# Creating Screenlets in Liferay Screens for Android ## Introduction This document explains the steps required to create your own screenlets in Liferay Screens for Android. Before proceeding, you may want to read the [Architecture Guide](architecture.md) to understand the concepts underlying screenlets. You may also want to read the guide [How to Create Your Own View](view_creation.md) to support the new screenlet from the Default or other view sets. The steps below walk you through creating an example screenlet for bookmarks that has the following features: - Allows the user to enter a URL and title in a text box. - When the user touches the submit button, the URL and title are sent to the Liferay instance's Bookmark service to be saved. Now that you know the basic ideas behind Screenlets and have a goal for the screenlet you'll create here, it's time to get started! ## Where Should You Create Your New Screenlet? If you don't plan to reuse your screenlet in another app, or if you don't want to redistribute it, the best place to create it is in a new package inside your project. This way you can reference and access all the viewsets you've imported and the core of Liferay Screens. If you want to reuse your screenlet in another app, you need to create it in a new Android application module. The steps for creating such a module are referenced at the end of this document. This module needs to include Liferay Screens as a dependency, as well as the viewsets you're using. ## Creating Your Screenlet 1. Create a new interface called `AddBookmarkViewModel`. This is for adding the attributes to show in the view. In this case, the attributes are `url` and `title`. Any screenlet view must implement this interface. ```java public interface AddBookmarkViewModel extends BaseViewModel { String getURL(); void setURL(String value); String getTitle(); void setTitle(String value); } ``` 2. Build your UI using a layout XML file. Put in two `EditText` tags: one for the URL and another for the title. Also, add a `Button` tag to let the user save the bookmark. Note that the root element is a custom class. You'll create this class in the next step. ```xml