# WebContentDisplayScreenlet for iOS ## Requirements - XCode 6.3 or above - iOS 8 SDK - Liferay Portal 6.2 CE or EE ## Compatibility - iOS 7 and above ## Features The `WebContentDisplayScreenlet` shows web content elements in your app, rendering the inner HTML of the web content. The screenlet also supports i18n, rendering contents differently depending on the device's current locale. ## Module - None ## Themes The Default theme uses a standard `UIWebView` to render the HTML. Other themes may use a different component, such as iOS 8's. ![The `WebContentDisplayScreenlet` using the Default theme](Images/webcontent.png) ## Portal Configuration For the `WebContentDisplayScreenlet` to function properly, there should be web content in the Liferay instance your app connects to. For more details on web content, please refer to the [Web Content Management](https://dev.liferay.com/discover/portal/-/knowledge_base/6-2/web-content-management) section of the Liferay User Guide. ## Attributes | Attribute | Data type | Explanation | |-----------|-----------|-------------| | `groupId` | `number` | The site (group) identifier where the asset is stored. If this value is 0, the `groupId` specified in `LiferayServerContext` is used. | | `articleId` | `string` | The identifier of the web content to display. You can find the identifier by clicking *Edit* on the web content in the portal. | ## Methods | Method | Return | Explanation | |-----------|-----------|-------------| | `loadWebContent()` | `boolean` | Starts the request to load the web content. The HTML is rendered when the response is received. Returns `true` if the request is sent. | ## Delegate The `WebContentDisplayScreenlet` delegates some events to an object that conforms to the `WebContentDisplayScreenletDelegate` protocol. This protocol lets you implement the following methods: - `- screenlet:onWebContentResponse:`: Called when the web content's HTML is received. - `- screenlet:onWebContentDisplayError:`: Called when an error occurs in the process. The `NSError` object describes the error.