============================================ The ``lino.api.dd`` module (database design) ============================================ See also :mod:`lino.api` .. module:: lino.api.dd Global application attributes ============================= .. data:: plugins Shortcut to :attr:`lino.core.site.Site.plugins`. .. data:: logger Shortcut to the main Lino logger. Utilities ========= .. function:: schedule_often(every=10): Decorator which schedules the given function to be run "often" (default every 10 seconds). Does nothing if `schedule `__ is not installed. See :ref:`dev.linod`. .. function:: schedule_daily(at="20:00"): Decorator which schedules the given function to be run "daily" (by default at 20:00). Does nothing if `schedule `__ is not installed. See :ref:`dev.linod`. Date related ============ .. function:: today(*args, **kwargs) Shortcut to :func:`lino.core.site.Site.today`. .. function:: demo_date(*args, **kwargs) Shortcut to :func:`lino.core.site.Site.demo_date`. Deprecated; it is recommented to call :func:`today` instead .. function:: fds(d) .. function:: fdf(d) .. function:: fdl(d) .. function:: fdm(d) Shortcuts to functions of same name in :mod:`lino.utils.format_date`. :func:`fds` adds support for class:`IncompleteDate :`. Actors ====== .. class:: Table Shortcut to :class:`lino.core.dbtables.Table` .. class:: Choicelist Shortcut to :class:`lino.core.choicelists.ChoiceList` .. class:: VirtualTable Shortcut to :class:`lino.core.tables.VirtualTable` .. class:: VentilatingTable Shortcut to :class:`lino.core.choicelists.ChoiceList` .. class:: Frame Shortcut to :class:`lino.core.frames.Frame` Application: - :attr:`decfmt ` - :attr:`str2kw ` - :attr:`today ` - :attr:`strftime ` - :attr:`is_abstract_model ` - :attr:`is_installed ` - :attr:`add_welcome_handler ` - :attr:`build_media_url ` - :attr:`get_default_language ` Extended Fields: - :class:`CharField ` - :class:`IncompleteDateField ` - :class:`PasswordField ` - :class:`MonthField ` - :class:`PercentageField ` - :class:`QuantityField ` - :class:`PriceField` - :class:`CustomField ` - :class:`RecurrenceField ` - :class:`DummyField ` - :func:`ForeignKey ` Virtual Fields: - :class:`Constant ` and :class:`@constant ` - :class:`DisplayField ` and :class:`@displayfield ` - :class:`VirtualField ` and :class:`@virtualfield ` - :class:`HtmlBox ` Layouts: - :class:`DetailLayout ` - :class:`Panel ` - :class:`FormLayout ` no longer supported. Application code should use either InsertLayout or DetailLayout instead. Utilities: - :func:`obj2str ` - :func:`obj2unicode ` - :func:`range_filter `, :func:`inrange_filter ` - :func:`full_model_name ` - :func:`fields_list ` - :func:`chooser ` - :class: `ParameterPanel ` Inter-app relations: - :func:`resolve_field ` - :func:`resolve_model ` - :func:`resolve_app ` - :func:`update_field ` - :func:`inject_field ` - :func:`inject_action ` - :func:`update_model ` - :func:`inject_quick_add_buttons ` Signals: - See :ref:`lino.signals` Actions: - :class:`Action ` - :class:`ChangeStateAction ` - :class:`MergeAction ` - :class:`ShowSlaveTable ` Permissions: - :class:`UserGroups ` - :class:`UserLevels ` Workflows: - :class:`Workflow ` - :class:`State `