.. _lino.admin.security: ============================= Security of Lino applications ============================= When your Lino site is publicly accessible via Internet you should care about potential security issues. Checklist ========= - Make sure that :setting:`DEBUG` is set to `False`. - Make sure that :attr:`use_ipdict ` is set to `True` in order to prevent brute force attacks. - Set the :attr:`use_security_features ` attribute to `True` in order to activate general security features. - Consider enabling `HTTP Strict Transport Security `__ by setting :setting:`SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS` to a non-zero integer value. - If you want users to sign in each time after having closed their browser sessions, set `SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE `__ to `True`. Notes ===== Lino does not yet support CSRF protection (:ticket:`2389`). See also ======== - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/security/