.. doctest docs/dev/quantities.rst .. _book.dev.quantities: ========== Quantities ========== .. currentmodule: lino.utils.quantities This document explains the :mod:`lino.utils.quantities` module and how their usage by Lino's extended database fields :class:`DurationField ` and :class:`QuantityField `. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. include:: /../docs/shared/include/tested.rst >>> from lino import startup >>> startup('lino_book.projects.pierre.settings.demo') >>> from lino.api.doctest import * >>> from lino.utils.quantities import parse, DEC2HOUR, Duration, Percentage, Quantity >>> import datetime >>> from decimal import Decimal Overview ======== A **quantity** is a subclass of `Decimal` used to expresses a quantity for business documents. There are two types of quantities: - A **duration** is a quantity expressed in ``hh:mm`` format. - A **percentage** is a quantity expressed in ``x%`` format. All quantities are stored in the database as text. Note that :class:`Quantity` itself is an abstract base class for the two types of quantities. You cannot instantiate that base class: >>> Quantity(123) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: You cannot instantiate the Quantity base class. The :func:`parse` function decides which subclass of quantity to use. It is used internally by :class:`QuantityField`. >>> parse('1') Decimal('1') >>> parse('1:15') Duration('1:15') >>> parse('33%') Percentage('33%') .. class:: Quantity The base class for all *quantities*. .. class:: Duration The class to represent a **duration**. .. class:: Percentage The class to represent a **percentage**. .. class:: Fraction The class to represent a **fraction**. (Not yet implemented) Durations ========= A :class:`Duration` expresses a duration in `hours:minutes`. >>> print(Duration('1')) 1:00 >>> print(Duration('2.5')) 2:30 >>> print(Duration('2.50')) 2:30 >>> print(Duration('1:00')) 1:00 >>> print(Duration('1:30')) 1:30 >>> print(Duration('1:55')) 1:55 >>> print(Duration('1:45') * 2) 3:30 >>> print(Duration('1:55') * 2) 3:50 >>> print(Duration('0:45') / 3) 0:15 >>> print(Duration('0:49') / 10) 0:05 >>> print(Duration('1:30') * 2) 3:00 >>> print(Duration('0:03') * 10) 0:30 >>> print(Duration('0:01') * 60) 1:00 >>> print(Duration('0:01') * 6000) 100:00 >>> print(2 * Duration('1:30')) 3:00 >>> print(30 * Duration('0:20')) 10:00 >>> print(Duration('1:55') + Duration('0:05')) 2:00 >>> print(Duration('1:55') + Duration('0:10')) 2:05 >>> print(Duration('1:55') - Duration('0:10')) 1:45 >>> print(Duration('1:05') - Duration('0:10')) 0:55 >>> print(Duration('8:30') + Duration('1:00')) 9:30 >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(0))) 0:00 >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(0, hours=10))) 10:00 >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(0, minutes=10))) 0:10 A duration can be more than 24 hours, and in that case (unlike :class:`datetime.datetime`) it is still represented using `hhhh.mm`: >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(hours=25))) 25:00 >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(days=128))) 3072:00 >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(0, minutes=24*60+5))) 24:05 >>> print(Duration(datetime.timedelta(1, minutes=5))) 24:05 You can add a duration to a datetime: >>> datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 3, 23, 45) + Duration("0:30") datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 4, 0, 15) Or substract it from a datetime: >>> datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 3, 0, 15) - Duration("0:30") datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 2, 23, 45) Also when the duration is longer than a day: >>> datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 3, 16, 53) + Duration("36:00") datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 5, 4, 53) Difference between DurationField and TimeField ============================================== A :class:`lino.core.fields.DurationField` might look similar to a :class:`lino.core.fields.TimeField` or a standard Django :class:`TimeField`. But keep in mind: A DurationField is to store a **number of hours (and minutes)** while a time field contains the time part of a timestamp. A duration can be more than 24 hours, it can be negative. You cannot instantiate from :class:`datetime.time` object: >>> print(Duration(datetime.time(hour=1, minute=28))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot convert datetime.time(1, 28) to Duration