the plan (e.g. `'partner'` or `'journal'`) and `v` is the value for that field. This will either create a new plan, or check whether the currently existing plan for this user was for the same database object. If it was for another object, then clear all items. .. method:: fill_plan(ar) Add items to this plan, one for each invoice to generate. This also groups the invoiceables by their invoiceable partner. Note a case we had (20171007) : One enrolment for Alfons whose invoice_recipient points to Erna, a second enrolment for Erna directly. The first enrolment returned Erna as Partner, the second returned Erna as Pupil, so they were not grouped. .. class:: Item The Django model used to represent a *item* of an *invoicing plan*. The items of an invoicing plan are called **suggestions**. .. attribute:: plan .. attribute:: partner .. attribute:: preview A textual preview of the invoiceable items to be included in the invoice. .. attribute:: amount .. attribute:: invoice The invoice that has been generated. This field is empty for new items. When an item has been executed, this field points to the generated invoice. .. attribute:: workflow_buttons The following fields are maybe not important: .. attribute:: first_date .. attribute:: last_date .. attribute:: number_of_invoiceables .. method:: create_invoice(ar): Create the invoice corresponding to this item of the plan. .. class:: Plans .. class:: MyPlans .. class:: AllPlans .. class:: Items .. class:: ItemsByPlan .. class:: InvoicingsByInvoiceable .. class:: StartInvoicing Start an *invoicing plan* for the authenticated user. Base for :class:`StartInvoicingForPartner`. Inherits from :class:`lino.modlib.users.StartPlan` and just overrides the label. .. class:: StartInvoicingByArea Start an invoicing plan for this area. This is installed onto the VouchersByJournal table of the VoucherType for the configured :attr:`voucher_model ` as `start_invoicing`. .. class:: StartInvoicingForPartner Start an invoicing plan for this partner. This is installed onto the :class:`contacts.Partner ` model as `start_invoicing`. .. class:: ExecutePlan Execute this invoicing plan. Create an invoice for each selected suggestion. .. class:: ExecuteItem Create an invoice for this suggestion. .. class:: ToggleSelection Invert selection status for all suggestions. Invoicing areas =============== An **invoicing area** is is used to classify business activities into different parts for which end users can start separate invoicing plans. This is used in :ref:`presto` to differentiate between activities for which invoicing is often run manually based on occasional work from those that are invoiced monthly automatically based on regular work. In :ref:`tera` they might get used to separate the therapy centres in different towns. The application is responsible for selecting only invoiceables that belong to the area of the current plan. For example :ref:`presto` does this by defining a field :attr:`lino_presto.lib.cal.Room.invoicing_area`. >>> rt.show(invoicing.Areas) ===== ============= ================== ================== ====================== No. Designation Designation (de) Designation (fr) Journal ----- ------------- ------------------ ------------------ ---------------------- 1 First Erster Premier Sales invoices (SLS) ===== ============= ================== ================== ====================== .. class:: Area The Django model used to represent a *flatrate*. .. attribute:: journal The journal into which invoices are to be generated. Manually editing automatically generated invoices ================================================= Resetting title and description of a generated invoice item =========================================================== When the user sets `title` of an automatically generated invoice item to an empty string, then Lino restores the default value for both title and description