.. doctest docs/dev/hello/index.rst .. _lino.tutorial.hello: ============================= Your first local Lino project ============================= .. doctest init:: >>> from atelier.sheller import Sheller >>> shell = Sheller('docs/dev/hello') In this tutorial we are going to have a deeper look at what happened when you installed Lino as described in :doc:`/dev/install/index`. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: Project directories =================== .. xfile:: ~/lino/lino_local This is your **projects root**, which will hold all the Lino sites on your computer. Lino project directories are not very big, and you will hopefully create many such projects and want to keep a backup of them. .. xfile:: ~/lino/lino_local/first The project directory of the first site you created in :doc:`/dev/install/index`. .. glossary:: Django project directory A directory that contains a runnable Django project. It contains the files necessary for that specific instance of a given :term:`Lino application`. Usually there is one :term:`Django project directory` for every :term:`Lino site`. An exception to that rule is a site with more than one :term:`front end`. The ``settings.py`` file ======================== Your first :xfile:`settings.py` file should look as follows: .. literalinclude:: settings.py Explanations: #. :mod:`lino_book.projects.min1` is one of the out-of-the-box projects included in the Lino Book. Actually it is the first of a series of projects which is documented in :doc:`/specs/projects/min`. We import these settings directly into our global namespace using the wildcard ``*``. This is necessary because that's how Django wants settings. #. Then comes the important trick which turns your Django project into a Lino application:: SITE = Site(globals(), ...) That is, you *instantiate* a :class:`Site ` class and store this object as :setting:`SITE` in your Django settings. This line will automatically install default values for all required Django settings (e.g. :setting:`DATABASES` and :setting:`LOGGING`) into your global namespace. You might add ``DEBUG = True`` or other settings of your choice *after* these two lines, but it is not necessary here. More about this in :doc:`/dev/settings`. The ``manage.py`` file ======================= Now add a :xfile:`manage.py` file with the following content: .. literalinclude:: manage.py A :xfile:`manage.py` does two things: it sets the :envvar:`DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment variable and then calls Django's `execute_from_command_line` function. This is plain traditional Django know-how. There are many opinions, tricks, flavors and conventions about Django's :xfile:`manage.py` files, partly for historical reasons. Lino does not add any tricks to the :xfile:`manage.py` file, so you can use your own flavour if you prefer. Loading initial data into your database ======================================= Next we create your database and populate it with some demo content. With a Lino application this is easier than with a plain Django project, it is just one command to type:: $ python manage.py prep The :manage:`prep` command is a `custom django-admin command `_ provided by Lino. It is just a thin wrapper which calls :manage:`initdb` with the application's :ref:`demo_fixtures` as argument. It will ask you:: INFO Started manage.py prep (using settings) --> PID 28463 We are going to flush your database (.../default.db). Are you sure (y/n) ? If you answer "y" here, then Lino will delete everything in the given database and replace it with its "factory default" demo data. Yes, that's what we want. So go on and type ``y``. The output that follows should look like this: >>> shell("python manage.py prep --noinput") ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS +REPORT_UDIFF `initdb std demo demo2` started on database .../hello/default.db. Operations to perform: Synchronize unmigrated apps: about, bootstrap3, cal, checkdata, contacts, countries, export_excel, extjs, gfks, jinja, lino, office, printing, staticfiles, system, users, xl Apply all migrations: contenttypes, sessions Synchronizing apps without migrations: Creating tables... Creating table system_siteconfig Creating table users_user Creating table users_authority Creating table countries_country Creating table countries_place Creating table contacts_partner Creating table contacts_person Creating table contacts_companytype Creating table contacts_company Creating table contacts_roletype Creating table contacts_role Creating table gfks_helptext Creating table checkdata_problem Creating table cal_remotecalendar Creating table cal_room Creating table cal_eventtype Creating table cal_guestrole Creating table cal_calendar Creating table cal_subscription Creating table cal_task Creating table cal_eventpolicy Creating table cal_recurrentevent Creating table cal_event Creating table cal_guest Running deferred SQL... Running migrations: Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK Loading data from .../lino_xl/lib/contacts/fixtures/std.py Loading data from .../lino/modlib/gfks/fixtures/std.py Loading data from .../lino_xl/lib/cal/fixtures/std.py Loading data from .../lino/modlib/users/fixtures/demo.py Loading data from .../lino_xl/lib/countries/fixtures/demo.py Loading data from .../lino_xl/lib/contacts/fixtures/demo.py Loading data from .../lino_xl/lib/cal/fixtures/demo.py Loading data from .../lino/modlib/users/fixtures/demo2.py Loading data from .../lino_xl/lib/cal/fixtures/demo2.py Installed ... object(s) from ... fixture(s) Lino applications make abundant use of what we call *Python fixtures* in order to have a rich set of "demo data". We will come back to this in :doc:`/dev/initdb`. Start the web server ==================== Now you can invoke :manage:`runserver` to start the development server:: $ python manage.py runserver which should output something like:: Validating models... 0 errors found Django version 1.4.5, using settings 'hello.settings' Development server is running at Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK. And then point your web browser to and you should see something like this: .. image:: hello1.png Congratulations! Enjoy the first Lino application that exists only on your machine! Visualizing database content from the command-line ================================================== The :manage:`runserver` command starts a web server and lets you interact with the database through the web interface. But Django also offers a :manage:`shell` interface. We will come back to this later, for the moment just try the following. You can visualize the content of your database from the command-line without starting a web server using Lino's :manage:`show` command. For example to see the list of countries, you can write: >>> shell("python manage.py show countries.Countries") ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS ============================= ========== Designation ISO code ----------------------------- ---------- Belgium BE Congo (Democratic Republic) CD Estonia EE France FR Germany DE Maroc MA Netherlands NL Russia RU ============================= ========== Exercises ========= You can now play around by changing things in your project. #. In your :file:`settings.py` file, replace :mod:`lino_book.projects.min2` by :mod:`lino_book.projects.liina`. Run :command:`python manage.py prep` followed by :command:`python manage.py runserver`. Log in and play around. #. Same as previous, but with :mod:`lino_book.projects.chatter` #. Write three descriptions (e.g. in LibreOffice `.odt` format), one for each of the applications you just saw: what it can do, what are the features, what functionalities are missing. Use screenshots. Use a language which can be understood by non-programmers. Send these documents to your mentor. #. Read the documentation about the following Site attributes and try to change them: - :attr:`is_demo_site ` - :attr:`languages ` Hint: There are two possibilities to change Site attributes. The most basic way is:: from lino_book.projects.chatter.settings import * SITE = Site(globals(), title="My Lino site", is_demo_site=False, languages="en fr") DEBUG = True The recommended way on :term:`production sites ` is this:: from lino_book.projects.chatter.settings import * class Site(Site): title = "My Lino site" is_demo_site = False languages = "en fr" SITE = Site(globals()) DEBUG = True See :doc:`/dev/settings` for more explanations.