# Author:: Liam Bennett (mailto:liamjbennett@gmail.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Liam Bennett # License:: MIT # == Define: windows_firewall::exception # # This defined type manages exceptions in the windows firewall # # === Requirements/Dependencies # # Currently reequires the puppetlabs/stdlib module on the Puppet Forge in # order to validate much of the the provided configuration. # # === Parameters # # [*ensure*] # Control the existence of a rule # # [*direction*] # Specifies whether this rule matches inbound or outbound network traffic. # # [*action*] # Specifies what Windows Firewall with Advanced Security does to filter network packets that match the criteria specified in this rule. # # [*enabled*] # Specifies whether the rule is currently enabled. # # [*protocol*] # Specifies that network packets with a matching IP protocol match this rule. # # [*remote_ip*] # Specifies remote hosts that can use this rule. # # [*local_port*] # Specifies that network packets with matching local IP port numbers matched by this rule. # # [*remote_port*] # Specifies that network packets with matching remote IP port numbers matched by this rule. # # [*display_name*] # Specifies the rule name assigned to the rule that you want to display # # [*description*] # Provides information about the firewall rule. # # [*allow_edge_traversal*] # Specifies that the traffic for this exception traverses an edge device # # === Examples # # Exception for protocol/port: # # windows_firewall::exception { 'WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP': # ensure => present, # direction => 'in', # action => 'Allow', # enabled => 'yes', # protocol => 'TCP', # local_port => '5985', # remote_port => 'any', # remote_ip => ',' # program => undef, # display_name => 'Windows Remote Management HTTP-In', # description => 'Inbound rule for Windows Remote Management via WS-Management. [TCP 5985]', # } # # Exception for program path: # # windows_firewall::exception { 'myapp': # ensure => present, # direction => 'in', # action => 'Allow', # enabled => 'yes', # program => 'C:\\myapp.exe', # display_name => 'My App', # description => 'Inbound rule for My App', # } # define windows_firewall::exception( $ensure = 'present', $direction = '', $action = '', $enabled = 'yes', $protocol = '', $local_port = '', $remote_port = '', $remote_ip = '', $program = undef, $display_name = '', $description = '', $allow_edge_traversal = 'no', ) { # Check if we're allowing a program or port/protocol and validate accordingly if $program == undef { #check whether to use 'localport', or just 'port' depending on OS case $::operatingsystemversion { /Windows Server 2003/, /Windows XP/: { $local_port_param = 'port' unless empty($remote_port) { fail "Sorry, :remote_port param is not supported on ${::operatingsystemversion}" } } default: { $local_port_param = 'localport' $remote_port_param = 'remoteport' } } $fw_command = 'portopening' validate_re($protocol,['^(TCP|UDP|ICMPv(4|6))$']) if $protocol =~ /ICMPv(4|6)/ { $allow_context = "protocol=${protocol}" } else { if empty($local_port) { $local_port_cmd = '' } else { validate_re($local_port,['any|[0-9]{1,5}']) $local_port_cmd = "${local_port_param}=${local_port}" } if empty($remote_port) { $remote_port_cmd = '' } else { validate_re($remote_port,['any|[0-9]{1,5}']) $remote_port_cmd = " ${remote_port_param}=${remote_port}" } $allow_context = "protocol=${protocol} ${local_port_cmd}${remote_port_cmd}" } } else { $fw_command = 'allowedprogram' $allow_context = "program=\"${program}\"" validate_absolute_path($program) } # Validate common parameters validate_re($ensure,['^(present|absent)$']) validate_slength($display_name,255) validate_re($enabled,['^(yes|no)$']) validate_re($allow_edge_traversal,['^(yes|no)$']) case $::operatingsystemversion { 'Windows Server 2012', 'Windows Server 2008', 'Windows Server 2008 R2', 'Windows Vista','Windows 7','Windows 8': { validate_slength($description,255) validate_re($direction,['^(in|out)$']) validate_re($action,['^(allow|block)$']) } default: { } } # Set command to check for existing rules $check_rule_existance= "C:\\Windows\\System32\\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall show rule name=\"${display_name}\"" # Use unless for exec if we want the rule to exist, include a description if $ensure == 'present' { $fw_action = 'add' $unless = $check_rule_existance $onlyif = undef $fw_description = "description=\"${description}\"" } else { # Or onlyif if we expect it to be absent; no description argument $fw_action = 'delete' $onlyif = $check_rule_existance $unless = undef $fw_description = '' } case $::operatingsystemversion { /Windows Server 2003/, /Windows XP/: { $mode = $enabled ? { 'yes' => 'ENABLE', 'no' => 'DISABLE', } $netsh_command = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\netsh.exe firewall ${fw_action} ${fw_command} name=\"${display_name}\" mode=${mode} ${allow_context}" } default: { if $fw_action == 'delete' and $program == undef { $netsh_command = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall ${fw_action} rule name=\"${display_name}\" ${fw_description} dir=${direction} ${allow_context} remoteip=\"${remote_ip}\"" } else { $netsh_command = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall ${fw_action} rule name=\"${display_name}\" ${fw_description} dir=${direction} action=${action} enable=${enabled} edge=${allow_edge_traversal} ${allow_context} remoteip=\"${remote_ip}\"" } } } exec { "set rule ${display_name}": command => $netsh_command, provider => windows, onlyif => $onlyif, unless => $unless, } }