.. _getlino.usage: ============= Miscellaneous ============= Configuration files =================== .. xfile:: ~/.getlino.conf .. xfile:: /etc/getlino/getlino.conf Multiple database engines on a same server ========================================== Note that :cmd:`getlino startsite` does not install any db engine because this is done by :cmd:`getlino configure`. When you maintain a Lino server, you don't want to decide for each new site which database engine to use. You decide this once during :cmd:`getlino configure`. In general, `apt-get install` is called only during :cmd:`getlino configure`, never during :cmd:`getlino startsite`. If you have a server with some mysql sites and exceptionally want to install a site with postgres, you simply call :cmd:`getlino configure` before calling :cmd:`getlino startsite`. You may use multiple database engines on a same server by running configure between startsite invocations. .. _ss: The ``startsite`` template ========================== No longer used: the `cookiecutter-startsite `__ project contains a cookiecutter template used by :cmd:`getlino startsite`. Shared virtual environments =========================== You can run multiple sites on a same :term:`virtualenv`. That virtualenv is then called a shared environment. If you update a shared virtualenv (by activating it and running :xfile:`pull.sh` of some pip command), the change will affect all sites and you must take special care for migrating their data if needed. In a :term:`developer environment` and a :term:`contributor environment` you usually have a single shared env used by all your sites. On a :term:`production server` you usually have no shared-env at all (each production site has its own env). On a :term:`demo server` you usually hav several shared envs: - /usr/local/lino/sharedenvs/master - /usr/local/lino/sharedenvs/stable You can specify a *default* shared environment with :option:`getlino configure --shared-env` :option:`getlino startsite --shared-env`. Note that :option:`getlino configure --clone`) will install all known framework repositories into the default shared env. :cmd:`getlino startsite` does not install any Python packages when a shared env is used.