.. _avanti.changes.2020: ==== 2020 ==== .. Note: Changes are grouped by date. Every new day gives a new heading. If a release deserves separate release notes, we create a separate document and this file will have a link to it. .. contents:: :local: 2020-07-04 ========== Optimization for :ticket:`3695`: :attr:`Upload.needed` is now also included in the insert window. Released XL 20.7.1 to PyPi. 2020-07-02 ========== Done: :ticket:`3695`. Released Avanti 20.7.0 to PyPi 2020-05-03 ========== Released Avanti 20.5.0 to PyPi 2020-05-01 ========== Oops, there was a bug in 20.4.1 : :xfile:`final_report.weasy.html` still called super of the main block. 2020-04-29 ========== Released Avanti 20.4.1 to PyPi 2020-04-07 ========== Released Avanti 20.4 to PyPi