# Themes in Liferay Screens for iOS ## Introduction This document explains the basics of how themes are designed in Liferay Screens for iOS. Liferay provides a limited set of themes, but additional ones can be created and contributed to the community. ## Installing Themes Right now, to install a theme in your app you just need to drag and drop the theme's folder into your project. Liferay Screens detects the new classes and then applies the new look and feel, in both the Interface Builder and runtime. ![Installing the Flat7 theme in an XCode project.](Images/xcode-install-theme.png) As soon as CocoaPods is ready to work with Swift, it will be possible to simply publish a new recipe for your theme. Users will then be able to install new themes by just adding a new line in their `Podfile`. ## Using Themes To use themes, it's as simple as setting the `themeName` property in your Interface Builder. If you leave this property empty or type a wrong name, the Default theme will be used. ![The `themeName` property in Interface Builder.](Images/themes-property.png) ## Available Themes - **Default**: The standard theme that is used when you insert any screenlet on your screen. - **Flat7**: A sample theme intended to demonstrate how to develop your own theme from scratch. ## Creating Your Own Theme For instructions on creating your own theme, please see the [Theme Creation Guide](theme_creation.md).