/* * Lifegraph Facebook Demo * This sketch is released to the public domain. */ #include #include #include SoftwareSerial wifiSerial(9, 10); /** * Configuration */ // Wifi configuration for a WPA network. const char mySSID[] = "..."; const char myPassword[] = "..."; // To make a request, you'll need an access token. // For temporary one, use the Graph API Explorer: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer // and request a token with the "manage_notifications" permission. // Take note: Graph API Explorer access tokens expires every hour. char access_token[256] = "..."; // Pin our LED is connected to. int light = 13; /** * Setup */ void setup() { // Setup ports. Serial.begin(9600); wifiSerial.begin(9600); pinMode(light, OUTPUT); // Setup network connection. Serial.println(F("Connecting to Wifi...")); if (!connectWifi(&wifiSerial, mySSID, myPassword)) { Serial.println(F("Failed to join network.")); while (true) { // Hang forever. } } else { Serial.println(F("Joined wifi network.")); } } void loop() { // Request if there are unread notifications on Facebook. int unread_count; int status_code = Facebook.unreadNotifications ( access_token, &unread_count ); // If the request is successful (HTTP OK), update the light accordingly. if (status_code == 200) { digitalWrite(light, unread_count > 0 ? HIGH : LOW); } // Notify terminal of our status. Serial.print("HTTP Status Code: "); Serial.print(status_code); Serial.print(" Unread notifications: "); Serial.println(unread_count); }