%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Copyright (c) 2012 Peter Lemenkov %%% %%% All rights reserved. %%% %%% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, %%% are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: %%% %%% * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this %%% list of conditions and the following disclaimer. %%% * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, %%% this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation %%% and/or other materials provided with the distribution. %%% * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors %%% may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software %%% without specific prior written permission. %%% %%% THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY %%% EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED %%% WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE %%% DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY %%% DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES %%% (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; %%% LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON %%% ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT %%% (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS %%% SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ser_test). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include("../src/common.hrl"). -define(RTPPROXY_IP, {127,0,0,1}). -define(RTPPROXY_PORT, 33333). ser_udp_test_() -> %% %% This is the socket which will be used for sending messages %% {ok, Fd} = gen_udp:open(0, [{active, false}, binary]), {setup, fun() -> %% %% Set node name %% net_kernel:start(['ser_udp_test@localhost', longnames]), %% %% Load fake rtpproxy_ctl module - we'll test it later %% meck:new(rtpproxy_ctl), meck:expect(rtpproxy_ctl, command, fun (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_u, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid01@">> } = Cmd) -> backend_ser:reply(Cmd, {{{192,168,0,1}, 12000}, {{192,168,0,1}, 12001}}); (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_l, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid01@">> } = Cmd) -> backend_ser:reply(Cmd, {{{192,168,0,1}, 16000}, {{192,168,0,1}, 16001}}); (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_u, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid02@">> } = Cmd) -> backend_ser:reply(Cmd, {{{192,168,0,1}, 12000}, {{192,168,0,1}, 12001}}); (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_i, params = [brief] } = Cmd) -> {ok, {stats, 0}}; (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_i, params = [] } = Cmd) -> {ok, {stats, 100, 0}}; (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_d, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid02@">> } = Cmd) -> ok; (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_x } = Cmd) -> ok; (#cmd{origin=#origin{pid = Pid}} = Cmd) -> error_logger:info_msg("UNKNOWN for meck: ~p~n", [Cmd]), exit(1) end ), %% %% Set necessary options %% (normally we'll set them in the /etc/erlrtpproxy.config %% test_utils:set_default_opts(), %% %% Start real SER frontend %% test_utils:start() end, fun (_) -> gen_udp:close(Fd), meck:unload(rtpproxy_ctl), test_utils:stop() end, [ {"Try to handshake (get magic number back -20040107)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"592_36821 V\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"592_36821 20040107\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request basic RTP proxy functionality (ver. 20040107)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"6721_50320 VF 20040107\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_50320 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for multiple RTP streams and MOH (ver. 20050322)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"6721_09219 VF 20050322\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_09219 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for extra parameter in the V command (ver. 20060704)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"6721_86921 VF 20060704\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_86921 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for RTP re-packetization (ver. 20071116)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"6721_19382 VF 20071116\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_19382 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for forking (copying) RTP stream (ver. 20071218)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"195345 VF 20071218\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"195345 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for RTP statistics querying (ver. 20080403)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"782361 VF 20080403\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"782361 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command (ver. 20081102)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"456987 VF 20081102\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"456987 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for session timeout notifications (ver. 20081224)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"145698 VF 20081224\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"145698 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for automatic bridging (ver. 20090810)", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"352743 VF 20090810\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"352743 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request for unsupported extensions", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"809210 VF 20111109\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), % A generic rtpproxy returns 0 here which looks wrong. Should be E1 really. ?assertEqual(<<"809210 E1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Try to create new session", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"24393_4 Uc0,8,18,101 0003e30c-callid01@ 27686 0003e30cc50cd69210b8c36b-0ecf0120;1\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertMatch( #response{ cookie = <<"24393_4">>, origin = null, type = reply, data = {{{_,_,_,_},_},{{_,_,_,_},_}} }, ser_proto:decode(Answer)) end }, {"Try to lookup existing session", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"24393_4 Lc0,8,18,101 0003e30c-callid01@ 19686 0003e30cc50cd69210b8c36b-0ecf0120;1 1372466422;1\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertMatch( #response{ cookie = <<"24393_4">>, origin = null, type = reply, data = {{{_,_,_,_},_},{{_,_,_,_},_}} }, ser_proto:decode(Answer)) end }, {"Request brief statistics", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"356289 Ib\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), % Here is an error in the generic rtpproxy - it doesn't return cookie, e.g. does not prepend 356289 to the beginning ?assertMatch(<<"356289 active sessions: ", _/binary>>, Answer) end }, {"Request overall statistics", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"451309 I\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), % % Here is an error in the generic rtpproxy - it doesn't return cookie, e.g. does not prepend 451309 to the beginning ?assertMatch(<<"451309 sessions created: 100 active sessions: 0\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Try to close existing session", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"24393_4 D 0003e30c-callid02@ 0003e30cc50cd69210b8c36b-0ecf0120 1372466422\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual( #response{ cookie = <<"24393_4">>, origin = null, type = reply, data = ok }, ser_proto:decode(Answer)) end }, {"Close all active sessions", fun () -> gen_udp:send(Fd, ?