Computing with durations ======================== >>> print(Duration('2:30') * 3) 7:30 >>> print(Duration('2:30') * 100) 250:00 >>> print(Duration('0:20') * 3) 1:00 >>> print(Duration('0:20') * 100) 33:20 Formatting ========== >>> print(Duration("0.33334")) 0:20 >>> print(Duration("2.50")) 2:30 Decimal separator ================= Both period and comma are accepted as decimal separator: >>> parse('1.5') Decimal('1.5') >>> parse('1,5') Decimal('1.5') But you may not use both at the same time: >>> parse('1,000.50') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: Invalid decimal value '1,000.50' Durations and invoices ======================== The *quantity* field of invoices (:attr:`lino_xl.lib.vat.QtyProductItem.qty`) is a :class:`dd.QuantityField `). This is handy when invoicing services per hour. For example when you have a hourly rate of 60€ and worked 20 minutes, you can write '0:20' as quantity and don't need to convert this to a decimal value ('0.33'): >>> hourly_rate = Decimal('60.00') >>> print(hourly_rate * Duration('0:20')) 20:00 >>> print(hourly_rate * Decimal('0.33')) 19.8000 And as you can see, you save 20 cents. You might work around the rounding problem by adding decimal places to the quantity field, but this is ugly and remains a workaround: >>> print(hourly_rate * Decimal('0.333')) 19.98000 >>> print(hourly_rate * Decimal('0.3333')) 19.998000 Percentages =========== >>> Percentage('10') Percentage('10%') >>> Percentage('10%') Percentage('10%') Multiplying a decimal with a percentage yields a decimal: >>> 100 * Percentage('33%') Decimal('33.00') >>> Decimal("100.00") * Percentage("33%") Decimal('33.0000') Multiplying a percentage with a decimal yields a percentage: >>> Percentage('5%') * 3 Percentage('15.00%') When adding decimals to a percentage, the decimal must have the real value, not the number of percents: >>> Percentage('5%') + Decimal('0.03') Percentage('8.00%') >>> Decimal('0.03') + Percentage('5%') Percentage('8.00%') Discounts ========= For the following examples we need an invoice item. We don't want to modify our demo data, so we are not going to save it. >>> Invoice = rt.models.sales.VatProductInvoice >>> Item = rt.models.sales.InvoiceItem >>> Product = rt.models.products.Product >>> from lino.utils.quantities import Quantity, Percentage, Decimal >>> # show_fields(Item, all=True) Pick an existing voucher and product: >>> voucher = Invoice.objects.all().first() >>> product = Product.objects.get(pk=1) >>> product.sales_price Decimal('199.99') When you set a product on an invoice item, the `qty` becomes 1 and the amount is updated. >>> i = Item(voucher=voucher, product=product) >>> i.product_changed() >>> i.total_incl Decimal('199.99') >>> i.qty Decimal('1') You can manually change the quantity to 2, which will update the total price: >>> i.qty = parse("2") >>> i.qty_changed() >>> i.total_incl Decimal('399.98') You can give a discount: >>> i.discount = Decimal("10") >>> i.discount_changed() >>> i.total_incl Decimal('359.98') Note that :class:`PercentageField ` doesn't use :mod:`lino.utils.quantities` for historical reasons. This field is currently just a thin wrapper around :class:`DecimalField`, and Lino adds a percent sign when printing it. One day we might change this (:ticket:`2941`). You can manually set the quantity to 0: >>> i.qty = parse("0") >>> i.qty_changed() >>> i.total_incl Decimal('0.00') Note that the qty field is nullable and can be `None`, which means "no value". This makes sense e.g. in lines without any product: >>> i = Item(voucher=voucher) >>> print(repr(i.qty)) None >>> i.reset_totals() >>> i.set_amount(None, Decimal("100")) >>> i.total_incl Decimal('100.00') >>> print(repr(i.qty)) None Utilities ========= >>> DEC2HOUR Decimal('0.01666666666666666666666666667') Migrations and serializing ========================== >>> Duration("2:30") == Duration("2:30") True >>> Duration("2:30") != Duration("2:30") False Quantities have a `custom deconstruct method `__: >>> Duration("2:30").deconstruct() ('lino.utils.quantities.Duration', ('2:30',), {}) Using durations with format =========================== Duration doesn't override the :meth:`str.__format__` method, so when inserting a duration into a string with :meth:`format` you probably want to call :func:`str` on the value because otherwise the duration will be formatted like a Decimal. >>> d = Duration("1:30") >>> "{}".format(d) '1.500000000000000000000000000' >>> "{}".format(str(d)) '1:30' >>> "{:>7}".format(str(d)) ' 1:30'