.. _dev.actions: ======================= Introduction to actions ======================= This section tries to explain everything you need to know about actions. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. currentmodule:: lino.core.actions Overview ======== Actions are always linked to a given :term:`actor`. Each actor has its list of actions. **Standard actions** are installed more or less automatically on every table when Lino starts up. They are defined in :mod:`lino.core.actions`. Application developers can define new :doc:`custom_actions`, or also override standard actions with their own custom actions. Some action attributes include: - label : the text to place on the button or menu item - help_text : the text to appear as tooltip when the mouse is over that button - handler function : the function to call when the action is invoked - permission requirements : for whom and under which conditions this action is available Some standard actions ===================== .. class:: ShowTable Open a window with a tabular grid editor on this table. The grid editor is that main widget of that window (otherwise it would be a slave table). Most items of the main menu are :class:`ShowTable` actions. .. class:: ShowDetail Open the :term:`detail window` on a table actor. .. class:: ShowInsert Open an insert window on this actor. A new row will be inserted only when this window gets submitted, which is a separate action named :class:`SubmitInsert`. .. class:: SubmitInsert Create a new database row using the data specified in the insert window. Called when the :guilabel:`Create` button of an insert window was clicked. Most database models share the same action instance of this, which is stored in the :attr:`submit_insert ` class attribute. .. _window_actions: Window actions ============== Some actions do nothing but opening a new window on the client. We call them :term:`window actions `. Examples of window actions are :class:`ShowTable`, :class:`ShowDetail` and :class:`ShowInsert`. This behaviour is specified by the :attr:`opens_a_window` attribute. .. attribute:: Action.opens_a_window Specifies whether this action opens a window. It is up to the :term:`front end` to actually render that window. Another class of actions also open a window, but that window is not their main purpose. For example the Merge action always opens a dialog window with miscellaneous parameters, and the action itself will execute only when the user confirms that dialog window. These actions are called **parameter actions**. Or the :class:`DeleteSelected` action is visible in the toolbars of the grid and the detail windows and in the context menu on a grid row. - :class:`DeleteSelected`, :class:`SubmitDetail` and :class:`SubmitInsert` send an AJAX request which causes something to happen on the server. Read-only actions ================= .. attribute:: Action.readonly A read-only action is an action that doesn't cause any change in the current data object. A read-only action has its :attr:`readonly ` attribute set to `True`. For example the `lino.modlib.printing.DirectPrintAction` action is read-only. Also :class:`ShowInsert` is read-only because it does not modify the *current* data object. Otherwise it would be disabled on a registered invoice. Setting :attr:`readonly ` to `False` will (1) disable the action for `readonly` user types or when :attr:`lino.core.site.Site.readonly` is True, and (2) will cause it to be logged when :attr:`log_each_action_request ` is set to `True`. Note that when a read-only action actually *does* modify the object, Lino won't "notice" it. Discussion Maybe we should change the name :attr:`readonly` to :attr:`modifying` or :attr:`writing` (and set the default value `False`). Because that would look more intuitive for the application developer. Or --maybe better but probably with even more consequences-- the default value should be `False`. Because being read-only, for actions, is a kind of "privilege": they don't get logged, they also exist for read-only users... It would be more "secure" when the developer must explicitly "say something" in order to grant that privilege. Another subtlety is the fact that this attribute is used by :class:`lino.modlib.users.UserAuthored`. For example the :class:`StartTicketSession ` action in :ref:`noi` is declared :attr:`readonly` because we want Workers who are not Triagers to see this action even if they are not the author (reporter) of a ticket. In this use case the attribute name should rather be `requires_authorship`. Action instances ================ A same action instance can be shared by many actors. For example the :class:`DeleteSelected` action exists only as one instance shared among all actors that use it. Other actions can exist as different instances even on a same actor. For example the :class:`lino.modlib.printing.DirectPrintAction`. Instance actions ================ .. glossary:: instance action An action that has been bound to a given :term:`database object`. A :term:`window action` exists only as long as the Python representation of the :term:`database object` exists. The default action of an actor ============================== Each actor has a **default action**. The default action for :class:`Table ` is :class:`ShowTable`. That's why you can define a menu item by simply naming the table. For example in the :meth:`setup_menu ` method in the :ref:`Polls tutorial `) we say:: def setup_menu(self, user_type, main): super(Site, self).setup_menu(user_type, main) m = main.add_menu("polls", "Polls") m.add_action('polls.Questions') m.add_action('polls.Choices') (Above snippet is from :file:`lino_book/projects/polls/mysite/settings.py`) The :meth:`add_action ` method of Lino's :class:`lino.core.menus.Menu` is smart enough to understand that if you specify a Table, you mean in fact that table's default action.