Thanks to ========= Publications ------------ Here is a list of publications of other authors that are at least partially being distributed with Lino. - :srcref:`/lino/modlib/extjs/static/extjs/Ext.ux.form.DateTime.js` : Copyright (c) 2008, Ing. Jozef Sakáloš. - :srcref:`/lino/modlib/tinymce/static/` by Andrew Mayorov et al., Copyright (c) 2008-2010 `BYTE-force `_. - :srcref:`/lino/static/images/wikipedia/` contains a file `external_text.png` which I downloaded from Wikipedia. Until now I couldn't find any copyright note. - :srcref:`/lino/static/images/mjames` contains a subset of Mark James' great and free `Silk Icons `_. - :srcref:`/lino/utils/` : Almost unmodified copy of `Aaron Swartz's original work `_ Copyright 2004-2008 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 3. - :srcref:`/lino/utils/` : Copyright (c) 2009, Sean Creeley. Modifications by Luc Saffre. - :srcref:`/lino/modlib/extjs/static/filterRow` : Author: `Surinder singh (Matoo) `_ - `Sexy Tooltips with Just CSS `_ by Alexander Dawson (2010-06-16): The corresponding section in our :xfile:`lino.css` is inspired by this article, and the files :file:`Critical.png`, :file:`Help.png`, :file:`Info.png` and :file:`Warning.png` in :srcref:`/lino/modlib/extjs/static/extjs` are unchanged copies. - :mod:`lino.utils.pyuca` is an unmodified copy of James Tauber's `Python Unicode Collation Algorithm `_