" File encoding if !exists ('g:encoding_set') || !has('nvim') set encoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=utf-8,sjis,iso-2022-jp,cp932,euc-jp set fileencoding=utf-8 let g:encoding_set=1 endif scriptencoding utf-8 " guitter size fix set signcolumn=yes " more fast drawing set lazyredraw set ttyfast " Don't create swp file set writebackup set nobackup set noswapfile set noundofile " Show column number set number set relativenumber " Long text set wrap set textwidth=0 set colorcolumn=256 " Invisible stirng set list set listchars=tab:»-,extends:»,precedes:«,nbsp:%,eol:↲,trail:~ " Don't unload buffer when it is abandones set hidden " New load buffer is use open set switchbuf=useopen " Smart insert tab setting. set smarttab " Excahnge tab to space. set expandtab " Auto insert indent. set autoindent " Round indent by shiftwidth. set shiftwidth=4 " Round indent to multipul of shiftwidth set shiftround " Space insert by autoindent set tabstop=4 set scrolloff=15 " Splitting a window will put the new window below the current one. set splitbelow " Splitting a window will put the new window right the current one. set splitright " Set minimal width for current window. set winwidth=30 " Set minimal height for current window. set winheight=1 " Set maximam maximam command line window. set cmdwinheight=5 " No equal window size. set noequalalways " Adjust window size of preview and help. set previewheight=8 set helpheight=12 " show tab line set showtabline=2 " Ignore case is search patterns set ignorecase " No ignore case when pattern has uppercase set smartcase " Search is incremental search set incsearch " Replace incremental if exists('&inccommand') set inccommand=split endif " checks if your terminal has 24-bit color support if (has("termguicolors")) set termguicolors hi LineNr ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE endif if has('nvim') if exists('&wildoptions') set wildoptions+=pum endif if exists('&pumblend') set pumblend=10 endif endif " Show search result highlight set hlsearch " Sharing to clipborad of OS if has('nvim') set clipboard+=unnamedplus else set clipboard=unnamedplus,autoselect endif " Disable fold set nofoldenable " Use extend grep if executable('rg') let &grepprg = 'rg --vimgrep --hidden' set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m endif " jq command command! -nargs=? Jq call s:Jq() function! s:Jq(...) if 0 == a:0 let l:arg = "." else let l:arg = a:1 endif execute "%! jq \"" . l:arg . "\"" endfunction " Number of characters to apply syntax per line set synmaxcol=512 " Disable sql omni complete let g:omni_sql_no_default_maps = 1