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, <<"198230 X\n">>), {ok, {Ip, Port, Answer}} = gen_udp:recv(Fd, 0), ?assertEqual(<<"198230 0\n">>, Answer) end } ] }. ser_tcp_test_() -> {setup, fun() -> %% %% Set node name %% net_kernel:start(['ser_tcp_test@localhost', longnames]), %% %% Load fake rtpproxy_ctl module - we'll test it later %% meck:new(rtpproxy_ctl), meck:expect(rtpproxy_ctl, command, fun (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_u, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid01@">> } = Cmd) -> backend_ser:reply(Cmd, {{{192,168,0,1}, 12000}, {{192,168,0,1}, 12001}}); (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_l, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid01@">> } = Cmd) -> backend_ser:reply(Cmd, {{{192,168,0,1}, 16000}, {{192,168,0,1}, 16001}}); (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_u, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid02@">> } = Cmd) -> backend_ser:reply(Cmd, {{{192,168,0,1}, 12000}, {{192,168,0,1}, 12001}}); (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_i, params = [brief] } = Cmd) -> {ok, {stats, 0}}; (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_i, params = [] } = Cmd) -> {ok, {stats, 100, 0}}; (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_d, callid = <<"0003e30c-callid02@">> } = Cmd) -> ok; (#cmd{ origin=#origin{pid = Pid}, type = message_x } = Cmd) -> ok; (#cmd{origin=#origin{pid = Pid}} = Cmd) -> error_logger:info_msg("UNKNOWN for meck: ~p~n", [Cmd]), exit(1) end ), %% %% Set necessary options %% (normally we'll set them in the /etc/erlrtpproxy.config %% test_utils:set_default_opts(), application:set_env(rtpproxy, listen, {tcp, "", ?RTPPROXY_PORT}), %% %% Start real SER frontend %% test_utils:start() end, fun (_) -> meck:unload(rtpproxy_ctl), test_utils:stop() end, [ {"Try to handshake (get magic number back -20040107)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"592_36821 V\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"592_36821 20040107\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request basic RTP proxy functionality (ver. 20040107)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"6721_50320 VF 20040107\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_50320 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for multiple RTP streams and MOH (ver. 20050322)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"6721_09219 VF 20050322\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_09219 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for extra parameter in the V command (ver. 20060704)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"6721_86921 VF 20060704\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_86921 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for RTP re-packetization (ver. 20071116)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"6721_19382 VF 20071116\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"6721_19382 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for forking (copying) RTP stream (ver. 20071218)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"195345 VF 20071218\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"195345 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for RTP statistics querying (ver. 20080403)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"782361 VF 20080403\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"782361 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command (ver. 20081102)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"456987 VF 20081102\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"456987 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for session timeout notifications (ver. 20081224)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"145698 VF 20081224\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"145698 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request support for automatic bridging (ver. 20090810)", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"352743 VF 20090810\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"352743 1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Request for unsupported extensions", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"809210 VF 20111109\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), % A generic rtpproxy returns 0 here which looks wrong. Should be E1 really. ?assertEqual(<<"809210 E1\n">>, Answer) end }, {"Try to create new session", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"24393_4 Uc0,8,18,101 0003e30c-callid01@ 27686 0003e30cc50cd69210b8c36b-0ecf0120;1\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertMatch( #response{ cookie = <<"24393_4">>, origin = null, type = reply, data = {{{_,_,_,_},_},{{_,_,_,_},_}} }, ser_proto:decode(Answer)) end }, {"Try to lookup existing session", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"24393_4 Lc0,8,18,101 0003e30c-callid01@ 19686 0003e30cc50cd69210b8c36b-0ecf0120;1 1372466422;1\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertMatch( #response{ cookie = <<"24393_4">>, origin = null, type = reply, data = {{{_,_,_,_},_},{{_,_,_,_},_}} }, ser_proto:decode(Answer)) end }, {"Request brief statistics", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"356289 Ib\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), % Here is an error in the generic rtpproxy - it doesn't return cookie, e.g. does not prepend 356289 to the beginning ?assertMatch(<<"356289 active sessions: ", _/binary>>, Answer) end }, {"Request overall statistics", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"451309 I\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), % Here is an error in the generic rtpproxy - it doesn't return cookie, e.g. does not prepend 451309 to the beginning ?assertMatch(<<"451309 sessions created: ", _/binary>>, Answer) end }, {"Try to close existing session", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"24393_4 D 0003e30c-callid02@ 0003e30cc50cd69210b8c36b-0ecf0120 1372466422\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual( #response{ cookie = <<"24393_4">>, origin = null, type = reply, data = ok }, ser_proto:decode(Answer)) end }, {"Close all active sessions", fun () -> {ok, Fd} = gen_tcp:connect(?RTPPROXY_IP, ?RTPPROXY_PORT, [{active, false}, binary]), gen_tcp:send(Fd, <<"198230 X\n">>), {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Fd, 0), gen_tcp:close(Fd), ?assertEqual(<<"198230 0\n">>, Answer) end } ] }.