.. _mass_hosting: Mass hosting Lino applications ============================== One vhost, many Linos --------------------- Not recommended. You should rather use one subdomain per project. The :setting:`site_prefix` Lino setting is used when a Lino instance is not running at the root URL of the server. The tricky part is to get mod_wsgi to correctly differentiate different daemon processes. `Integration With Django `_ `WSGIDaemonProcess `_ `WSGIProcessGroup `_ `WSGIApplicationGroup `_ No WSGI daemon process called '%{RESOURCE}' has been configured WSGIProcessGroup %{ENV:DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE} No WSGI daemon process called '%{ENV:DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE}' has been configured: :: ServerName sites.example.com ServerAdmin luc@example.com WSGIDaemonProcess sites threads=15 WSGIProcessGroup sites WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} AliasMatch ^/([^/]+)/media/(.+) /usr/local/lino_sites/$1/media/$2 Order deny,allow Allow from all WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/([^/]+) /usr/local/lino_sites/$1/wsgi.py In your :xfile:`lino_local.py` you can write:: def setup_site(self): ... if self.site_prefix != '/': assert self.site_prefix.endswith('/') self.update_settings(SESSION_COOKIE_PATH = self.site_prefix[:-1])