.. _dev.xl: ============================ About the Extensions Library ============================ The :term:`Extensions Library` or **XL** is a :term:`plugin library` considered part of the :term:`Lino framework` and used by many Lino applications. It is stored in the :mod:`lino_xl` package. See :ref:`specs.xl` for the list of plugins. It is separate from the :doc:`/specs/modlib` because not everybody might want it. It is *a big library*, so beginners might not want to dive into all these concepts right now. And despite our efforts of making it very reusable, it is still just *one* possible view of the world, and you might prefer your own view. Where is the borderline between a standard plugin and an "XL" plugin? The theoretical answer is that the :doc:`/specs/modlib` contains "basic features" that remain useful also for people who don't want the XL. The borderline is neither very clear nor definitive. For example we have two plugins :mod:`printing ` and :mod:`excerpts `. The former in the core (:mod:`lino.modlib`) while the latter is in :mod:`lino_xl.lib`. Yes, it remains arbitrary choice. TODO: move :mod:`languages` and :mod:`office` to the XL? Move :mod:`excerpts` to the core? And what about :mod:`vocbook`?